View Full Version : FlyBe/Air France

19th Nov 2004, 16:45
FlyBe have lost the franchise to operate BHX-CDG which operates up to 7xdaily. Will we see Air France at BHX again?

19th Nov 2004, 16:57
I think you may find that bmibaby will be doing 2 flights a day as they do quite well on these 'business' type flights

19th Nov 2004, 17:05
It is common knowledge within the airline that the Air France routes have, for some time, been somewhat of a hindrance to our operation in many respects. So, looking at where our Management is taking us, did we lose it? or did we pull out of it?

19th Nov 2004, 17:23
2 rumours for the CDG-BHX flight, either Cityjet with a BAe146 or Regional with an Embraer (both of course, operated in Air France colours).


19th Nov 2004, 17:27
who owned the CDG slots?

19th Nov 2004, 17:56
MarkD - the slots at both airports are owned by Flybe and as such have allowed Flybe to launch it's twice daily EXTCDG service from March 27th

As for the remaining slots, who knows, but it is my understanding that Flybe are not able to start BE designated flights BHXCDG for a set period once the franchise ends.

I would imagine the remaining slots may be sold in order to provide a sizeable deposit for the order for either 737/319 due in late March...coincidence or not???

Baron rouge
19th Nov 2004, 21:31
Slots at CDG cannot be sold, they will probably be taken over by Air France, the same way BA took TAT slots in Gatwick and Heathrow when BA sold TAT to SWISSAIR. Thats life ...

Oshkosh George
19th Nov 2004, 22:01
If Flybe do indeed own the slots,I think they are more likely to commence services from other Flybe bases to CDG,and if they ARE interested in a BHX connection,they could possibly switch them at a later date.

20th Nov 2004, 00:35
I understand that the contract between AFR & Flybe was not renewed by mutual agreement, obviously Flybe has more interesting things to do with a couple of 146s. However, the colours of Air France will continue to be seen at BHX



20th Nov 2004, 05:48
Flybe have just announced their new EXT/CDG service (I say through gritted teeth). Maybe some of the slots will be absorbed through that and possibly a new LPL route. Would like to see Flybe try CDG from BRS in competition with BA but that isn't going to happen!!!

20th Nov 2004, 06:32
Baron - slots at LHR are also not able to be sold and yet Flybe managed to get £40million for the 6 slots they held to operate LHR-LYS/TLS on behalf of Air France.

I appreciate that they may not be able to be sold but they may be transferable and accompanied with nice bonus (cha-ching!!) for Flybe.

20th Nov 2004, 08:36
Just a question regarding JobsaGooduns post. Just how much does a A318/9 cost?

20th Nov 2004, 11:51
It doesn't state on the airbus website how much these aircraft actually are, but on Boeing the equivalent aircraft (ie the 737-700) costs between $50.5 - $59.0 million which is roughly £27 million - £31 million.

With all the rumours flying around that Airbus can knock off a few quid with big orders, I would reckon an A318/A319 would cost between £20-25 million pounds.

20th Nov 2004, 15:45
I believe that as far as slots at any european airport are concerned, that an airline can't 'put them up for sale' but instead make it known that their slots are open to bidding. Interested airlines then come forward with a price. I stand to be corrected however if anyone can confirm that this is not the case.

Rgds, Tri

20th Nov 2004, 17:04
I suspect anyone willing to buy an A318 (or a 736) will get a very competitive rate as Airbus and Boeing seem to be shifting very few compared to aircraft like 717 or the bigger EMBs.

If they do buy 319s, they could get the nifty drop down IFE screens like the AC one I flew on down to UVF from YYZ last month - although I don't think Flybe are planning any 5.5hr routes...

21st Nov 2004, 13:02
Slots cannot be legally traded in the EU and technically, they are not owned by an airline as an asset. They can, however, be exchanged through an uneven exchange, i.e. an exchange of peak-time slots against what is called "moonlight slots" that are available even at the most slot-constrained airports. Well, if any monies change hands to sweeten such an uneven exchange, who knows....