View Full Version : Virgin Crews - are they happy?

12th Feb 2005, 09:12
From time to time, snide coments appear about Virgin. However I cannot recollect seeing anything adverse being said that could be attributed to the crews who work for Virgin. Therefore has the Virgin management got it right and should the World's Favourite Airline management take a leaf from the Virgin book?

The Big Easy
14th Feb 2005, 20:12
Far to happy to post a reply apparently!


15th Feb 2005, 15:22
A decent pay, decent fleet, decent routes and more importantly decent looking cabin crew (female)

No wander they are always grinning on the staff bus

barry lloyd
15th Feb 2005, 15:33
I've flown with them quite a lot, and worked with a few people who worked there previously. All in all they are/were pretty happy, which given the propensity that aircrew have for complaining about their jobs, is a testament in itself I would say, but I'd be interested to hear any first hand quotes.

fast cruiser
15th Feb 2005, 16:46
I've only been at VS for 8 months so still a new chap on the B744 but I love it so far!!!!

I'm sure other crews at VS may have other opinions but that is my first impression.



16th Feb 2005, 17:28
Although most of this has already been written on other forums, I thought I would add my 2 pennies worth. I joined Virgin 11 months ago and have absolutely no regrets whatsoever. On the financial side, the new pay deal coming in the month after I joined has certainly helped. The airlines pension contribution is reasonable although the pension itself has been a poor performer. I am on the 340 which is very comfortable given the amount of time in the cruise. Route structure is varied, although due to the current training requirement I have only been to the states 3 times in the last 4 months (however, personally I would rather head east). I tend to average between 3 & 4 trips a month and generally have around 15 days off. A lot of the time the girls are great fun, other trips you are lucky if you see them. Virgin is by no means perfect but on the whole there is, at present, no other airline that I would prefer to work for. Sure there are other airlines that pay more but overall our T&Cs are pretty good. Am I happy?................Very!:ok:

Now expecting a tirade of abuse from other carriers. Please be gentle it is my first post!

Dan Winterland
16th Feb 2005, 23:10
I wasn't happy, so I left (voluntarily). However, this was after 9/11 when the morale was pretty low, and the company gave me lots of cash to leave.

If you join, the A340 is the way to go. Better routes, better lifestyle - and you get to meet up with old mates in nice destinations such as Hong Kong! That's correct - eh, exvicar!!!

17th Feb 2005, 10:35
Dan, must be a new record, a mere 5 1/2 hours to crack my identity! It was a superb night out though. Sneaky feeling there may be plenty more.:D

Shanwick Shanwick
20th Feb 2005, 15:33
Eight years and few complaints. It can only get worse and it's looking that way at present.

20th Feb 2005, 15:45

could you expand on that last post, I'm in the hold pool....

20th Feb 2005, 21:08
Have a look round these forums, Aero, and see how many p*ssed-off aircrew there are around the place. BA, Emirates, Cathay, Qantas - you'll find examples of dissatisfied pilots in all of them, even though fom the outside things look great.

The thing is, most of the pilots who post about their Ts&Cs are either totally fed up with, or totally enthusiastic about, their airline. The lack of posts from Virgin pilots suggests that the vast majority are very happy with their lot. After a 24% pay rise for a 750-hour roster, that's not very surprising, though most are probably not aware of how well off they now are compared to other airlines.

Every airline has issues with its workforce, and Virgin is no exception. Rapid expansion causes strains that are sometimes difficult to deal with. Unions will flag up problems (hopefully) before they become serious, so that the pilots are aware of situations where the company's interests conflict (at least temporarily) with the pilots. That has recently happened within Virgin.

Virgin's pilots are on a fairly good deal. It's not the best in the European industry, and there are some issues that need dealing with, but most people are reasonably happy.

22nd Feb 2005, 21:05
No longer a Virgin, though spent 12 years with tricky dicky and his band of guys and girls; you will not find a company with such a 'joie de vivre'. Obviously the good/great days are gone, but I should imagine that you will still have a great time, whether you are 20 or 50! I cannot recommend them enough, if you have the chance to join then take it, don't even contemplate alternatives. Yes the pension does leave a lot to be desired, I am out of the loop with regards to terms and conditions, but you will fly with great guys and girls on good equipment. You will always read negative rsponses but believe me as one who has spent time on the other side of 'the grass is always greener' pitch; Virgin is a company to join and stay with........so long as you want the long haul lifestyle.

23rd Feb 2005, 01:46

Are there examples where Virgin pilots have left recently to fly shorthaul (Easy, Ryanair, etc.)?

What is the likelihood that a newhire will get the A340 vs. the 400? If you have A320 experience or type, would that logically lead to placement on the A340 or is it completely based upon need at the time (A320-experienced pilots still going straight to the 400)?

23rd Feb 2005, 07:56
My understanding is that VAA are basically recruiting for the A340. They are also promoting for the A340 from within and some of those new captains will have been B747 FOs; once a B747 FO has been promoted for an A340 slot, there is a space at the bottom of the B747 FO list and the occasional new joiner will therefore go in that direction.

Clear as mud!

23rd Feb 2005, 08:44
I was with Virgin for around 6 years and enjoyed every second of it! A great bunch of people, very professional and lots of fun when off duty, down route.

I´ve been`out of the loop´for 3 years now, so can´t comment on current terms and conditions but everything I hear is still good and I know of many pilots who are in the holding pool, waiting to start.

If you like the long haul lifestyle and can get used to the jet lag, you´ll love it! Staff travel concessions were excellent when I was there and have probably got even better over the last 3 years.

Good luck!


23rd Feb 2005, 12:20
Are there examples where Virgin pilots have left recently to fly shorthaul (Easy, Ryanair, etc.)? What is the likelihood that a newhire will get the A340 vs. the 400? If you have A320 experience or type, would that logically lead to placement on the A340 or is it completely based upon need at the time (A320-experienced pilots still going straight to the 400)?

Other than after the redundancy post 9/11, I don't believe thare are many - if any - examples of people leaving to go short-haul or loco. After all, it would be a big backward step both financially and in terms of future prospects.

Virgin is recruiting primarliy for the A340, but, as Herp suggests, slots do occasionally open on the B744 fleet. Many (not all) of our new joiners have Airbus experience and it is possible, though unlikely, that an Airbus-qualified guy could go to the 744. I'm not aware of anyone having done so recently, but I'm sure someone can prove me wrong!

23rd Feb 2005, 19:30
Quite a few people left Virgin around 9/11. Some were commuters who got sick of commuting and some were people who got demoted because of the 9/11 effects and were too proud to go back into the right hand seat! If they'd stayed they would all be back in the left hand seat earning a good salary with good conditions.
The people who left because of the commuting seem to enjoy the orange tails, the proud ones however are probably kicking themselves!

23rd Feb 2005, 20:20
I'm wondering if the current Virgin corporate culture will be infectious to the America version of the airline. I'd say I hope so.

Their cabin crew hiring practices would also be a good transplant to the USA. :eek:

24th Feb 2005, 20:30
For a clue as to how Virgin USA will look and feel, you should look at Virgin Blue rather than Virgin Atlantic.

25th Feb 2005, 11:10
Although I am not flight crew (but a licensed engineer) I would recommend Virgin to anyone. I have been there a little over a year and have found them to be a great company. They really do look after their staff and that makes people want to go that bit further for the company. Having worked for other large airlines Virgin are by far the best, great staff travel good pay and a benefits package second to none and employees are treat with equality dignity and respect.

A recent letter regarding pay rises for 05 sums it up. Although the company made only a tiny profit this year the letter started about fuel prices etc, I thought "oh yeah here we go" but it went on to say that the company believes in expansion when times are tough, the employees are working hard and that Virgin regards them as their main asset so a 3% pay rise !! My last company, despite making huge profits gave us 1.5 % in the last 3 years.

The flight and cabin crew seem very happy and it is so nice to go to work and not listen to people moaning (because working for Mr B there really is nothing to moan about) How many companies have in their agenda "to create a company thet people love to work for" instead of the usual bollox about "providing shareholder value"

Another nice thing about working for V is that they seem to value individuals and not corporate clones - it helps if you have a personality and a sense of humour, so if you go to an interview don't give the answers you think they want to hear as you will not get the job. Go in, be yourself, except if you are a corporate clone (CX pilots need not apply) and crack a joke if the opportunity arises !

Huge expansion underway for people who want to join. I believe that LHR will be all A340s with LGW and MAN having ther 744s, so new joiners likely to be on the A340.

Oh and the cabin crew are the best looking in the business as well !! (completely sexist - I know)

Good luck to those who want the job

Vee One...Rotate
25th Feb 2005, 11:17
It's encouraging to hear a smattering of contentedness from a pilot workforce on these forums...it's few and far between :D