View Full Version : Looking for a Cabin Crew Store Website

16th Jan 2005, 15:49
Hi guys!
I'm trying to find a Website I visited some time ago (2 months approximately), but I can't remember the address/name; It is about funny cabin crew T-shirts, wrapping paper, and postcards (it is american; contact address was in Chicago). I've used google, yahoo, & alltheweb to try to localize it, without result. Could anyone help me? Maybe you have bought any of their items?

Thanks a lot


16th Jan 2005, 19:05
This site has really unique things: www.flight001.com. They have branches in New York, San Francisco and Los Angeles.

16th Jan 2005, 20:30
this might be the one your looking for www.trolly-dolly.com hope it helps, as it sells t-shirts and all.

17th Jan 2005, 09:46
Thank your very much; this two are awesome also; but they are not the one I was looking for. Cheers anyway!!!

29th Jan 2005, 20:25
Do you mean CrewTag?


29th Jan 2005, 22:39
Thank you soooo much Chu_chi!!! That was the one I was looking for!!!! I think it is hilarious!

Thanks again to those who helped me!