View Full Version : CSA contract talks fail

26th Dec 2004, 13:22
Trouble brewing in the state owned airline. The president of the airline broke off negotiations, quite illegally might I add on Dec.22. Not much hope for reconciliation. The union, which represents the vast majority of the pilots were hoping to hammer out a contract which would have stopped the current wage dumping in the EU and would have brought the CSA pilots up to a 70% average by the year 2007. The president, in a highly emotional speech, stated the usual cr@p…no money no love, fuel costs, LCC’s and so on. This is on the heels of a strategic purchase of brand spanking new A320’s which will eventually replace the backbone of the fleet, the 37 classic. No wonder they got no mooolah! He’s been heard on the intranet, pleading for sanity and saying that if we don’t smarten up, he won’t give us the shiny new toys to play with and we won’t have a new hangar and we might even stop the expansion (that we are financing).

So, come January 1, we will have no contract. Therefore, we’re looking at initially “industrial action – light” and thereafter if there is no pleasure, we’ll upgrade to the full fat version. The unfortunate thing is that due to the Czech labour code, we have to go through the negotiation polka which will take months and months. On the other hand, it will be the start of the season.

26th Dec 2004, 15:12
Yeah and now it is payback time.The commie management has crossed the line and the pilots,mechanics,flight attendants and hopefully other ground personnel will fight back.

I am ready to rock and roll....anyone interested to join in?


26th Dec 2004, 18:05
Hey LE, don't hold your breath for others to join. Forty plus years of Marxist-Leninist economic brainwashing and propaganda created a culture where the nail that sticks out gets hammered. Just look at the STB (secret commie police) files.

26th Dec 2004, 20:38
Click, and L.E,

I could not agree more!!!! Its the same song second verse. The Quote new manegment is acting just like the old commie guys, I guess as click mentioned the Lenin\Marxist indoctrination runs very deep indeed!!! Most line pilots were shocked by the companies proposal, not even at real inflation, and it was supposed to be something that the pilots could not refuse. What a joke. The company dispite all things going on is still turning a profit, so most pilots are preplexed at just what gives. The threats about not brining new A320\s on the property is another line of commie tactics used to scare the group into standing down. I hope for one the pilots have the @#$%%^ not to give in. Stand strong and proud, and dont be mislead by misrepresentations provided your manegment!!!!

27th Dec 2004, 04:54
Hi all!

I am a czech native living in Canada and I will be finnishing up my Commerical pilot license next year and was wondering how is the Czech aviation industry doing ?

Ups and downs...

What are you predictions for the next couple of years?

Thanks !

ps: feel free to pm.


27th Dec 2004, 09:38
you are dreaming.Start to wake up and face (what) is happening.Had a look at the ALPA forum recently?The comments about how we should vote for a new 70 in 07 are increasing.People are more in the 01 in 10 mood,as you might know.Lotsa young commies working for the company,and all are totally .....
People are complete morons there,and i can smell a very foul compromise happening...
The whole thing is a big joke,and we all know the outcome.We will lose this battle,again,and thats the time i am resigning from this outfit.

28th Dec 2004, 05:24

You need at least a JAA ticket to join the scareline,the last few monthsa whole bunch ofbnewcomers joined with around 200 TT.


29th Dec 2004, 16:55
So now the pilot/manager F*Gs are threatening us with the "you not agree with proposal, you not get upgrade" garbage. What a bunch of morons. Managements lack of communication and current threats are even starting to scare colleagues. These Czekos haven't learned a thing. They still fear all the commie BS that the hair lip is feeding them. The negotiating just started and fellow pilots are already starting to wet their pants. Heaven forbid a real life engine fire, can you say "fold like a tent".... what a joke. Guess I'll have to once again come to terms with the fact that most of the personnel cleaning our aircraft in Germany make more cash than a FO at CheeSA... Just don't drop the soap in the shower boys, there's likely a manager behind ya. :ooh:

3rd Jan 2005, 08:14

Really what to join this outfit, then just keep your fingers crossed, that cool heads will prevail, and that the socialist model is still alive and well. Right now we are in midst of a nasty contact negotiaion. If the pilots stand down yet again, then this place will be a heavan for fresh pilots with no previous airline time, the only catch is "you get what you pay for". If your looking for a job and have a JAA licence give it a go, if your looking for a place to settle down for the long term, well............... Good Luck.

3rd Jan 2005, 09:28
The agressive disgruntled tone of my fellow co-workers should be a good guide in your decision, samerindrop.

3rd Jan 2005, 22:34
Pay people peanuts, you're bound to get monkeys... Ouch, just cut myself down on that one.