View Full Version : CX training

2nd Dec 2004, 11:05
Hi guys
I can't find any previous post in this forum detailing Cathay's training in Adelaide. Could some of you share the breakdown of the program with us? How long is it, what do you do exactly? I believe it's around 3 months, what about your family? What about after you come back to Hong-Kong? Do you have to pass your HK ATPL?
I'm sure it must have been covered but I tried CX training, Adelaide training and a few other things,no luck so...

6th Dec 2004, 19:05
Have you check out the CX web-site? Cos most of the stuff you need are in there!!
btw, I am pretty sure it is more than 3months, it's around 50 weeks......(feel free to correct me anyone), where did you hear about the 3 months from? just out of curiousity.....wat about your family? What you mean by that? Do u wanna take them to Adelaide as well?? hmmm:
Well, good luck buddy!!

404 Titan
7th Dec 2004, 00:54

I think you will find Altyre is referring to direct entry F/O or S/O not the Cadet entry which is 62 weeks in Adelaide.


To be honest I have had nothing to do with direct entry F/O training but direct entry S/O’s spend about 1 month in Adelaide converting their foreign license to a Hong Kong license. This involves up to nine subjects, and 4 – 5 hours in a BE76 Duchess. You also do about 25 hours in a three-axis sim that looks like a B737-100 with EFIS practicing multi crew stuff around Asia. Bringing your family to Adelaide isn’t really practical. They certainly can’t stay on campus. Maybe a freighter guy could tell you more?

7th Dec 2004, 06:33
Right you are 404, it is for direct entry SO, forgot to precise this! Thanks for the info.

7th Dec 2004, 20:31
404 Titan, pls check your pm. thanks