View Full Version : 737 type rating

17th Dec 2004, 19:19
Anyone heard of a Swedish company called Randhem Aviation, offering 737 rating in USA?
This is suposed to be through Pan Am Academy in Florida.
Is it safe to pay this company up front for this course?
The price is suposed to be good, but all up front......

17th Dec 2004, 19:30

I am not fully aware of all the details of the course but still why do you want to buy a 737 rating? Nowdays there is options available where one would be employed also after the course.

I would think that if one just goes and buys a rating it is waste of money because you need minimum 500 hrs. on type before anybody even takes a serious look at your papers.

If there would be no other means of getting a job, I would go and pay to some scheme like ryanair etc. and get a job also not just a rating-just a penny...;)


17th Dec 2004, 23:22
... try out Aviatraining at Torp airport www.avaiatraining.no .... serious gang there ...

I just went through them for my 737-type ... I am not sure it will bring me into a paid position on the thing ... without hours on type .... BUT ofcourse - hours are to be bought through other organizations .... I thought the whole idea was to MAKE money flying - not paying to fly .....

BUT then again - I have been mistaken many, many times over .....