View Full Version : Radar Advisory

Honest Frank
2nd Aug 2001, 22:06
Have to ask you guys(and gals) in ATC this question.

What is meant when a radar controller says "modified RAS" ??????

Can you tell me whats modified about it?
Is is just a controllers own word for limited? The funny thing is pilots are reading it back?

Chilli Monster
2nd Aug 2001, 22:17
Never heard of it

Limited radar advisory - with the limitation (late warning of traffic from wherever due to close to the edge of radar cover etc etc) is what I was taught. RAS is RAS, you can't modify it, just limit it.


2nd Aug 2001, 23:19
Honest Frank..........

Where do you hear it ?


terrain safe
3rd Aug 2001, 02:22
OK. As far as I can remember a modified RAS is a MOU (memorandum of Understanding) between ATC at Aberdeen and various named helicopter companies (Bond, BIH and the other one (I know just shoot the old fart now)) that a RAS service will be provided in the specified area, basically over the sea, but with one important proviso: that the aircraft will be responsible for its own terrain separation. This means that a Modified RAS can be provided when the traffic pops up into radar cover. There are some more rules as well but I can't think of them right now.

I think this should answer some of the questions , but also open up a whole new can of worms, but this is the best I can do as Hitchikers is about to start.......

I think this is another thread that the B watch PD boys should be taking over now...


The Jaguar Fan Club
3rd Aug 2001, 03:09
Right......*takes deep breath*

terrain safe is almost there!

A Modified Radar Advisory Service is only used (i think) at Aberdeen ATSU. (Note this includes Sumburgh Radar, Brent Radar and Anglia Radar)

It may only be provided within North Sea Airspace, and only to aircraft of the signatory companies of the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU). (Scotia and Bristows)

The rules are to aim to provide "Standard Separation", but certain reduced separations may be offered in VMC conditions only.

The pilot will be responsible for his own terrain clearance over water in N Sea airspace.

The pilot accepts the limited nature of the service..(i.e using SSR only, poor radar coverage etc etc)

I think that's just about it!

*waits for backlash of LCE comments*

TJFC :rolleyes:

[ 02 August 2001: Message edited by: The Jaguar Fan Club ]

Honest Frank
3rd Aug 2001, 14:41
Thats where i've been hearing it-Aberdeen and Sumburgh.Thanks chaps for clearing it up.