View Full Version : For what is worth!!

4th Sep 2000, 14:06
I am at present a LGW based pilot. I have been on and off operating out of LGW, LHR, BHX and MAN for a number of years and still don't stop to be amazed at the skills and quality of UK ATC controllers. I have been based abroad and operated in most parts of the world and there is nothing better than hearing the voice of London on handover.
Only yesterday, coming back from a European destination into LGW (busy evening), the two of us in the flight deck said: "They are bl**dy good, aren't they".
This is not just British pilots. Coming into LHR with a foreign carrier, myself and the other guy (a non-British pilot), we both said: "They are the best in the world".
I know I am stating the obvious, but it's got to be said and what a better place than this forum.

tower power
4th Sep 2000, 16:05

ATCOs do it at the top of buildings!

Warped Factor
4th Sep 2000, 18:24
Thank you very much, the cheque's in the post :)

Come in and see us sometime (TC at LATCC) and we'll buy you a beer.


4th Sep 2000, 18:47
Thanks Gaucho

Somebody please tell the politicians as they are about to ****** all that up!

8th Sep 2000, 00:06
Isn't it nice when people say nice things about us *smiles*. awwwwwww, thanx Gaucho
Hounslow is right tho', when are THEY going to realise that they are going to screw it up beyond all belief!!

Big hint tho..... Say nice things on the RT, U'll make the controller blush *laughs*

9th Sep 2000, 06:30
Oh Gaucho, what a nice person you are !!

Better not let on to NATS management.....their opinion of us is just about the lowest of the low, DESPITE what you may have heard (from NATS management no doubt !)

We do try to do our job as professionally as possible.......despite them !!

420kts 250ft
9th Sep 2000, 06:36
Gaucho....We're flattered.

Can I reciprocate that if it wasn't for the professionalism and awareness of the UK-based pilots, then the LTMA wouldn't work with as much efficiency "ie, passing 2.5 climbing to 6 with a good rate" music to my ears !!!!

Cheers buddy