View Full Version : From EK to Vietnam

24th Nov 2004, 09:23
I am thinking to leave EK for a DEC position at Vietnam.
I am fairly senior at EK.
Any comments?

24th Nov 2004, 10:29
If your are Senior in EK stay there
I was there myself for several years, This is an interesting countries but the Airlines is not organised. It is a bush operation with Jet aircraft
The nite life there is good and it is a place for a single guy.
People are nice and friendly
But u w ont have any travelling discount for your family and no discount with other Airlines
On top of that u w ont work for Vietnam Airlines but for an agency
If u decide to go sign only with Parc Aviation Because the rest are crap
I really d ont understand some pilots. I have been an expat for several years working for agency and looking to work for a real Airlines
And some of u are working for real Airlines and u want to work for an agency????
Anyway I really think that u should stay where u are. U have a better futur there

24th Nov 2004, 11:29
R U nuts or is dis some kind of a silly joke?
I know a lot of people in the Sand pit dont like it dere, but?!
Try Korean for a change...

25th Nov 2004, 01:28
What's wrong with Vietnam swish?

25th Nov 2004, 03:32
Try wasting 30 min of yr time to use d pprune search engine n u will c...

Tran Minh
27th Nov 2004, 08:34
try a search for "racist"

3rd Dec 2004, 13:56
Whats wrong with Vietnam? My buddy came back from there and said it was a great airline and the guys most of whom are ex-ansett are great to fly with. But the pay was very good. Lots of long huals on the 777 and 767. The best is to talk with an expat that is there and hear it from them.

5th Dec 2004, 04:48
Yes Vn is a great place to work but d ont expect to work for a well organised airlines. As I already mention before it is a Bush operation with jet aircraft
People are nice and easy to work with
By the way there is some ex Ansett (before 1989 )and there is also ex Ansett (after 1989) but the majority of pilot are not Australian
There is Bulgarian, Canadian, Russian, Hungarian, Poland, English, Australian, and more
The money is not too bad but far from perfect and you work for agencies. the best one is Parc. Try to avoid the others

24th Dec 2004, 07:49
Don't do it Pork!!! I know you're looking for a new adventure, but this is not the one.....if you find the one that's right for you and your family, your friends will let you know!! Merry Christmas and take a picture when she sees the bike!!