View Full Version : CX and Dragon air cadet pilot program application

16th Dec 2004, 06:10
Hi, all guys
I am about to drop my application in to CX and dragonair from Australia in coming couple of months.
I would like to ask:

1. how will they contact us to undertake interviews and tests? by phone or email?
2. how long does it take to have a interview from sending out application form?

Can any experienced one tell us? Thanks a lot.

16th Dec 2004, 07:16
Hey flydreamer,

Was gonna PM yo, but you havn't got it active man~~well anyway, they contacted me by email and it took them a month a bit more after I posted in my application, keep in mind tho it can take longer (or sooner) for them to reply you. GOOD LUCK mate! btw, you from sydney ?
