View Full Version : What are you/did you get up to NYE 2005?

Miss Pam Ann
31st Dec 2004, 03:30
NYE 2005 is nearing.... What are you getting up to? Are you flying? Are you (like Miss Pam Ann) signing on for a hideously early start on NY Day? Are your crew mates hungover OR have you chucked a sickie????? :E :E :E

Tell all!!!


Love Miss PA :zzz: xxx

31st Dec 2004, 05:40
Miss PA :ok:

Im waking up in 11.5 hours (4am) to head off to work (a cruisy 3 sector 11hr day), then im hitting the town (well island) for a night of all that great naughty stuff we flight attendants tend to do on overnights (like reading books, discussing politics, and talking of merry times past! :E :E :E :} ). mmmmm cocktails

1st Jan 2005, 20:06
I'm off to fly with Virgin in the new year so NYE was my last day online with my company.

Thanks to a great crew and some lovely pax, my last day was FABULOUS!!

My evening was spent dancing my socks off with my best friends, perfect end to a perfect day!!

Happy New Year PPruners!

KTP xxx

Virgin Boi
3rd Jan 2005, 13:42
For Indian new year (i.e. 5 and a half hours ahead of the UK) I was in the hotel bar of our very posh hotel in Delhi with the 3 other English crew members on my flight)...

UK new year was 5.30am in Delhi. Trying hard to get some sleep before checking out at 10am!

5th Jan 2005, 14:37
I spent it with my dream woman, she works for Monarch and knows who she is :O .


hope this one is better than the last one in terms of work.

5th Jan 2005, 14:46
got plastered and resulted in being far too sick for work the next day

5th Jan 2005, 23:18
I was working but had full views of Sydney Harbour - so, not a complete washout! Anyone know how long the glitterball is supposed to be lit for on the Bridge?

6th Jan 2005, 01:56
I signed on "tired" for an Airport Reserve in the morning of NYD. I was delighted to find the PERFECT duty for me on my line... operate SYD MEL, pax home.

Hardest day of work ive ever done!

Happy New Year everyone

:D :D

Miss Pam Ann
8th Jan 2005, 03:46
I heard the Sydney Harbour Bridge glitter ball came at at cost of $2 million!!! Sheeeesh!!!

In hindsight (what a lovely thing) I am sure those costs could have gone to the other side of the world? :confused:

Love Miss PA xxx ;)

8th Jan 2005, 06:18
Hi Miss Pam Ann,

The Sydney mayor decided to go ahead with the celebrations as they were already payed for. Fund raising was held throughout the city so all the revellers could participate.

So far the Australian public has donated $110 million and the Australian government $1 billion in aid. I'm sure they could have used the money from NYE too but it was probably allocated and paid for well before the horrible events of 26th December.


For those who haven't seen the glitter ball here's a pic.


Miss Pam Ann
10th Jan 2005, 04:04
What a great photo Mr Iguanahead!

You are right....I guess that payments were already taken care of prior to the event.

What a fantastic effort Australia....keep in coming! :ok: :ok: :ok:

Luv Miss Pam Ann xxx ;)

10th Jan 2005, 10:43
celebrated with some fine Champagne, and a chalet in Chamonix.....fire works in the mountains looking at the silouette of Mont blanc is somthing I'm not going to forget in a hurry!

Legs still sore from the skiing though :(

The Greaser
10th Jan 2005, 10:58
Asleep by 10pm, woken by some morons letting off fireworks and ringing church bells at midnight. Dont these people have jobs?