View Full Version : Any start dates yet?

23rd Jan 2005, 23:15
Has anyone received a start date in '05 yet?

Canadian Beech
24th Jan 2005, 01:18
Anyone replying to this post, could you please include date of #2 interview & FO, or SO positions .
Much appreciated:D .

Techo Taxi Driver
24th Jan 2005, 10:22
Not yet, Oct 04, S/O...sigh, the watched teapot never boils
:bored: :bored: :bored:

24th Jan 2005, 10:31
Hey Techo, did they mention any possible start date when you were in HK. I was in the last group and they told us possibly next October.

24th Jan 2005, 14:11

2nd interview in August 2004 and starting April 2005 as SO.


24th Jan 2005, 18:12
Had a look at some old threads, and its seems to be averaging 9 months from 2nd interview to start date. Sound about right?

Techo Taxi Driver
24th Jan 2005, 18:17
Hi Altyre, no, nothing official, just told last half of 05. Heard a little whisper that it may be Aug or Jul. Sooner the better. Does anyone know if both fleets are being crewed up? I know they said during the interview that there was no choice of fleet, but has anyone been given a preference?


9th Feb 2005, 01:09
Hi All, I heard that one of the start date will be in June.


15th Feb 2005, 02:02
Hello all. I did the second interview in Late August 2004, and they told me in Sep that I was successful and would start in 3rd quater 2005.

Then in December they told me June 2005. I called last night to check up on any updates, and I was told late May/Early June.

I hope this helps.

15th Feb 2005, 02:09
Hey Sqwak, what base region and equipment was that time frame for? Thanks for the info.

15th Feb 2005, 15:18
Should you feel better if they send you an application or do they send them to all whom marginally qualify?


15th Feb 2005, 15:56

I applied when I had 3100TT and 500 Turbine. Got an application back 3 weeks later. That was 6 months ago and I thought I'd give the hiring Dept a ring to see how competitive I needed to be.

I was told that for any chance of a SO interview you have to have 3000 TT and 1000 Turbine. When I mentioned that I was short on the Turbine by 300 hours the lady told me to keep updating them every 6 months.

Canadian Beech
16th Feb 2005, 03:12
i heard they don't usually invite on the first app... so update often!:ok:

16th Feb 2005, 07:43
They called me for an interview about 7 months from my first application, which I had not updated yet.

20th Feb 2005, 19:19
That was for DEFO in the states, my preference being NY. I believe in the states it is all -400s.


25th Feb 2005, 21:04
2nd interview August 2004, starting first week of April 2005, DE FO.

26th Feb 2005, 13:57

Which base are you starting class for? Thanks for the update!

13th Mar 2005, 21:43
2nd interview August 04 start Apr 05. DEFO LAX

17th Mar 2005, 16:20
Second interview early December 05. I have been advised that a start date will most probably be in the 2nd quarter 06.

Correction to the 2nd interview it was Dec 04. I know time moves on quickly but not that fast !

25th Mar 2005, 03:38
NYC base. I am moving to L.A. after training (wife's job) and am hoping that it's possible to bid for LAX at somepoint during/after training. I'll obviously do whatever is necessary, but it sure would be nice not to have to commute. (I have aquaintances with later start dates than me that were offered LAX)

25th Mar 2005, 15:53
Funny, I'm a DEFO starting the 1st week in April as well and put JFK as my first choice and got LAX. Sounds like you had the oppisite.
See ya at kitty city.

10th Apr 2005, 11:40
In case anybody is keeping track:

June start date LAX DEFO, second interview Oct '04