View Full Version : Living Expenses in Kuala Lumpur

25th Dec 2004, 10:53
Hello Folks......

I have been hired by a local Airline and will be based in KL. Can anyone tell me the average price in rental for apartments near Sepang´s Airport .In addition to that an estimate of how much a single person cost of living (the basics ) runs approximatelly.

Regards and Merry Christmas


25th Dec 2004, 11:23

See your PM, please

I love to Cum Kuat
3rd Jan 2005, 21:28

I would say the living expenses in Kay Ell is very expensive, especailly if you want to live a western lifestyle.

For example a basic 2.0 Mitsubishi is $RM100,00++. An orange juice at a hotel lounge can cost you rm$20++, a bowl of spaghetti RM$30++...in short, it's expensive. A cramped linked house in Subang can cost you RM$900,000 to buy. ( Not suggesting you buy of course but just an idea).
You would have to paid lots to enjoy all the luxuries you are used to.

Living locally, eating locally at various stalls or warrungs can also be expensive, when you get infected with Hep A or Typhoid. Get immunised before you travel and don't forget your anti- malarial pills. Lots of mozzies there.

Join the local football team and show the locals how to Samba and always be humble, they'll love you for it.

Just browse thru the local newspaper and see the classified section for rentals apartments, cars, motrbike...etc..


Good Luck. Have a good year ahead!

Have a look at KLIA\'s site : www.klia.com.my

and taxi charges:

Kaptin M
3rd Jan 2005, 22:28
You seem to be putting the cart before the horse, eddie.

You've got the job -
you know what your salary is (I suppose :uhoh: ...you haven't started another thread asking THAT, have you :rolleyes: ) -
the cost of living is going to vary from person to person, depending on their disposable income.
It's going to be YOUR choice whether you live in a shared 1 room apartment with 10 other people, paying RM40/month,
or a 10 room apartment on your own, paying RM14,000/month.
The amount of water will depend on how often you shower/bath/use the toilet, at home,
and the cost of electricity & telephone (aha, there's a nice little catch for non-Malaysians...the deposit required by Telekom!!) will depend on how much you use. (Hint: use a lot - pay a lot....use a little - pay less).

You're a big boy now, and as you've already accepted the job, you're just going to have to bight the bullet and find out.

6th Jan 2005, 03:38
Malaysia - Truly Asia!

Take no notice of the whingers Eddie, you're going to love it.
[Especially if you can teach Samba ;)]

As to the cost of living I'll be retiring there one day - to make my pension go further.

6th Jan 2005, 06:13
Kaptin M's numbers are quite accurate although the linked house example is not exactly relevant. Non Malaysians cannot purchase houses with land.

Sultan Ismail
6th Jan 2005, 06:52
Did anyone answer Eddies query about apartments near Sepang, don't think so, and not surprising as there aren't any.

If Eddie is being based at KLIA then a good deal can be had in town around KL Sentral Space Terminal either in Sentral Saujana or Scott Villas, 3 bedrooms renting for +/- RM 3,000pm. Plenty of good food on the doorstep, Asian and Western.

Of course KL Sentral Space Terminal gives one the choice of a direct service to KLIA (ERL) and a direct service to Kelana Jaya (LRT) from where you can get a local taxi to Subang.

It is not necessary to own or rent a car, local taxis are cheap.

For the un-itiated

Sepang = KLIA new International airport (1998) strictly scheduled passenger and cago

Subang = old international airport - Malaysian Air Force, scheduled local (Berjaya Air), itinerant cargo (Transmile), MAS maintenance and GA

And of course, approximately US$20 apart.

6th Jan 2005, 13:37
Hi Eddie

Which local airlines hired you MAS or AA????

6th Jan 2005, 18:17
Just as next door in Thailand, where foreigners can actually own condos, but not houses. Furthermore, you cannot own more than 49% of all the condos in any one building. :uhoh:

7th Jan 2005, 02:58
Hey I don't know about West Malaysia, but in East Malaysia, you CAN own a house as long as the purchase price is over RM300,000 and it has a free title (meaning some developers do not release the title until 2 years after the purchase???) A few of us did buy our own properties.
Cheers ;)

Che Xindamail
7th Jan 2005, 05:19
I agree with Blacksheep. I did a stint in Malaysia a loooong time ago, best two years I've had. KaptinM has it right, if you know your income you can easily adjust and make ends meet. Treat people well and you will get it ten-fold in return.

Keep an open mind and you will have no regrets!


I think Glueball has his countries mixed up.

In Malaysia a foreigner can own two properties (without land as someone mentioned), while the Thai law prohibits outright foreign ownership unless you team up with a Thai national (and sign your savings away).


7th Jan 2005, 07:08
Hi Eddie,
When you get here I better take you out for a drive, All ti'll cost is Beer, PM me your FLT details as If Iam off can collect you. Welcome to KL but still prefer sleepy Mallaca,
Regards, The Pattaya buffalo :8

7th Jan 2005, 11:23
Hi Guys!!!

I want to thank all of you for your time and attention to my post. I am very pleased with the answers.....

Samba and soccer , why not ! There will be two of us going there !!!!

We sure can have some fun with you guys....

