View Full Version : GB Airways

27th Jan 2005, 18:34
Greetings Everyone,

Could any GB pilots please give me an insight into what life is currently like at GB.

The last good post on GB's conditions was back in 2002 where all who replied were very happy with the operation. Has there been any change and how is Manchester coming along?

Many thanks in advance.



Spearing Britney
28th Jan 2005, 11:33
Very little has changed since '02, a lot of guys have been/are being recruited to staff the new aircraft. A lot of those around since '02ish will get commands as soon as they get the hours (3500 or more depending on the trivia) if they are willing to move up to Manch- this gives new joiners some hope of commands with future expansion. Not much of a retirement bulge to come though - a lot of youngish skippers, but then a steady filter out to the likes of Virgin helps.

Pension good as anywhere, better than BA, and pay industry standard on the tracker. The nights have got later, a few flights in at 0100ish and the mornings earlier, 0430 I think being the worst report but still a reasonable set up with a few of the new destinations being further away leading to working around 15 days a month plus standbys. We still have the 775 hour cap and a few (Summer only) overnights in Malaga and Faro plus the RAK's if operating from LHR.

In general few significant compaints!

28th Jan 2005, 15:16

How do you like the Airbus vs. the older 737-300/400s? Also, do you or BMED fly the Malta services?


Barber's Pole Bob
28th Jan 2005, 15:40
GB fly the MLA route usually on the A321 and I think it goes 2x daily in the summer.

Spearing Britney
29th Jan 2005, 12:12
Only flown the 737 in sims, nowt wrong with the Airbus that matters enough to worry anyone imho. As flightdeck working environments go it has to be near the top of the tree...

As for us and BMED, well there is a lot of co-operation going on, watch this space - BA may be down to a single franchisee soon enough.

Spearing Britney
31st Jan 2005, 18:32
Can't see BA merging with anyone, or buying anyone for that matter in the near future. GB and BMED would combine rather well though don't you think, and the late Des Heatherington was on a trip with GB's owner when he passed...

1st Feb 2005, 02:27
Itīs a riper mate!!

1st Feb 2005, 13:57
Hey everybody.
How r we all keeping?
I know this is a bit off the thread but I was wondering if anyone has been to a GB DEP selection recently? If so do you remember how the day went and what questions you were asked during the interview.
Any information would be appreciated.