View Full Version : worried

10th Feb 2005, 16:09
i am 12 and wanting to become a pilot badly i mean badly and i wear glasses i cant see things far way i think its call lond distanced sight or what ever i have a very low pscriptition and i am worried that when im older my eyesight will get bader and i will fail the class 1 medical and my dreams will be torn apart.

is there anything really for me to really worry about or am i getting worried about something i shouldnt

i dont watch t.v that much or play on my playstation that much or im not on the computer that much but i justy get worried

10th Feb 2005, 16:17
Get them tested regularly, that's all you can do!

Well and wear the glasses!

I wouldn't worry about it as I'm sure glasses can go a long way to rectify your sight.

All the best

Paul Wilson
10th Feb 2005, 17:36
If you can't see this far away, that makes you short sighted. The opposite is long sighted when you can't see clearly things that are near you.

Think of it as - if you're short sighted you CAN see things a short distance away.
If you're long sighted you CAN see things a long distance away.

I saw some research a long time ago that suggested that tight collars led to an increase in short sightedness in growing people - possible restriction of blood supply. Who knows whether it is true, but it can't hurt to make sure your collar and tie are not tight if you wear them to school.

It is also worthwhile to do a search on these forums about "natural" eyesight correction or training your eyes. There are some people who swear by "training" your eyes with exercise.

Have a chat with your optician next time you are in to make sure that you are not being "under prescribed", this was all the rage for children for many years based on a flawed small sample study done in China. The theory was that if you needed a prescription of say -1.5 dioptres, then if you were prescribed -1.25 dioptres your eyes would have to "work harder" and you would get less loss of distance vision. In fact this turned out to be untrue.

I realise that the last 2 paragraphs are in some senses contradictory, but unfortunatly thats the way it is, not enough work has been done on eyesight deteriation, as for most people the difference between a -4.5 and a -6.0 prescription is nothing as you still need to wear glasses. It is only for pilots and other professions that require good sight that this matters.

Good Luck