View Full Version : strangest object

4th Dec 2004, 13:06
Just wondering what the strangest object found while on the job. Be it from teeth to a used tissue or very weird or just anything intresting.

4th Dec 2004, 14:09
Apart from the odd mouldy sandwich, a snake :yuk:

not very nice!

4th Dec 2004, 22:27
When I used to work on privately owned yachts, one of our stewardesses found a false nipple on the bedside table.... The female guest's first name was Titsiana........

Miss Pam Ann
5th Dec 2004, 10:24
...A love letter (well, perhaps a suggestive letter) written on a sick bag to a girlie on the other side of the aisle! Mentions of sex, plane, fantasy, loo!!! Say no more... :E

Onan the Clumsy
5th Dec 2004, 13:55
fernytickles would that be a body perk (http://www.bodyperks.com/)? :ooh:

Blame another (unnamed) forum for this

7th Dec 2004, 18:40
Mocha? My favourite flavour..... ;)

8th Dec 2004, 05:40
Gigantic african snails slithering and sliding aroud in an overhead locker leaving gooey mucus on my fingertips

22nd Dec 2004, 09:59
i had one guy bring on a concrete brick once, i asked him what he was doing with it he said he was a builder?! he didn't seem to amused when i asked what he planned on building out of 1 brick?!!:D

22nd Dec 2004, 15:39
i've occasionally found some odd looking pax...:}

Rabid Dog
22nd Dec 2004, 18:00
A bag of hooch in the first class toilet.
A soggy (and stained) blanket on the floor, under a first class seat after the midnight horror, Per-Mel.

23rd Dec 2004, 15:00
a used condom in the UM lounge...

Flying Frypan
23rd Dec 2004, 21:27
Gosh I hope that UM doesn't stand for "Unaccompanied Minor"???:oh: