View Full Version : How to be just like you

15th Apr 1999, 00:58
A friend of mine wants to be a Airtraffic controller, knowing that I'm on the other end of the Radio would surely put him off i would have thought. but he has a strong determination to be up the tower, ATC however seems to be a rather ficled occupation, with little obviously in common with other professions, He (And I for that matter) are deaply intrested ino how to get into the porfession, trainning programes, requirements ect. he's 17 nearly 18 and about to finish secondary education with around 4+ highers. Can anyone enlighten us, give any tips?

Thanks for any advice


ATC Watcher
16th Apr 1999, 00:09
If he wants to be a en-route (radar ) controller in a European Environement, e-mail me with a postal address, we have booklets for this and I could send you (or him) one.

16th Apr 1999, 02:41
ATCO Wannabes

Some information for those interested in careers as ATCOs in NATS.

Student ATCO Courses are scheduled to start at roughly three month intervals at the College of ATC Bournemouth International Airport.

Applicants are invited to take place in a two stage selection process. The first stage consists of tests of ability, suitability and motivation. Candidates who pass the first stage will be invited for interview. Both tests and interviews will be held at regional centres and candidates will attend their nearest centre. Selected candidates will be required to pass a Class 1 medical examination.

Applicants must meet all the following criteria:-

1) Aged between 18 and 26 at date of application. Candidates over the age of 26 may be considered if they have previous ATC experience.

2) Candidates may only take the selection tests once in any year and are permitted no more than three attempts in total.

3) Previous ATCO Cadets or Student ATCOs whose training was terminated at the College of ATC will not be considered.

4) Qualifications:-

i) GCSE or equivalent - five passes at Grade C or above, including English Language and Mathematics, together with a period of post GCSE study completed through to examination at a higher level, e.g., two A levels or a BTEC National course.
ii) SCE or equivalent - five passes at Grade C or above, including English and Mathematics, together with a period of post SCE study completed through to examination at a higher level, e.g., three highers or SCOTVEC.
iii) GCSE, SCE or equivalent - five passes at Grade C or above, including English and Mathematics, plus a minimum of two years experience in an ATC environment.


CSE Grade 1 is equal to GCE, GCSE,or SCE Grade C.
PPL will be accepted in lieu of one GCSE or equivalent pass except for English and Mathematics
Candidates will be required to furnish documentary evidence of their qualfications
Candidates who wear glasses or contact lenses will be required to submit a copy of their eyesight prescription with their application. Candidatesd who exceed the maoximum allowed correction will not be considered. Any fees arising from the provision of the prescription will not be reimbursed.

Pay Scale

£15149 rising to £15906 after one year subject to successful completion of the Area 2 Course.
Student ATCOs subject to Travel and Related Expenses rules for Long Term Trainees.
Appointment to Trainee Air Traffic Controllers will be expected after successful completion of the College training Course.


Requests for an application form should be sent to:-

Ruth Wallace
Room T1213
CAA House
45-59 Kingsway

And sd please learn to spell, attention to detail is important as an ATCO.

17th Apr 1999, 00:22
Thanks for the help by all.

are the eyesight requirments that of the CAA Class one medical sat in the selection or are they tougher in the Job? he wears glasses but I dont think he's totally blind.

I'll report back to him and see If he has any more questions, its a while 'till he's 18 so there seems no apparant rush. will the JAA change anything?

I must apologize fot the speling I will save my penies and by a diktonaarye.

PPRuNe Radar
17th Apr 1999, 13:18

You can also get some info from

www.nats.co.uk (http://www.nats.co.uk)

Go to the National Air Traffic Services heading on the navigation bar and there is then a Recruiting section within that area. Other thing of course is to visit a local ATC unit to see what goes on and have a chat with those doing the job. I'm sure if you post the young persons location we can find a suitable place and a contact name/address.

Anything else you need, let us know.


[This message has been edited by PPRuNe Radar (edited 17 April 1999).]