View Full Version : NERC???

6th Feb 2000, 00:03
Any of you ATCers like to comment on when the NERC is going to come on line.From us pilots point of view its all gone rather quiet and the press seem to be letting sleeping dogs lie!!

6th Feb 2000, 04:04
Why the interest, do you think it will reduce delays ??

PPRuNe Radar
6th Feb 2000, 15:04
Maybe the interest is because, having shelled out several hundred million for it,the operators would actually like to see something tangible in return for their investment ?

PPRuNe Radar
ATC Forum Moderator
[email protected]

[This message has been edited by PPRuNe Radar (edited 06 February 2000).]

6th Feb 2000, 18:13
Only interested because I used to socialise with some of you chaps and especially a rather lovely lady cadet who alas has long moved on to a younger aviator.Hence I developed an interest in NERC and can,t cease to be agahst at the massive waste of public money on this project.Somehow the press don,t seem to latch on to the enormity of the waste and the mismanagement.NATS seem to time press releases very effectively with large breaking news stories so the subject never gets the exposure it deserves.It,s only through the high calibre of you guys and girls working the old systems that the traffic continues to flow as well as it does.The strain is noticeable on the RT at times and I do find having TCAS a comfort.I still regard UK controllers as the best in the world just feel you are being asked to do too much with inadequate resources.So is NERC ever going to be fully operational???

Mr Chips
7th Feb 2000, 01:44
In theory - yes, it will become operational, one day. No-one could cancel such a large project at this stage. As for reducing delays - that is the whole reason for it "Expert".
I can't say that there is currently much faith in the system, as we have seen so much delay, and so much has been based on what will happen on O date. I think most people want honesty. We hear so many rumours, if someone would put their hands up and admit any problems, or directly answer the rumours, they might get the troops onside.
Until then.....

7th Feb 2000, 02:16
As far as increasing capacity goes, how much is being touted and when? I don't recall seeing the results of studies into the capacity increase that NERC will generate once it's up and running. One could be a mite suspicious that there may not be any!

Could someone in the know enlighten me....after all the work must have been undertaken as we are only months away from starting conversion training for staff and the simulations seem to have been going on for years!

With privatisation approaching there must be hard data rather than wiffle waffle. I hope.

10th Feb 2000, 20:46
Is that not a scary story mothers tell their young sons when they say they want to grow up to become managers? The fact that rumours continue to float around about the future centre must point to the continued incompitance of NATS management to pick a good story and stick with it. We as ATCOs have even less of an idea when it is coming online. Several have been living in the Southampton area for close to 3 year regularly commuting to LATCC because they believed what thay were told 3 years ago. The unoffical line must be that NERC has been a shambles. Poorly developed and managed. From an airline point of view, you would have sacked the management team long ago.
Oh and don't even start me on the New Scottish Centre