View Full Version : Provocations, lies ,moral bankruptcy and a lack of respect

Old China Driver
19th Dec 2000, 10:58
Gentlemen, it seems that, through no fault of our own we are faced with yet another cynical, malicious and methodical campaign to undermine our very careers. There is no doubt that the management of this company is intent on passing the blame for the appalling operational mess this airline has become onto the pilots. They are utilising every technique in the 'Goebbels' book of propoganda to ensure that the public is fooled into thinking that the present difficulties are the sole fault of the pilots. It is time that every one of us takes a moment of quiet reflection, and realise that we are dealing with probably the most immoral and morally bankrupt management this industry has ever seen (TT...you are without a doubt the most venal creature I have ever witnessed in this business). I do not understate things when I say that the events of the next few weeks will determine whether or not there is a career for any of us here.....and that applies to every payscale in this airline. The facts are simply these: 1. the airline has been mismanaged over the past 7 years, with cost savings being the only goal. The long-term cost to the operational soundness of the airline was obvoiusly not considered. As the problems became more acute, the management could not change course as the 'blame culture' made it impossible for any one manager to stand up and declare that things were going horribly wrong. 2. A prime motivating tenant of the management has been a perverse desire to be seen to 'get the pilots'. This is no better evidenced than the present dispute, where the company desperately needs our co-operation, but cannot seemingly put aside their 'need' to continue to hassle and frustrate the aircrew. 3. The company CANNOT agree to a proper rostering system for ONE SIMPLE REASON. There are not enough aircrew in CX, and to institute a new rostering system (as per the AGREED CONTRACT), means they would immediately have to cancel about 20% of the daily flights. Needless to say, we can negotiate all we like, but the company will simply not abide by their contractual obligations....because they have so badly planned their crewing that they either work us to death....or cancel hundreds of flights. It is because of this reality that the present situation is upon us. The company realises that the operation is about to reach a point of 'meltdown'. Someone is going to get the blame....so they are doing everything they can to place the blame on us. It is a vain and futile endeavour, and the truth will eventually become common knowledge. It is also time that the Press in HongKong begins to ask some probing and intelligent questions of CX management. It seems that at the moment they are content to be an extension of the CX communications department, and just reprint the CX press releases. The truth is far different from what CX is putting across, and I hope that some members of the press will take it upon themselves to contact the AOA and get the facts, as opposed to the lies of TT and his gang of immoral accomplises.

So, where does this leave us, the pilots of CX. It is very simple, but it requires us to recognise the evil that surrounds us. We are faces with the full onslaught of the Swire empires immoral henchmen. They have no moral basis to their actions, and will stop at nothing to achieve their aims (at this point the only aim is to save their own as-es). The thing to remember is that they are truly dealing with a crisis of their own making. We MUST continue with CC, and the 'house of cards' will come tumbling down. There is absolutely NO possibility of us achieving a fair rostering system while this management is in charge. They simply cannot give it to us. We must force the board, the public and the government to see the situation as it TRULY is, and not be taken in by the lies and deciet of the Swires. We hold the moral high ground, and are adhering to the LETTER of our contracts (the one that they threatened to fire me if I didn't sign!). Our families are paying a terrible price for the sake of the reputations of a few incompetent managers). I ask each and every one of you this simple question: How did you feel when you saw TT's article in the SCMP last week, describing how we are greedy (...this when I am about to recieve my THIRD paycut in three years...and CX is making record profits), and that the 'average' CX captain earns 3.3 million HKD (about 30% too high...!). How did the B-scalers feel about seeing the lies and deceit that these immmoral managers will stoop to in order to 'win' a few PR points. Ask yourself if there is any future here if we continue to allow ourselves to be characterised so dishonestly in the public eye. Recognise that the company is trying to suggest that we ALREADY are in the middle of an organised 'sickout' campaign, when in fact we are doing nothing of the sort. Ask yourselves why they continue to state that we are threatening a 'strike' (not once has the AOA even mentioned the word). Realise that the company is about to collapse, and that they are desperate to save their own skins. They seem to think the best way to do this is to blame us. The very aircrew that have continued to see real and substantial decreases in our quality of life, and quality of career.

Ladies and Gentlemen, make no mistake, the very future of your careers is at stake. The true nature of our management is represented by the gratuituous and obscene lies told about us through the press. Recognise the utter lack of respect for their aircrew that this demonstrates (KB,NR..are you so devoid of morals that the truth is allowed to be the first casualty?). This management has lost all sense of fairness, and morals. It is time for them to go. DO NOT be intimidated by the threats that are sure to quickly appear. DO NOT be afraid of these small men. The are not worthy of your fear. Their day of reckoning is coming, and it is high time it was here. I trust that the qualities that have seen every one of us achieve the position in our careers we enjoy will surely rise to the surface, and prevail against the evil we are presently confronted with, and it surely IS evil. We can overcome these venal men, and re-establish our careers to the level they deserve. Many other pilots in other airlines have recently had to confront their management, and have succeeded in achieving thier goals (Korean pilots were threaten with imprisonment before their successful strike). If we all resolve to see this situation to it's conclusion, we will be rid of these people, and can begin to start enjoying our careers again, for the first time in 7 years. There is absolutely NO future in NOT confronting this corrupt and pathetic management.......and the events of the past year has surely proved that. OCD

19th Dec 2000, 12:52
Nicely said OCD!
I for one would appreciate if you would write something similar to this and send it to the SCMP, as a letter to the editor. You have a talent for getting the point across in type.
MERRY CHRISTMAS to all, well those that may actually have a day off over the holidays!!

[This message has been edited by Goonybird (edited 19 December 2000).]

19th Dec 2000, 13:38
EGM 10.00am. 20th December. Mariners Club.

Lets do it!

19th Dec 2000, 18:07
Oh well OCD, looks like your mission to get CX pilots to be Tolpuddle martyrs or '89ers has been foiled yet again by those dastardly, venal managers & the AOA talking it out. Brinkmanship on both sides, labour department rides into the rescue with 11th hour agreement allowing both sides to compromise without losing face, all getting a bit predictable...

Better luck next year in your vendetta against the evil capitalist swires eh? Of course I am sure your family pay a large multiple of the minimum contractual wage to your maid(s) and let them have more than one day off a week...

(apologies to moderator for what might be taken as a personal attack, no doubt OCD cleans his own bathroom and would never dream of exploiting fellow workers, and for using sarcasm, the easiest form of wit)

19th Dec 2000, 18:35
Prick !

19th Dec 2000, 18:48
Well, I think H.T.D. rather took the words out of my mouth - plus a lot more. The situation is serious, but there is such a thing as overdoing it. The management are pretty hopeless - we can all see that. But OCD's tirade probably does more harm than good.

Badly needed: Level-headedness.

It won't come from CX management. It needs to come from somewhere. Let's not stoop to their level.

19th Dec 2000, 20:41
Actually OCD is beginning to sound slightly obsessed I must admit. How many more times are we going to hear the same old tirade.
I personally think that part of our troubles lie in the fact that the AOA DOESN'T stoop to TT's level.
Why should we always deny lies and half truths. Why don't we put out a comprehensive press release FIRST instead of being 'unavailable for comment' after the SCMP dutifully prints such nonsense??
This is partly a PR war and we're coming a distant second - again.

19th Dec 2000, 22:56
You guys are going to back down again and call it another victory!

20th Dec 2000, 03:35
As I see it, guess we will find out today, there was no negotiation, the agreement was made last year about what interim RP's were to be in place. This was about enforcing . By maintain the "high moral ground" ie not slandering crap in the press when there was a media blackout pfobably help our cause within the labour dept somewhat. Just look at the timing - an hour or two after the media blackout would have been made (day1), TT makes a press release.

20th Dec 2000, 15:29
I personally get the impression that we have won a small victory in that we now (after 18 months) have a position that we can all start from.

If CX management continue to drag heals on ANY further "negotiation" we will bring the operation to its knees!

Simple HTD (dork)