View Full Version : English

4th Feb 2005, 03:41
Who was it that said the Americans and British are one people separated by two languages, or something like that??

All these British-English books I am studying are making my American-English brain hurt.

:O :O :O

Where can I find a good English-English dictionary?!?!?!?!

This post is mostly to amuse myself, as I need some amusing these days.

4th Feb 2005, 06:40
Well old chap you should use the Oxford English Dictionary (http://dictionary.oed.com/news/) that way you will speak English like wot I do :)

As for amusing yourself try this (http://radans.net/jens/planestory.html). The link was posted by rosscoe on the Dunnunda & Godzone/ D & G Aircrew Notices forum :ok:

4th Feb 2005, 19:02
Can you give us an example? I expected it won't be too different since this is a technical oriented subject after all.

PS: My friend's friend was in UK and commented on how nice this lady's pants are, only to receive a slap in the face.

5th Feb 2005, 00:36
Koyo said: "Can you give us an example?"

OK, first off, I DO know (now) what these terms "translate" into, so I am not looking for help in that area. I just needed to let off some steam.

screen height

W.A.T. - actually, I could use some help with this one, if it is an acronym I would like to know what it stands for.

the phrase "This is so because"

using "incidence" to refer to the angle of attack.... to me, angle of incidence and angle of attack are two entirely different things.

fanny.... oh, wait, that is not in one of my study books.....


Again, I only started this to amuse myself.

5th Feb 2005, 01:21

Weight Altitude and Temperature.

This is how you determine your take off and landing performance.:ok:

5th Feb 2005, 20:05
Thank you Medwin.