View Full Version : Treatment for adult amblyopia?

26th Dec 2004, 21:01
Bumped into this on the net...I think a few browsing this forum will find this interesting...here (http://www.msobiz.com/site/nvc/)

28th Dec 2004, 17:43
The improvement is one or two lines for 8 out of 10 patients.

Interesting to see how much they charge for it.

31st Dec 2004, 20:14
Indeed. They charge anormous amounts for it. Makes it seem suspicious if the whole thing is fake or not! I did email them once, they said that you have to buy the computer from them (I suppose this is the bulk of the cost) with their special software installed and that you can not just buy the software and install it on your own computer.

Nevertheless, it is the only form of 'adult amblyopia treatment' I could find on the net. Thought it might be of interest as I know there are people here who unfortunately are unable to get a JAA Class 1 due to this amblyopia condition.
