View Full Version : Cardiff-Emirates

7th Dec 2004, 11:40
Anyone heard a rumour of emirates flying into Cardiff next year?

Not sure of anymore details??

Also heard rumours of a Bristol - Papua New Guiney.
He he, Only kidding on that one.:ok:

7th Dec 2004, 12:14

I've heard of a few rumours flying around re EK new routes, but I'm not sure about CWL.

Whats your source for this one?

I do know that EK already have some slots for Rio and Sao Paulo, but can't say anymore than that.


7th Dec 2004, 13:41
HP Source is a favourite of mine, but my Bristolian buddy here prefer's Daddies!:E

Cant say where I got the source from, Morrissons is about the cheapest.

Seriously though, Emirates are flying into the valleys next year.
Could be a W with Swansea, Who knows?:ok:

8th Dec 2004, 09:25
The EK roumor is as old as the hills..................

8th Dec 2004, 15:42
So is this just a rumour,or is there a possability? they need to do something.

8th Dec 2004, 19:17
Its not speculation.

I think an announcement is iminent..........:cool:

9th Dec 2004, 08:43
lots of talk around CWL about EK operating to DXB.

Maybe it really is going to happen at last :hmm:

Rabbs :)

9th Dec 2004, 20:10
I think EK has selected its destinations for 2005 - Hamburg, Geneva and Seoul are the main ones and while there is a chance new destinations may be added, the airline has been speaking of long haul routes.

I'd like to see CWL on the schedule ... but not before Dublin. Come on EK, Dublin is crying out for a ME/Asian service. There can't be too many opportunities as good!

9th Dec 2004, 20:21
If I was Maurice Flanagan, HH Sheikh Ahmed or Tim Clark, I would look at doing DUB and CWL in a double-drop....

Just so long as Air Wales and Ryanair remember to oppose traffic rights of course.....

Turn It Off
8th Jan 2005, 08:40
Hate to put a downer on things but according to the release we just had, it is looking unlikely there will be much expansion of routes at Cardiff this year, but that 2006 is already looking promising......

8th Jan 2005, 21:01
Hi there,

My first post here. As a CWL local it would be nice if others could discuss and post in adult manner on CWL. Enough of the sheep jokes, eh? It get's to a stage where it is stupid and childish.

Anyway, back to the post. What is the outlook for 2005 and what is positive on the 2006 sides of things?



Tom the Tenor
9th Jan 2005, 15:16
Is there anything to the speculation that Air Wales are to receive some ATR-72s? If so, it would be a great idea.

9th Jan 2005, 15:26
yep, it's true....first one arrives in March and will be used on the recently announced Paris CDG route.

Rabbs :)

9th Jan 2005, 16:51
Where is it coming from?



9th Jan 2005, 17:05
EK DXB-CWL-DXB, not going to happen.

9th Jan 2005, 18:49
Why do you say that?

I would just like a reason

15th Jan 2005, 06:14
I'll be very suprised if EK start from CWL especially with the current state of affairs concerning Aviance and poss S-air being booted out, I imagine Sheik whats his name is thinking sod this, what good is it putting my prestiege airline in here if they don't have any handlers left!!!
Me thinks Aena or whoever is behind this nonsense has scared em off and cost CWL a very lucrative route, but then i'm no expert, this is just my outlook on it.:confused:

15th Jan 2005, 15:57
Rabbs, I wouldnt be so quick to announce the arrival of the 72's in March; heard differently this week in the clubhouse.:confused:

15th Jan 2005, 16:11
yeah....looks like it's slipped by a couple of months

Rabbs :*