View Full Version : Welcome back Mr Bell

20th Dec 2004, 22:07
Just to let all you ex eaac crew know that Dick Bell returned to European today as 747 manager.
They are still looking short of pursers and IFD's for the Corsair contract so if anyone is interested give him a call at BOH.
Ive not posted this thread to start another slagging session about the problems that we all went through in March but ive decided to give European another bash (i know that some of you might still be a bit raw about what happened though)
Anyway, I hope that some of you will give it another try, we'll see what happens especially with Dick back on board.

Hope every 1 has a nice Chrimbo:ok:

21st Dec 2004, 09:06
halleluyah!!!! thats good news . . . .he has some task on his hands though!! i just hope the 737 crews dont get forgotten about.

b747 flightboy
22nd Dec 2004, 19:21
Well that is good news. I enjoyed my time at EAL. I never had a problem with the former Cabin crew manager, however Dick's background was more suited to the 747 op. Good luck to everyone still there. I hope it all works out.

17th Jan 2005, 19:32
Good news, I had the pleasure of working with him on BA's 767 Fleet when he was my manager. What a great manager!

Nice to hear that he is back doing a job that he excells at.

I might pop in and see him at BOH, I am only down the road....:ok: