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Wee Weasley Welshman
17th Jul 2005, 13:42
It would work IF the tickets weren't seemingly always North of £600.

I'd pay a small premium to fly out of BRS and avoid the whole LHR/M25 hassle. But not when you have your pick of good airlines out of LHR for £300 less per person.

The route IS subsidised because I bet £1.5m given for infrastructure improvements was going to be spent anyway and effectively therefore its a handout to the airport which can then pass it on to the Operator via means of a 'commercially confidential' range of fees and charges. Its just how these things work and may well be in the interest of the local area in the long run. The council can't just give Continental £1,500,000 put they can wash it to them by means of a third party.

'Tis the way of the commercial world.

I think daily's too much. Every other day and share it with Cardiff... And its not really I viable link for London until it gets either a rail spur to Temple Meads or a Dual Carriageway to it. And it never will.

I can't see Hank and Martha hunched up on the Bristol Flyer Rail Station shuttle bus for 40mins with a months worth of bags sat at the lights in the rough end of Bristol; somehow.



17th Jul 2005, 15:46
69% is not that good a load factor when your flying all the way across the pond!

It is going to have to increase to the 80% area to succeed.

17th Jul 2005, 16:31
The problem with people nowadays is they dont give things a chance, how can they say its gona be axed after its only been operating 2 months?
People are very unawre of just where you can get too from BRS nowadays.
New York is the only route that people don't know about, just ask some of your friends if they knew BRS serves 3 airports in Egypt, or go's to the Gambia twice in the winter, or that EZY serve places like BUD/PRG/SXF/PSA hardly anybody is aware, or that there are weekly charters with both FCA and Balkan to both BOJ and VAR, most people will not have a clue.
How bout the flights to Split and Olbia? - Not a clue!
I think the companies that take a risk at BRS reep rewards in the end, EZY can't of been massively sure when they took over GO and i remember there being talk of pulling out, they stuck with it and now BRS is the busiest base outside of London for them.
Another is Kosmar Holidays who came in a few years back and threw a couple of the smaller greek islands into the equation, and they must of been feeling very cautious about it and hey presto they're raking it in from BRS.
Give it time, it'll do well, 70% is not that bad, and its only going to take a few more peeps to get that up to 80% which is a safe playground as Windsheer said.:ok:

\'Sorry above should read NY is not the only route\'

17th Jul 2005, 16:34
Even Americans visiting London might be surprised how easy and hassle-free BRS is
BRS easy? Nice pun there :ok:

17th Jul 2005, 17:54

Until the middle of June you could book return flights direct on the Continental website for around £335, incl taxes and charges, for virtually any period, flying til the end of August. I often did comparisons with other UK airports on CO to EWR and, for comparable dates, BRS was usually the cheapest.

The latest fares offer on the BRS website show all-in return fares of £308 or £341 (weekends). Apparently there are similar fares at the US end and this 'summer sale' was what gave rise to the Airliners.net thread with people suggesting it was probably a desperate last throw of the dice .

Having said this I have also heard anecdotal evidence that supports your contention. No wonder outsiders like me are confused. On the one hand we hear CO are almost giving away tickets and on the other we are told fares are too high.

As for the money from the SWRDA, you are right when you say the work would have been done anyway and the airport has an extra £1.5 million to spend as it sees fit. I already said that no-one outside the organisations concerned knows what contract arrangements were made (or presumably shouldn't know), but the Airliners thread talks about a one-year route subsidy which is somewhat different, unless of course an insider has leaked that is what BRS has effectively paid CO.

I wasn't really thinking of Hank and Martha. I was thinking more of business pax who would have a fast track through arrivals (I presume BRS is at least looking after the CO premium pax to that extent) then hop into a taxi and be at Temple Meads in twenty minutes for their HST to Paddington.


You say people don't know about the routes you outlined yet most of these, from the word go, have carried high load factors and in many cases extremely high ones. There is no doubt the region has the catchment to support a New York service as well. This is what makes me think there must be other reasons other than a lack of knowledge, albeit I still think advertsing at this end could be better. Can't speak for the USA.


You are undoubtedly right about the load factor having to be raised yet no-one has yet addressed WATABENCH's and my puzzlement re BHX which also appeared to have an overall load factor similar to BRS's in June, albeit spread over twice the number of flights.

Also around 69% on BRS-EWR throughout the year WOULD meet CO's stated aim for the first year of 75,000 pax.

17th Jul 2005, 18:00
Where have the people that said tech stops would be required went to anyway? :rolleyes:

17th Jul 2005, 18:12
I am not one to bury my head......I was one of them. Having worked at BRS for sometime, long haul flights are easily affected by the weather.
Although, a they may be lucky enough to have low loads whenever the wx could get in their way!!

Nice to see it succeeding anyhow!!

Confirmed Must Ride
18th Jul 2005, 05:29
WWW the fares for the next 2 weeks or so are high, maybe this is because the flights are extremely well booked and the cheap fares are no longer available??

I agree on US knowledge of the area though - maybe an idea for the South-West to get themsleves over to US and not just EWR to shout a bit louder on the subject. Also it is not just US that need a bit of help - many in the south west are aware of BRS-EWR but still believe that they have to go to LHR/LGW for anywhere else west of Dublin

18th Jul 2005, 09:35
I am amazed that the EWR route hasnt taken off in the way that it was expected too. I really can't believe that people would prefer to use LHR rather than BRS. I fly quite expensively and whenever I can I use AMS as my hub. Its a much more user friendly airport and from BRS I can be in AMS in less time than it takes to me drive to LHR and park up!! I find LHR to be a nightmare, last time I used Terminal 4 it took me more than 3 hours to check in on a BA flight!!

Keep up the good work BRS - you know it makes sense !!

18th Jul 2005, 09:38
Perhaps many travellers from the Bristol area are members of Frequent Flyers clubs from airlines other than CO, hence if they had points with BA for example, it would be better for them to fly from LHR

Standard Jet Dep
18th Jul 2005, 11:45
Interesting this conversation on CO BRS -EWR. 69% for a route 2 months old is not bad at all.
Its a new route. New routes take time to market themselves.
Most american folks that i deal with in day to day life are i feel quite ignorant in there knowledge of the UK. i usually ask mostly leisure passengers where they have visited etc always the same places.
London, Oxford, Cambridge and sometimes Bath. Now Bath could be a positive place to tap into in some of the marketing. Nicely located not far from BRS in fact right under the 27 approach path. Its all very well talking about pulling passengers out of LHR onto this route. However LHR has what 4 or more airlines on the same route with a lot of business folks pretty (from my experience) regimented in who they use and looking at the least amount of fuss on getting too and from there destination.
It has been mentioned about milage etc which is a very good point and this relates to my point regarding LHR and people being quite regmented in who they chose to fly with.
marketing maybe the key as the area as sooo much to sell.

Just my 2 pence on it.



18th Jul 2005, 12:33
The CO route is becoming a bit of a public relations shambles locally.

On Saturday the Bristol Evening Post carried an article saying that Continental had announced ‘today’ the route would be reduced to five rotations a week for the winter period. Well, as long ago as 23 June GrahamK pointed out on this MB that the CO timetable was showing this reduction. Furthermore, at the time of the route’s launch on 20 May, the ITV West news reporter stated that the route "would not go daily in winter", so he must have been told something by someone in the know.

The Evening Post followed up Saturday’s article with another one today containing interviews with pax waiting to fly out from BRS to EWR yesterday. Some are already ‘regulars’ and speak highly of the route but all say the aircraft are rarely full.

Tony Hallwood of BRS is quoted, “Continental had reserved its right to reduce frequency in the winter.” The Post commented, “ But it will come as a surprise to passengers who have booked to fly to New York or Bristol on Tuesdays or Thursdays during the affected months. They will now be given the chance to fly on other days during the week.”

Well, why wasn’t this made clear before the route commenced? The ITV West man obviously had an inkling. It was announced the BFS route would reduce to five a week in winter even before it commenced, and EDI, which commenced daily last summer with high loads, also went down to five a week last winter (it is now ten a week this summer).

It now looks as if, and this is the Post’s obvious angle, BRS’s reduction is a direct result of disappointing loads since the route started.

A spokesman for Business West concedes that a major problem is getting Americans to use the route.

The only positive bit of news is a quote a couple of weeks ago by Continental’s UK and Ireland Director that the airline is particularly pleased with the support for Business/First.

Tom the Tenor
18th Jul 2005, 15:50
Guess there is no point in reintroducing the idea of a winglets 737-700 being tried out on the CO EWR-BRS? You'd get your full load that way, if not the yield?

What ETOPS would be needed for such a flight? 120 mins or 138 mins?

As for long hauling in a 737 Astraeus in the UK used to go direct to Equitoreal Guinea in west Africa and Copa from Panama go all the way directly to Buenos Aires so 7 hour flights are just possible with the little extra for go around and and a nearby alternate?

Better still, combine the CO BRS as a triangle with ORK and keep with the 757! Only joking! ;)

18th Jul 2005, 18:06
Fischer are based in Prague, but this one was from the Polish branch of the airline; SP-FVP. The CO flights are approaching being overbooked in the next few weeks.

18th Jul 2005, 20:26
I work for S'Air at BRS as a Ramp agent and i see it all at work, load of the aircraft and i know how most routes are doing. Firsty CO is doing very well with a load factor between 70-80% on a daily basis, I did the CO turnround today came inbound wth about 95 bags and went outbound with about 140 bags. There is a rumour of CO opearting 767s on the route, also today after talking to ppl today i did here AA were looking at flying to BRS from Boston on a 757 like MAN. I think for summer 2006 First Choice could do long haul route or Britannia base a 763 for the summer. There's no new rumours about Gulf Air or Emirates. It's very busy at BRS at the mom, and us needing loads more new ground equipement like steps, gpu's and push back trucks.

You would prob not see the CO 757 with winglets at BRS coz co always use stand 2 which is up to 757 size aircraft, but with winglets it would extend on to the interclean road way between the stands. But it could go on stand 27 on whisty like the 767 would on 26S. I think the only CO 767 they would use would be 762 as there 767-400 would be a bit long, but it would land and take off from BRS\'s rwy. The CO aircraft is OTT when it comes to procenures like chocking, wingwalking and and the security around the aircraft. Any one know any new routes for 2006?

18th Jul 2005, 21:11
To be honest I don't really see a CO 767 at Bristol at all, they lack widebody equipment as it is and I can't see them sending them to Bristol, a new route still proving itself and well within reach of their 752's. I may be wrong but with CO's new China and Indian routes needing the 777's, the 767's will be needed for the routes that the 777's will be taken off.


18th Jul 2005, 21:47
Thats true but the lack of equipement which is a main problem in my job, is slowly going to be improved wth more steps and a new 767 pushback tug. But lack of equipment will not stop airlines opearting wide bodies at BRS coz its the airport that say yes but S'air say no coz they couldnt handle the aircraft i mean they got the stands and most ppl are now High Low trained on the Aer Lingus A320 and Britannia 767 so were getting use to continator aircraft. But BRS dont need load s of wide body planes coz couple more weekly charter serivces on the long haul sector.
If the airport had there way CO would opearte at 777 every saturday as they planned. When the route started on the first day the orginal 757 was tech and they wanted to use to B777 but S'air refused this on the lenght of rwy and the lack ground equipment i.e steps not going to the height of the 777. So they pulled another 757, CO use the same reg's 757 at BRS coz most of them are having the new winglets fitted which could use BRS but not park on stand2.

18th Jul 2005, 21:48
Maybe someone on here would like to post a link to this thread on Airliners-net and let the yanks see BRS from an English viewpoint instead of these stupid comments that are coming from their gobs!
Maybe they'll take note that BRS is a very busy airport for its size and one with more potential than any other airport of its size in the UK, also they might realise how convienient it is for both the south west and as a nice alternative to LHR.
As I think MV said a while back, If I was coming to the UK and been flying overnight, i'd find BRS very welcoming and as you come in on 27 approach , banking over the the City of Bath then seeing Bristol to your right and endless fields to your left dotted with lovely little places that surround the Chew Valley and Midsomer Norton areas and walking off the plane to fresh country air, then driving strait out onto the A38 into the Somerset countryside.
Gota be better than coming in over Slough and choking to death in the London smog as you step outside and spending hours trying to find your way out of LHR!
I know what i'd prefer, anybody got a Airliners log-in?

18th Jul 2005, 21:50
A 777 definitely wouldnt make BRS-EWR without a tech stop,, unless it had 0 pax on ;)

Centre cities
18th Jul 2005, 22:00
Before thinking about Continental 767's isnt it best to establish the 757 first.

A look at Continentals web site shows the web booked seats and these can be compared to the other UK flights.

The worrying thing is that the fares from Bristol seem to be considerably lower than elsewhere on the random dates that I checked and the also the front does not seem to be very full.

Take a look and decide for yourselves.

The viability of BRS and BFS also depends on how it affects the other established routes.

Centre cities

18th Jul 2005, 22:37
I would not go on the web site as its not very update, as i work at BRS and load CO i no the load factors yes sumtimes Business only sells couple of seats like4 but other days between 8 to 16 seats with econmoy being popular with a load of between 110-140 seats being taken up. I think BRS will be more successfully than ppl are making coz because of CO's failure at other UK bases. It will take a year before anyone will no how well its realy done.

Confirmed Must Ride
19th Jul 2005, 05:40
Rampboy...CO were never going to use a 777 and the 767-400 would not be able to use the short runway due to the 2 stage take-off reqd.

Also winglet a/c is due to be parked on stand 2 as interstand clearway shows enough room. Winglet area will be coned.

19th Jul 2005, 08:30
Speaking today with the CO station manager I asked about the 767 rumour. He told me that they will only send in a 763 if there is no 75W availiable.

You will never see a 777 at BRS from any airline for the time being. If you go back a few pages you will see figures to sugest that a 777 is too large/heavy and that wingtip clearence would be a problem with the old terminal. Its the same reason why you won't see an A330/340 at BRS. Nor does the route warrent the use of a 238 seat aircraft when they can't fill a 172 seat 757.

Assuming that there is a load of 4 first and 102 economy and 92 bags. That would give us a load of 10513kg (Adults @ 80kg, Bags @ 20kg). According to Boeing the DOW for a 777-200ER is 142,430kgs. So we have a ZFW of 152,943kgs. Now lets add say 70,000kgs of fuel (may need more, may need less) and we get a TOW of roughly 222,943kgs. At that weight a minimum runway length of roughly 2147m is needed.

*None of the above is actual. It is all assumed using generic data availiable on the web. Take off performance figures are for the 777-200ER prototype and were obtained from the Boeing website.

19th Jul 2005, 08:53
Would be hard for CO to send a 763 when they don't have any :8

19th Jul 2005, 09:02
The first flights were infact going to be operated on either a 777 or a 767. Mr Skipp had confirmed with CO but the servisair manager had told him that if they did it would have to go out onto whiskey. It would have been able to go on to stand 2 but 1 and 3 would then have been out of use and they were needed.

19th Jul 2005, 10:27
Thank You and i do no 777 would not land at BRS but my point is one that CO wanted to use them but S'Air refused to handle these aircraft. Im not sure how true it is that a 757 with winglets can go on to stand 2 if its coned as if would go out into the interclean stand roadway. As we been informed by ASU, but opeartions say one and us at S'air are told another.

Confirmed Must Ride
19th Jul 2005, 10:38
CO did not want to use a 777 for the inaugural flight - it was a 767-200 which was muted due to availability of 757 at that time.

19th Jul 2005, 11:20
Ill love to talk about CO all day NOT! is there any new routes planned for winter2005/06 and 2006? I no about RYR Shannon route daily 787-800 from 30th of october, but anything else in the pipeline?

Standard Jet Dep
19th Jul 2005, 17:23
ooh I love reading this forum when all this talk of 777s and god knows what else is going to be coming into little old BRS. I think the facts speak for themselves plus BRS is a regional airport doing really well for its size and good on it.
You have Easyjet and a really good charter market plus KLM which have always been there done well. I think no question that EZY were going to be success from the word go (excuse the pun there) I think MVs statement a couple of pages back must confirm all is ok as MR head honcho for CO says "particulary happy with business first figures" Well guys i think that may answer the question regarding the viability of the route. If the front end is doing well then that should be good enough. I know where iam it all depends on that and cargo to overall profitbility.
Anyhow How many High lifts you have up there these days? You did have 1 a fews years back. Roll on the EK 777s im sure my old BRS chum out in DXB is having a chuckle at the thought of one at BRS. Take it easy keep the posts coming.

19th Jul 2005, 21:05

If only the city fathers of the mid 1950s had shown the same merchant venturing spirit of preceding generations and had moved their airport to the north of the city instead of to the south, ‘little old BRS’ would be handling 777s and the like without as much as a by your leave.

They had the chance. The mainline railway was already nearby with a branch line even closer, although they could not have foreseen a major motorway crossroads just up the road. And there were no NIMBYs or an environmental lobby then.

Attitudes to airports have certainly changed. On the marvellous Wrington village website is a reproduction of the Wrington Village Guide for 1960. The nearby airport at Lulsgate is welcomed as a valuable addition to the area with a full description of its facilities.

The site encompassed three hundred acres then but with “ample opportunity for further development to the west of the airport” - you can almost sense the guide author hoping it would expand, unlike nowadays. The main "east/west runway" is described as being 1400 yards long and the airport was open in daylight hours with night flying facilities available. There were daily flights to the Channel Islands, Dublin, Paris, Manchester, Cardiff and Southampton with the two carriers being Cambrian Airways and Aer Lingus.

20th Jul 2005, 05:45
CO would have been happy to use a 777 on the first route it was just the fact that Mr Skipp wants the Aircraft on front stand not on Whiskey. The winglet 757 will have enough clearence for stand 2. With the changing of the front stands immenant you may see the 75's of CO, Air 2 and Brit alongside each other.

On other news Flying Visit is 'Flying up' where the old temporary checkin desks were situated and they should be in within the next week. The Air Con pod is being removed from in front of the information desk and the desk itself will be taken back considerably. This is to allow way for the WHSmiths to move downstairs into an outlet in a teardrop sort of shape. The current landside shop will then be become the new search coomb area allowing upto 16 retail outlets Airside. There is also talk of turning the Current Landside First floor to Mezz level stairs and Lift around 180 degrees to make the Mezz level Airside.

Routes wise - Nothing unfortunatly although the Idea of starting up an airline leasing out a 737 and operating daily services to CPH, ORK and LIS adding a daily INN, SZG and Stockholm in the winter and maybe getting a 3rd for next summer to do the Canaries and ATH for Prices between 30 and 120 quid are looking extremely inviting and Financial backers let me Know!

20th Jul 2005, 10:43
Would I MV!!?

CO Flight operated on a 777 no only joking.

We had a call to say it came in with an engine problem (there was a problem the pressure valve and instead of them waiting for it to be fixed they have just turned it continuesly on) and it was sent off to sit on stand 27. It has just pushed back and should be airbourne shortly.

Don't know why WOW have been treated?

edit: Where has MV's post gone it makes me look like Im talking to myself. Something I normally do at work!!!

20th Jul 2005, 11:21
sorry terrier, I inadvertently deleted my post when trying to edit it. I will reprise.

There was no sign of the CO on stand 2 this morning when I checked the East Apron live feed, and no sign of it on the East Apron at all.

I mused that a 767 might have turned up (too big for stand 2) and was parked in the country out of range of the East apron live feed.

I also wondered what the WOW from LBA to NQY/DUB had done to merit a place on the big boys' table (stand 1).

This is like a Two Ronnies Sketch - you answering the question before it has been asked..................or something like that. I'm off for a lie down and a computer lesson.

Sorry again.

Standard Jet Dep
20th Jul 2005, 13:58
Yes MV how right are you there. If only it went to Filton. Im sure it would now be on the size scale of BHX and that is a busy place. FZO just looked to goo to be true, alas nimbys however airports been there for years before the bradley stoke devolopment.
I always wondered how they would tack the MALL onto the side of a terminal building. Anyway must stop dreaming.



20th Jul 2005, 17:06

I think we are all getting a bit carried away here. It will be 747's next.
I think it will be a long time before BRS see's anything larger than a 767-200 as it just wouldn't be able to cope.

There are many many things to take into account when dealing with a/c larger than 767-300's such as 777's or 330's.
BRS could not cope with these a/c for quite a few years. Could you imagine a 777 taxiing past the old terminal for 27, the wing span would take the roof off - the 330 is even larger!!
You would need widebody loading equipment for the LD8's, along with facilities and space to go with it.

And what about load factors?? If you cant fill a 757, why bring in something larger? That is of course if you are not looking at doing double drops..........:confused:

a bristolian
20th Jul 2005, 17:55
Time for Windsheer to eat his words again - EI 330's are coming
in Feb!!!

Two more new routes to be announced in the next few weeks and additional frequency/capx on one probably two other routes.

Might even have something big for WATABENCH for a few weeks.!

20th Jul 2005, 18:02
Are they definately coming??

It was the same with the CWL rumour, the deal was done but that was the end of it!

I will eat my words if they turn up, and will be really interested in how the hell they will get a 330 out of that r/way to Dubai.

Standard Noise
20th Jul 2005, 18:06
a bristolian - yer might wanna let Servis-scare in on the info, give them time to prepare. God knows they still can't cope with the 767 on a Friday!:ok:

a bristolian
20th Jul 2005, 18:06
EI not EK - you know the lovely people with a shamrock on the tail!!

20th Jul 2005, 19:16
Time for Windsheer to eat his words again - EI 330's are coming

*Gets out measuring tape*

The A330-200 has a wing span of 60.30m (197ft 10in). Looks like it will have to use 09 for all take off's.

a bristolian
20th Jul 2005, 19:36

EI have brought 330 in BRS before - in fact they used 330-300 not the 200 planned for Feb.

And as i Was on it I can tell you we used 27 in and out!!

Got pics in the office if you dont believe me!!

20th Jul 2005, 20:20
Please mail them to [email protected]

I'd love to see that......There must havr been inches in it with the old terminal

20th Jul 2005, 21:08
The A330 would have very little paayload though ;)

Standard Jet Dep
20th Jul 2005, 21:58
Yes seen those photos too, was it right that it sank into the taxiway or something? What are they supposed to be doing next feb btw? Interesting reading about S/air there still the same is it? I was wondering how the 767 turn would be.

Best rgds


20th Jul 2005, 22:16

Depends how far it was going.

Aer Lingus flew Bristol's first ever commercial flight into the old Whitchurch Airport in the 1930s and, apart from a few years recently, there has been a continuous peacetime Aer Lingus link into the Bristol airports, now happily restored with the daily DUB A 320.

It would be nice to think that EI might be involved in another first from BRS, even if it did mean flying via another airport, perhaps one just across the Irish Sea.

BTW, I have always found a bristolian very well-informed when it comes to matters concerning Bristol Airport.

20th Jul 2005, 22:44
I work for S-Air and done the By 763 turnround many times we manage it a piece of piss its a easy turnround. Its on the ground for 2 hrs and has 5 bins off plus loss luggage and 5 bins on back out to palma. The 767 can take off from BRS easy due to the fact it has no cargo in hold 2 which is a huge hold its massive. The equipment is no a problem as we have the dollies and high low for the 767, but we do only have 4 sets of steps that go to 767 height, but thats bloody high ill say...hehe i dont no the EI 330 operated i throught said cancelled it last mintue, due to the stand opeartion. Nice thought tho i A330 at BRS, i mean if it did last send da pics to [email protected] ill love to see that parked up on da apron.

21st Jul 2005, 00:08
I mused that a 767 might have turned up (too big for stand 2) and was parked in the country out of range of the East apron live feed.

It was a 757 over on the other side.........

The crew were bussed out just before I boarded the Air Southwest to Newquay/Dublin, saved me a bus ride!

COA boarding was going on through gates 5/6, a 4 foot length of carpet and a special sign for the business passengers boarding through gate 5. Boarding hadn't started by the time I went over to the gate but there was a fair crowd milling around gates 5/6 and not a lot else around at the time to fill with passengers.

BRS-DUB with Air Southwest.....

You get turfed out of the a/c at Newquay and given a transit boarding card and walk into a terminal that's even worse than Cardiff, painted breezeblock and arrivals/departures/delays etc written up on a whiteboard, no hint of any IT all around the place. You then re-board and sit in the same seat you flew in on.

Maybe I'll stick with Ryanair next time.


21st Jul 2005, 05:27
Or maybe Aer Lingus MR?!!

Sounds to me like they are increasing the Dub route to 2 or 3 a day. What are we thinking for the 330 its got to be transatlantic but where?

21st Jul 2005, 06:49
Yet not so long ago there was a rumor floating around that Aer Lingus would be moving across the bridge. An A330 seems an awful large aircraft to use on a DUB route. So I'll believe it when I see it. I too would love to see the photos of the A330 using 27 for departure.

The 777, from what I can see, will never happen. For a start, as far as I know, there are no steps high enough, no 777 engineers and there will need to be a lot of strengthening work done to both the whisky apron and the runway to cope with the extra weights involved. The landing weight will be very similar to BY’s 763’s MTOW. On the plus side though, perhaps the extra weight will flatten out the hump in the runway...:ok:

Please feel free to correct me on anything.

21st Jul 2005, 09:00
I shall BRS dispatch

EI don't use their A330's for domestic or european services only for Transatlantic and I can't see them changing this for a BRS-DUB route.

21st Jul 2005, 11:57


I wondered if there was any connection with this thread, that's why I mentioned a short hop across the Irish Sea.

EI seems to be acquiring 330-200s for this, which is the model a bristolian mentions.

Also intrigued with a bristolian's reference to, "Might even have something big for WATABENCH for a few weeks.!" WATABENCH has been asking about long haul charters.

a bristolian loves to get us all conjecturing with his titbits but, as we know, he is usually proved right when he comes on here.

21st Jul 2005, 12:34
I can see what you mean MV but I also read into the bit aimed at Windy. The thing is with EI they are in a position out on their own cause they are low cost and have the abillity to reach further a field because of the aircraft they already had when they switched to go low co.

Just wish our colleague in the know had dropped a few hints to help the speculation, but not even a continant!!!

From what a bristolian said I am guessing increased schedule on the DUB and two new routes 1 being L/Haul.

a bristolian
21st Jul 2005, 13:06
The EI 330 is operating a few extra flights to from DUB in Feb for rugby - not a new schedule - dont get so carried away you lot!!

Two new scheduled routes but not long haul.

WIP on all other bits - so cant say anything else - just be patient

As the old saying goes everything comes to he who waits.!!

21st Jul 2005, 17:50
I am pretty sure that if a 330 was taxiing off 27, stand 4 would have to be left empty?? The WT clearance would be a little close.
Its little things like that that can cause headaches. Plus what about the poor fuellers..........96 tonnes please drive..........!!

It would make much more sense for a 767-300 to be used for any additional capacity. I believe Aer Lingus don't operate those though. Or am I wrong?:

Standard Jet Dep
21st Jul 2005, 22:22
So mr bristolian what job do you do? just out of curiosity

22nd Jul 2005, 01:14
Blimey, i've only been off 3 days, what the hell is going on 330s 767s!
Just a thought but considering theirs rumours of BRS-BOS floating round and also rumours of an EI 330, and also Bostons Irish links, could we poss being looking at that? only 6 hrs so not a massive amount of fuel for a 330 needed?!
I'm also intrigued by Bristolians comment, are you barking up the FCA long haul tree again?
C'mon i'm starting to tingle, put me out my misery!:E

22nd Jul 2005, 01:38
WATABENCH me old mucka. How busy are we!!
Its 0230 in the morning and we are pruning! And we are not even paying for the bandwidth!

I think some of the guys working on here must work for the BIA marketing team ;)
Does this lingus rumour hold water? Are they really going to fly long haul out of BRS? I think the only chance of them doing it would be if it were multi drop.
Correct me if I am wrong, but they dont do long haul out of any other base that is not Irish so why BRS?

BIA have to be very careful before they start attracting additional flights such as this. Its beginning to get like a cattle market inside the terminal, with staff outside cramming everyone in!!
They really need to get these extensions in place before even contemplating decisions like this. The terminal just wouldn't cope.

Who knows what will materialise? Tonight Matthew I'm going to be..............:p

22nd Jul 2005, 03:37
BRS = LHR T5 and a half!

22nd Jul 2005, 05:09
Lads if you read a bristolians last post

The EI 330 is operating a few extra flights to from DUB in Feb for rugby - not a new schedule

It would still be nice to fly on it though from here.

22nd Jul 2005, 05:31
Dont mess with our dreams!

22nd Jul 2005, 11:55
I also chose to ignore a bristolian for the purpose of day dreaming.

Oh lord, please grace us with that huge wing span flying low over the welsh valley's, accompanied by the glorius drones of paddy atc chatter......:{

22nd Jul 2005, 13:59
ppl stop dreaming plz, its only a A330.

22nd Jul 2005, 14:19
better than a 767rampboy!!!

22nd Jul 2005, 15:36
767 is better than a330 in my opinion, theres no need for a A330 at BRS on short haul or long haul routes. As the 767 is a widebody aircraft that can use BRS apron and rwy. Britannia with prob base a 767 nxt summer or at least it will be used a few times a week, compared to once weekly on the palma. As S'air is getting a brand new push back tug to push 767 aircraft, which we will get in a couple of weeks. The only time in the next few years ur see a A330 at BRS is if EK started using them 2 Dubai which is along way off. The rumour wth Aer Lingus and long haul was which a 767 not A330, even though EI dont have any 767s in their fleet. A strong rumour is maybe firstchoice nxt year doing a long haul wth a 767.

22nd Jul 2005, 17:56
Sorry rampboy but you is wrong!!!

EI will be operating a couple of extra flights next Feb from/to DUB for the 6 nations with a A330-200. A330's can and have used the runway and ramp. Can't see Brit basing a 767 here next year as they have opened up a base in CWL featuring a 76 and long haul. EI haven't got any plans to convert to Boeing aircraft so why just buy 1 767, and the FCA rumour is as long as my... (erm thinks LONG and HARD ha) right arm which was squashed after they brought out their 2006 summer flights and announced they aren't getting the 4 767's till next winter. I reckon we will have to wait till we get the 787 to see FCA go Long Haul, another airline may do before but not FCA.

Oh yeah forgot to comment on the CO loads 150 + outbound last 3 days plus really busy for the next month or so I/B are steady at 60% load at the moment but looks good.

Spoke to Co rep who agreed with the theory that it was always going to be 5 a week in the winter!!! He also informed me that a 767 would have no problems landing and taking off for direct flights and just for good measure he said neither would that 777!!!

One last thing if Air India are around a friend of mine wants a daily service to Bombay for him and his family. There you go R G got it in for you.

Ta Ta

22nd Jul 2005, 18:40
I am glad someone has realised the CWL longhaul pottential ie. BY!!
We have been talking about this for a few years now, various airlines looking hard at the BRS r/way performance V different widebodies, when there is an airport only 50 miles away ready to handle it!!


a bristolian
22nd Jul 2005, 19:02
Another long haul guys!!!!

Ukraine An12 ops this Sunday with International Red Cross flight to Niger - dot the job as quick as you can guys!

22nd Jul 2005, 19:47
In the next 12months u will see more airlines use larger aircraft like 767 if they choose and why would a company buy a pushback tug to push one aircraft? The money made on a 767 turnround and pushback is loads and once those winter mayflys come out end sept/october we will see. The 767 based at CWL is hardly big and to shout about, its only got 2 seats more thn a 757. I have been speakin to FCA and BY engineers both said FCA will wait a year but BY could base a 767 at BRS or if not use it on a daily basis from other bases like the palma route. BY is doing quite well at BRS for a change, but will not base another A/C coz the airport will not reduce the land fees and parking fees to base 2 aircraft unlike EZY or FCA. BRS is way ahead of CWL even those they got a few more long haul routes like Zoom. Time will tell how sucessfully they will be and if they BFS than not very popular, which already cancelled flighs operated by BWIA and CO is not doing as well as BRS. How come BRS got the CO route and not CWL even tho they do more long haul routes? Any more know want airlines will be basing at BRS this winter? Like usual BY, TCX, FCA, XLA, KM etc?

23rd Jul 2005, 09:32
Rampboy: I'm curious. What exactly is an "interclean road way?" Have ICS had their hosepipes out???

On other subjects: just to confirm that CO were always going to 5 flights a week in the winter schedule, this was never a rumour, always a fact, and that 767's will only be used if the 757 is unavailable. Ryanair start daily Shannon on October 30th STD 1850. I doubt whether we will see "more airlines using larger aircraft like the 767" because there simply isn't anywhere to park them. The AN12 this Sunday is Volare cargo: it arrives from Kiev and goes to Niamey (Niger) via Ghadaia in Algeria with Red Cross landrovers.

Titan are operating the Euromanx OLB, SOU and BIA charters this weekend using their own flight numbers. They say if all goes well they may well fly the program for the rest of the season. Anyone with any common sense knew that EMX couldn't go on like they were!

Rampboy: reference the new tug. Common sense would surely suggest that the money being spent on one new tug would be much more wisely spent on the equipment that S'Air actually need on a daily basis? I can think of an towbars for ATR42, J41 and S340, more steps which there aren't enough of, more GPU's etc etc, all of which would help the operation. Why spend money on a towbar for an a/c that comes in once a week??

23rd Jul 2005, 12:04
The reason why we are getting a new pushback tug, is coz when they expanded the western apron and built a 767 stand to handle the BY aircraft it was 26N which was a pushback stand, but at the time S'air didnt want to spend money on a tug n bar 4 one aircraft and make another stand 26S to park the 767 to taxi off. But since we need more pushback tugs as we only have 4 one for BAs and 3 for Ramp. We need another to push 757s,A321,767s etc. But i find it funny how now the campany has desided to get one for the 767 and a new bar. I think its better having the equipment for new airlines to look that BRS can handle such aircraft and that theres more money to be made on a 767 turnround then anyother aircraft. We should be recieving the new tug in a couple of weeks. We are getting new steps which is need 7 sets total, one set a week so we here, and couple more electrial flatbeds. But no GPU's or Elect tugs which we need too. S'air needs to sort its act or in a years time a new handling agent could take over which will prob happen anyway.

23rd Jul 2005, 16:50
Theres gota be sumet fairly intresting in the pipeline if S-Air are getting new equipment, especially a 767 tug, may not be for a while though i expect, but theres a number of rumours to pick from if you want CO/FCA/BY/XLA all current 767 rumours.
If you ask me i'd imagine BY 767 doing more flights nxt summer, CO will stay with the 757, XLA 767 long haul wont come to anything, and FCA i would say a 50/50 of a SFB route for maybe Winter 06-07, As i said before all things considered BRS is FCAs 3rd busiest base, LGW-MAN-BRS-BHX, But they pulled a 767 from BHX a couple of yrs ago and put one into EMA, this was because of the runway length at BHX, as Windsheer said ages ago FCA like to fill the bellies with cargo to make extra cash, so I imagine if a SFB route did come along then FCA would be getting a stonking deal on the fees from BRS.
Rampboy - Do you really think another handling agent will come in? Honestly?
Methinks not, S-Air have the monopoly in BRS and it would be a massive effort for another agent to come in, I cant see that the airport would like it either, it would mean setting out a certain number of desks for each of them, not to mention finding office space, operations rooms, staff rooms, equipment bays, sorry mate I aint buying it, theres been so many rumours before, I mean apparently Menzies were down last week, but nothing will come of it, and with S-Air finally upgrading equipment its probably defo not gona happen, If only they spent some money to up the staffs wages, I dont work for S-air but know what most jobs average pay is, Check-in/Dispatch/Ramp - Its awful really they all do work really hard and deserve so much more:ok:

23rd Jul 2005, 17:07
i no i mean the avainace in only rumour but they have been seen at BRS and i think if they do come, if would be well over a year or 2. As most airlines at BRS are happy wth the serivce we provide, even though eqipement is streched. But funny as its sounds we are gettin more steps in the coming months we have recieved one new set already and a new pushback tug coming august too. Ur rite i work on the ramp at BRS with S'air and we would love a pay rise again for our hard work and increased work load. I knew FCA operated loads of flights out of BRS but 3rd busiest thats good for BRS, jst cant understand why BY dont base another A/C or increase flights. Gd news 4 BRS that XLA and KM with been based here again this winter from prob a very successfully summer.

23rd Jul 2005, 17:44
I know FCA are very happy with their BRS base, it ticks along very nicely for them, and is very well run with a good OTP apart from when they have G-OOAF in going tech left right and centre! just wish they would realise the potential for expansion, even if its not long haul, I'm sure if they started a year round BJL or picked up on Egypt routes like BY and XLA have they'd fill them(lets just hope BRS keeps the routes after todays awful events), and whats the no AGP this summer all about?!
As it seems to of gone cold on the FCA-EXT base front maybe they're looking at further expansion in BRS, lets face it out of the charters in BRS in my opinion they have the best product and are a well recognised brand with more shops in the area than other brands such as Thomson and Thomas Cook thanks to the old Bakers Dolphin shop network.
I heard they were looking at a route to Morrocco but havent said anything as of yet, and they've added another Ski route for the winter, GNB i think.
I'm sure a Bristolian would let us know if sumet was going to happen tho!

23rd Jul 2005, 18:06
Sorry to be slow but wot awful events today im only aware of the london bombin, or sumthing happened at BRS? Where the hell did the rumour about XLA going long haul come about they only been based at BRS since the start of April/May?

23rd Jul 2005, 19:38
3 Bombs in Sharm el Sheikh, killed nearly 100 people, lots of tourists, 2 hotels and a taxi rank hit, Sick Ba**tards

XLA something i heard in terminal, nothing really in it i dont think, just someone dreaming away

23rd Jul 2005, 20:06
Just wondering but can a push back tug only pushback one type of aircraft or does that depend on the tow-bar? So even if Servisair are getting a tug that could push back a 767 doesn’t mean it will be, but just be ‘nice to have’ for the occasional 767 that does come through. Last I heard was that BRS was to loose the weekly BY 763 Palma due to the expansion of their programme from Cardiff.

I’m also of the impression that Servisair have an agreement/contract that makes them the sole handling agent (apart from BA) for X number of years, something like three or four at least. I’d imagine Servisair would be keen to keep it that way too as I’ve been told that Bristol is the most profitable station for them.

23rd Jul 2005, 20:23
The BY PMI wth 767-300 is still operating, the new pushback tug is designed to push 767, 757 and A321 aircraft, any smaller and the sher pins would brake under the pressure of the tug. BRS is a very profitable Station for S'air, i cant BY cancelling the PMI serivce since it comes from PMI and prob the flight b4 was to/from MAN not CWL which would prob be opearted by their 767-200 which is based at CWL. It would not suprise if S'air got a agreement wth the airport for a few years to be the sole agent. I think the BY 767 nxt summer will 3/4times a week compared to the weekly serivce at the mom, coz S'Air would buy the tug to push 767 jst once week so i think they know sumthing to buy a tug to use on A321, 757 which are normal at BRS and 767 like the BY. But its prob on more than jst a weekly serivce, they just would not justif buying other wise. I mean its took S'Air months to decide to bother buying a tug n bar for a 767 there must be more demand for it than most ppl know at the mom, coz they dont like spending money on equipment for the airport but keep it as profit for the company lol.

23rd Jul 2005, 22:01
I think in the long run there will be more 767's but it may not be for a long while yet. If the bar is used for 321's 757's as well as the 767 it makes sense to buy one that can operate all three. Therefore you can accept larger diverts etc, I don't think they would have bought it just on the chance of more immenant 76's.

CO76 - 146 PAX CO77 - 176 PAX today not sure where the extra 4 sat!!!

23rd Jul 2005, 22:10
Prob sat on the jump seats or crew seats lol i bet it will be like that on most CO flights 4 the nxt couple of weeks.

23rd Jul 2005, 22:20
Too right Rampboy, a little known holiday season has just started!
Lets hope the figs stay up in Sept.
Just been flicking through the Thomas Cook summer 06 brochure, they have seats on FCA-NAP on a Friday, anybody know if this is additional to MYT and BY or is one or the other pulling out of the route and FCA taking it, looking at the FCA programme, it'd either have to be another a/c on a W pattern or they're pull their lunchtime TFS.

23rd Jul 2005, 22:36
Dont i know it when im out there working on the ramp, i cant see FCA dropping the lunchtime TFS thats quite popular prob their use a aircraft on a W pattern like the A320 based a EXT used in the winter to go to AGP as a example. Who knows wot the airlines choose to do. Is MYT going again this winter like last and TCX take over during the winter again, den they swap over in the summer so MYT operate again?

23rd Jul 2005, 22:50
MYT going again at end of summer, TCX dont take over, they only operated an ACE and TFS last winter, although i believe they're doing 4 flights this winter comeing, Airtours hols will then share on different operators as last year, they usually share on FCA for quite a few as do Thomas Cook in the winter, this is why I dont understand FCA not wanting to lay on more services from BRS especially in the winter, i'm sure theres the market for it, mind you they still do more than BY in the winter.
I think this winter is going to be pretty busy by all accounts, especially with the KM staying and TCX x 4 plus the BY and FCA units, is XLA staying for the winter aswell?

23rd Jul 2005, 22:54
I'm Pretty sure XLA are too, as im flying to TFS wth XLA in December this year so they must do jst like KM.

23rd Jul 2005, 23:19
But funny as its sounds we are gettin more steps in the coming months

The extra steps are being brought in because pretty soon all the EZY 737's will have thier forward airstairs removed which means that two sets of steps will be required for each aircraft. Also BRS is to become a 319 station in the not too distant future and as we all know, the A319 needs two sets of steps.

The new tug that Servisair are bringing is just a heavier more powerfull tug. An extra tug was needed and they decided to buy one that could also push a 767. It dosn't mean that there will be extra flights it just makes sense to have a tug that can push every type of aircraft that uses BRS.

23rd Jul 2005, 23:26
CO 77 - 172 Pax plus 4 Babies!!!

24th Jul 2005, 00:16
dont know where the 767 XLA rumour came from?? would be nice though!!maybe it stems from the very strong cwl new base rumours there are to be 12 destinations operated next summer not sure if W patterns though or if we will actually have a new base.AAI have taken over tcd so maybe XLA will operate sanford from cwl who knows maybe a double drop brs-cwl-sfb!!! would love to beat fca to it out of brs!! as for an XLA winter base looking 99% def at moment heard km will operate egypts and xla ski flights, canaries and tunisia.also heard flug 400-s at brs and ncl are due to go to the states for the winter (shame)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. so hopefully if base is all year it will be with the 800!!. rampboy767... this is'nt XLA'S first year at brs we had a brs base last year ( a small one ) and xla have had flights going for a few years using man or lgw crew so we've always had a good reputation at brs ( although this summer the flug's letting us down big time ) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!.and you mention BY they used to have a 757 and A320. A320 was operated by bhx crew they just seem to plod along with 1 a/c and no new routes fca are the best charter in brs if we had 800-s back XLA would give them a run for their money!!!!

24th Jul 2005, 02:45
Yeah well we thought we had got rid of the flug too!!! Can't say I was to thrilled when I saw it on an early morning oh so long ago!!!

We would love to see you expand too but you are slightly different being mainly seat only compared to package

24th Jul 2005, 10:33
BY 320? Dont think so!
It was 2 757s a few yrs back, Thomsons dont use Airbus as far as i know, someone put me in my place if i'm wrong

24th Jul 2005, 10:35
Britannia leased 3 A320s from TransAer a few years back. AFAIK, they were based at LBA, GLA and BRS/MAN.

24th Jul 2005, 12:58
Graham is right about the Britannia 320s. They operated some flights in/out of BRS in the summer of 1999 along with the based 757. The 320 may well have been based for part of each week that summer.

From memory they were painted in the Britannia livery of that period although I have a vague memory that it was not a complete Britannia livery. I may be wrong on this point.

BY operated about 25 weekly flights that summer compared to Air 2000 (First Choice) at around 16. As WATABENCH has said, FCA have certainly forged ahead since then.

In checking old timetables etc I find that BY operated a fortnightly 767 flight from BRS to Orlando in summer 1995 (or it may have been Sanford if BY used that airport then), undoubtedly via another airport because of the R-word.

I seem to remember Britannia flights to the Dominican Republic some time in the 1990s but only about three one summer. I believe it was a year when Thomson decided to operate to that part of the Island of Hispaniola from several UK airports not normally associated with such flights, but only two or three from each airport.

24th Jul 2005, 14:07
Believe the BRS-Orlando flights operated via SNN.
IIRC, the Britannia A320s, were all white apart from Britannia titles and the lady on the tail. A.c were on Irish reg

a bristolian
24th Jul 2005, 14:28
Think the BRS - Orlando went to MCO not SFB.

Again the flight went direct on most flights when operated by GBYAA and GBYAB ( bettar ( Bristolian!!!) engines).

When operated by the likes of GBOPB it went via SNN but most went direct with full pax and even cargo !!

24th Jul 2005, 15:15
BY def had A320 operating out of brs and it was in 1999 the bhx were operating it as brs by crew are only trained on the boeing.it did a fair few flights but was not based there all week ( i think ).XLA could never compete with fca as i said they are clearly the best charter in brs however a few years ago BY and airtours were always seen as the biggest and best how things have changed!!!

24th Jul 2005, 15:48
The reason for the steps in not coz EZY are removing their steps, as that idea has gone out the window. But EZY will make BRS an all airbus base by the end of the year. FCA are the biggest and S'Air doing great handling their flights. As today my crew had 2 FCA flights the MIR onload and LPA-IBZ turnround plus aload of EZY flights and finished with the EI turnround. Im sure BY with increase their flights one day, but im sure XLA will not be far after FCA once they contuine to expland.

24th Jul 2005, 22:21
I think FCA's main monopoly and faveratism is due to the demise of BY. I always flew with BY with the lady on the tail great service hardly ever any problems. The mistakes they have made have helped FCA grow I know 100's of people who used to fly BY to FAO I did at least once a year haven't been since BY dropped it also haven't been back on BY. What makes great companies great is their reputation, BY threw this away when they became 'Tui' and its losing even more rep by now going ThomsonFly. In the industry now of so many low cost flights the only way to take pax off of them is to offer them a decent service which comes from reputation. The package deals aren't that more expensive say 10%. If you are a coke a cola drinker and some one offers you a cheaper alternative at 10% cheeper you will go with reputation - this is what BY have lost FCA are steady with and XLA are earning!

24th Jul 2005, 23:12
But EZY will make BRS an all airbus base by the end of the year

Then you have just answered your question as to why Servisair have just brought extra steps..........:rolleyes:

And I think you should ask again about the airstairs being removed from the easyjets.

Standard Jet Dep
24th Jul 2005, 23:49
Hi there folks yep summer of 99 DEF saw the A320 used to operate 4 days a week i think it was. Wednesday mornings that summer were really busy for BY. 3 757s and the A320 plus FCL (my beloved colours) and VZ,DP plus all the schelduled stuff.
Did see a Santo Domingo BY 767 200 in i think it was 97 remember loads of **** with bags mixed in all the ULDs and a full bag id was required. I think it was a SDQ - BRS/MAN but not sure.
FCA success at BRS is not suprising due to being established for a long time. Plus took loads of seats and a few of the old slots that JMC/TCX had.
Certainly miss BY old lady many very happy memorys of driving to work along the A38 and seeing the 757 sat on echo 2 in the first light of the morning. Really miss the old terminal atmosphere completly changed after the move into the new one.
I believe from a few people that pass through from time to time that its not as personal as it was before its a shame.
Anyhow take care peeps.



25th Jul 2005, 09:32
Well that me with me foot in my mouth then! I stand corrected about BY 320s

25th Jul 2005, 18:14
Going on about routes, how come no one has took up the CPH route since EZY dropped it over a year ago? Where as all round year routes like GVA and ZUR seem to be very popular but more so in the winter last have been recented started in the past 12months.

Standard Noise
25th Jul 2005, 23:26
Was that a nice shiny new set of steps which trundled along Downside Road this afternoon. My we are spending big, aren't we/;)

Confirmed Must Ride
26th Jul 2005, 11:01
Nice shiny new winglets passed by aswell today for CO,

26th Jul 2005, 13:59
All 757s should have winglets makes the plane look much nicer. Steps wot steps not seem another new white set. Good to see it coming tho.

26th Jul 2005, 19:58
Whats happened to the delayed MYT flgiht to CFU that was meant to depart yesterday morining at 0700. I heard it had to have a engine change to the left engine, and the CFU flight was opearted by a Air Scoltland 757 which arrivalled bac at BRS 0450 this morining after a mega delay. Why are MYT aircraft so old and unrelieable?

26th Jul 2005, 20:03
Why are MYT aircraft so old and unrelieable?
Take away the Boeings and MYT have got one of the most modern fleets on the British register.

26th Jul 2005, 20:15
Maybe, but some of the A320 Fleet have old engines and cause problems, but MYT are always getting delays for sum reason or another. The proceuce for start up on sum aircraft require to Dry Cank the engines to get enough power first from the APU before turn and burn. I cant remember some of the reg's for these aircraft but there prob some of the oldest A320's in the airbus fleet.

26th Jul 2005, 20:34
The My Travel A320 based at BRS at the moment is C-GTDK and is on lease from Skyservice for the summer. It is one of the oldest A320's in service. Fellow Bristolians will remember that the last time it was with us it left half its tail on the runway :E

Standard Noise
27th Jul 2005, 08:33
Rampboy767 - the shiny white steps were sitting in the MT yard yesterday morning.

27th Jul 2005, 23:42
Just been on flybe.com and notice that BHD goes down to just one flight a day in each direction after October.

Left with BHD-BRS-BOD/EGC-BRS-BHD, no morning or evening BHD-BRS-BHD.

28th Jul 2005, 05:48
How many seats did those old BY 767s hold? surely if some of them were going direct to MCO from BRS as Bristolian says then a newly configured FCA 767 holding 250 pax instead of the old 330 would be able to do SFB fine out of BRS? Or were the old BY's operated with a part load?:confused:

28th Jul 2005, 09:40
Britannia's 762's are fitted with 276 seats and the 763's are fitted with 328 or somwhere in that region IIRC.... Must have gone with a part load.

28th Jul 2005, 11:35
FCA new 767-300s are Ex Vienam airlines aircraft which has more up/rated powerfully engines to take off from a shorter runway, and i thing they hold 250 pax due to their new class I.e Preimum, ecomecy, etc.

28th Jul 2005, 12:09
You all keep going on about how FCA should start long haul flights from BRS, has anyone from First Choice actually said there is any chance of this happening at all? Or is it all just a load of rumours?

28th Jul 2005, 12:27

It is mainly rumour/conjecture/wishful thinking, although a bristolian (a man with finger very much on the BRS pulse) did throw out a subtle hint that might allude to FCA in a recent post.
As he put it, we must sit back and have patience.

Must have gone with a part load.
a bristolian said most (the 762s with the 'Bristol' engines) went with a full load and cargo.

Just been on flybe.com and notice that BHD goes down to just one flight a day in each direction after October.
Perhaps they have given best to easyJet at last, albeit easy flies to the other Belfast airport, with 3 daily rotations (slightly less at weekends).

Flybe will lose those who want to fly out and back in the day - not sure how many that would be.

On the plus side the Bergerac is running thoughout the winter (3 rotations per week - last winter it did not start until February), and there is a M, W, F plus (I think Sun) Jersey rotation when Flybe had none last winter. In addition the Bordeaux (4 weekly rotations) and the Toulouse (6) will continue through the winter as last year.

easyJet is also reducing rotations from BRS on some routes this winter, as it is from other airports. For instance, the Budapest will only run on M, W, F and Sun; the Valencia will not run on Tue or Sat; the Pisa will run only on Tue, Thur and Sat for most of the winter; the Nice and Palma will have the same reduced midweek rotations as last winter. However, from mid December the Geneva will go double daily seven days a week until the end of the winter period (last year it went single daily with an increase at weekends).

Despite this, all eight aircraft still seem to be needed to operate easy’s winter timetable from BRS, at least in the mornings and during the day, although the timetable appears to be showing only seven late evening arrivals on weekdays, so perhaps either another route is in the offing, or they have decided to keep a spare a/c for later in the day, or I have misread the timetable (the most likely).

So it appears to be swings and roundabouts all round.

Can anyone in the business guess at Ryanair’s rationale in starting a daily SNN-BRS service in the winter months? Aer Arann reduced their ORK rotations last year to three a week all year round on an ATR (seemed a very perverse decision because loads were high and fares, whenever I checked, were not cheap), and no-one has yet stepped in to fill the void, yet FR suddenly starts flying to SNN out of season and offering far greater capacity.

No wonder outsiders like me peering into the aviation scene are often left scratching our heads.

28th Jul 2005, 12:58
a bristolian said most (the 762s with the 'Bristol' engines) went with a full load and cargo.

Sorry to be pedantic but none of Britannia's 767-204ER's are fitted with "Bristol" 211 engines nor do any of their 767-304ER's. They all come fitted with "Caerphilly" CF6 engines. All their 752's come with Rollers though.......

28th Jul 2005, 16:13
I think anyone but Ryanair would have a problem with these times!!!

Ranger 1
28th Jul 2005, 18:14
The only 767's I knew of with RB211's were some that BA operate, on an interesting note the Fischer Air 7575 that was doing a Subby a couple of weeks ago had PW's the first one I have ever seen at BRS.

1st Aug 2005, 10:49
Bit of a delayed reaction here, but isnt the MYT G-GTDK rather than C-? It appears to be re-registered...

BAL operate a weekly 763 to LEPA, not as heavy fuel wise of course, but does it go fully laden pax/baggage wise?

BAL send a B762 yearly to TBPB and that gets out of EGGD fine, so surely long haul flights would be possible..?


1st Aug 2005, 12:18
Bit of a delayed reaction here, but isnt the MYT G-GTDK rather than C-? It appears to be re-registered...

Correct. MYT and SSV lease aircraft off one another very often. Depending on the lease contract, ACIM or Wet, the aircraft will either retain its canadian registraion for ACIM lease but will have to be placed on the british register if it is on wet lease.

BAL operate a weekly 763 to LEPA, not as heavy fuel wise of course, but does it go fully laden pax/baggage wise?

Generally it goes out with a full pax load with probably 300 pieces of luggage.

BAL send a B762 yearly to TBPB and that gets out of EGGD fine, so surely long haul flights would be possible..?

These were before my time in the UK but from what I have read/heard the aircraft either made a tech stop en-route or departed with a very reduced load.

1st Aug 2005, 12:31
These were before my time in the UK but from what I have read/heard the aircraft either made a tech stop en-route or departed with a very reduced load.

I have a recollection that this was discussed around the time of the last flight (the winter before last?) and someone 'in the know' said the flight was indeed carrying a reduced load (less than 200 from memory) although it did go non stop.

1st Aug 2005, 12:39
Err, the TBPB flight went in February this year, and it was non stop because I saw the flightplan :).


1st Aug 2005, 20:53
I heard a couple of rumours the other day around the airport, like a couple of airlines wanting to base aircraft next year like WOW and RYR. Also some rumour of more expland plans to the airport, like getting rid of stands 4-6 and making new stands 4-5 like 1,2,3 but make them 767 stands and expand the terminal too? What plans the airport got for extensions?

Ranger 1
1st Aug 2005, 21:20
Now I know why our section was bought that fancy Line marking machine:ouch:

1st Aug 2005, 21:25
How true is that rumor then? Will stands be totally renumbered? IE wlil the current position of stand 8 become stand 6 (as theres no 7 anymore), stand 9 become 7 and so on?


1st Aug 2005, 21:47
I'm not sure i heard it from a source at the airport on the ramp, but i dont no i dont think its that true since there going to be doing the 2nd faise of the western apron soon so i think that will become the main operation in time and maybe after the airport brought the land by the mail tent and BA hanger they may build another terminal? i dunno

1st Aug 2005, 22:16
The airport's Statement of Intent, published in connection with the Government White Paper, and which forms the basis for public consultation following which the airport's Master Plan will be submitted, concentrates on extending the current terminal building up to a level of 9 million pax per year. The airport also reckons a total of 30 stands will be needed to achieve this annual total.

They don't want a second terminal because it would have to be south of the runway and would lead to operational difficulties, although this might have to be addressed at some point after the 9 million pax total is reached.

They hope that work would begin on extending the current terminal (by up to 80%) in 2007 but it is dependent on planning permission and there could be problems with the local authority's Green Belt which as it stands would hinder the airport's desired development.

Things should be clearer when the Master Plan is submitted, probably at the end of this year.

Even what many would consider modest expansion plans contained in the Statement of Intent have already raised the hackles of the usual suspect opponents, and the Chew Valley Gazette is full of their hot air this month.

1st Aug 2005, 23:22
Oh god western apron again, whats being done this time? Extension to the north of the 2 mail stands? Will this mean additional mail parking or more commercial parking?

Whats happening with moving the fuel farm also?

As for terminal extension, was there not once talk of making a pier to the West? Once the fuel farm is moved, having one long apron from the old terminal up to the BA hangar, with a pier including air bridges from the Western end of the terminal extending along the top edge of the W apron? Any talk of that?


2nd Aug 2005, 06:00
Plans which are often told truthfully very often have to be adapted when it comes to reallity.

Plans I have heard and at the moment this is what will happen.

Information desk has almost been completed, just need power.

Airportcarz has relocated outside to portacabin.

Whsmiths landside is coming downstairs to the old flying visit area, taxidesk and under the stairs.

Front facing stands to become 1,2,3,4,5 + 6. The walk way arm at 4,5 + 6 is to be taken down and extended along.

Mezzanine level to be extended in departure lounge which will incoperate 'boarding lounge'/'holding area' over the current coach forecourt.

Fuel farm to re position when/where not quite decided.

Covered walkway to Pick up car park (Oct time)

Longer term;

Staff car park to move south side and old terminal to be demolished. This will then be turned into Apron.

Possibilities of multistory car park in current car park connected to current terminal by covered walkway also Airport Hotel in same area all interconnected.

There is also plans to develop a 'Check-in' terminal in the car park linked to what would be a departure terminal containing shops and gates.

Fire section will also need to be moved from current location to maybe southside.


2nd Aug 2005, 11:31
I've also heard the rumor regarding Air SW adding new routes, but not heard anything about an a/c based at BRS. Guess it'll be more through flights from NQY or PLH, have heard something about BOH though?

Ranger 1
2nd Aug 2005, 13:38
Meanwhile Engineering are looking to put a set of Wheels on the ASU Portacabin, along with an Obstruction light on the roof:}

2nd Aug 2005, 22:05
What about this new rumour of Eastern Airways starting a new route to HUY - BRS - HUY? how true is it and when will it start?

2nd Aug 2005, 22:32
What about this new rumour of Eastern Airways starting a new route to HUY - BRS - HUY? how true is it and when will it start?

Do you mean MME? Dont think HUY would ever happen.

2nd Aug 2005, 23:03
sorry wrong Destination MME ur right!:O

3rd Aug 2005, 11:01
Ehrm, everyones going on about these new stands, expansion eand all, but, and i hate to boast i put that on here a few weeks ago people!
And yes I have spoke to someone in the know in FCA and there is a real possibility of 767, but prob not till the other 2-3 come into service, so maybe not for another year or so:E

3rd Aug 2005, 13:13
There is also a report on this MB of Eastern increasing its weekday rotations on the ABZ-BRS route from two to three.

This with the rumoured Eastern MME-BRS route might be what a bristolian was alluding to on here recently.

Richard Taylor
3rd Aug 2005, 13:37
G'day all Bristolians. :)

Extra EZE/T3/Eastern (delete as appropriate) rotation confirmed on their website:

M-F wef 5/9:

ABZ 1220 1405 BRS
BRS 1435 1620 ABZ

Also Sat flight wef 8/10:

ABZ 0900 1045 BRS
BRS 1115 1300 ABZ.

(Thought I'd post it on here as well as my own thread).

4th Aug 2005, 10:34
Someone told me that FR were going to base an a/c to do the DUB rotations and SNN but not haveing the crew based is that right? If so that would be comical after all the peeps on the CWL thread going on about FR baseing there.
Anybody any ideas, I just find it intresting that FR would say CWL poss for a new base but then expand out of BRS:confused:

4th Aug 2005, 10:45
Someone told me that FR were going to base an a/c to do the DUB rotations and SNN but not haveing the crew based is that right?

Something like DUB-BRS-SNN-BRS-DUB-BRS-DUB would work wouln't it?

4th Aug 2005, 10:46
What would have been more Comical would be for them to announce officially CWL as new Base but then transfer to BRS at last min!! I'd love to read the CWL thread!!

I think MV (as usual) has hit it on the head.

4th Aug 2005, 11:09
The winter FR timetable shows all the DUB rotations as DUB-BRS-DUB, and the SNN rotation as SNN-BRS-SNN, suggesting the a/c will be those based at the Irish airports.

In fairness to those on the CWL threads who have suggested a CWL FR base, I don't think they have anything concrete to back this up any more than we on the BRS thread have for Lulsgate. Naturally, they would like further services from their airport as would 'supporters' of any airport, but I haven't seen anyone going out on a limb saying they are definitely getting a base at CWL.

What has perhaps encouraged the conjecture is that document on the FR website with the famous orange dots, apparently placed at locations across Europe , incuding CWL, that will become Ryanair bases in the future. However, they may be no more than representational because would any airline publicly state, perhaps years in advance, the airports at which they were interested in setting up bases, and at nowhere else?

I wonder whether any increase in Ryanair flights to BRS and/or CWL might not be more likely to be operated with a/c from other European bases in the way the SNN-BRS has been set up.

Changing subject, am I right in saying that with comfortably over a hundred weekly charter flights in high summer this year from BRS there is only one to Alicante (the Saturday FCA)? If so, this is a startling example of the way that low cost airlines (14 rotations a week by easyJet in Bristol's case) have stolen this market from the traditional IT carriers.

4th Aug 2005, 11:18
Perhaps FR could do at BRS and CWL what they are doing at NCL and MME...

NCL now have 3 FR routes ( Dublin, Milan and Oslo), and MME have two (Dublin and Rome), perhaps operating this way, mixing routes between the two airports would be the way to go in the SW, if they have any plans at all for expansion there?

4th Aug 2005, 11:25
That sounds like a good suggestion really. FR could compete witha few of the more succesful EZY routes from CWL and operate new non competed routes from BRS. It would make sense and the EZY routes that do well from BRS are big enough markets to support a carrier from CWL.

4th Aug 2005, 22:14
It is quite clear that the two biggest areas for lack of an FR base in England are the South West and North East. FR have already said one of the North East Airports will become a base = we just don't know which one!

The same applies in the South West - their strategy is to have as much coverage as possible and their are gaps in both BRS and CWL flight schedules that FR could comfortably fill in my opinion.

Going loco
5th Aug 2005, 08:29
Yorks and Humberside (pop. 5m) doesn't have an FR base, and is certainly bigger than the North East. Not sure about how it compares to the South West population wise.


5th Aug 2005, 09:16
Yorks and Humberside (pop. 5m) doesn't have an FR base, and is certainly bigger than the North East. Not sure about how it compares to the South West population wise.

I can see DSA becoming a major base in the future for FR! That would be great!

When you say North East airports is that just NCL and MME?

5th Aug 2005, 09:22
Well, anything below MME is in Central England ain't it :}
But this isn't the correct thread to be talking about this

5th Aug 2005, 11:32
I did here a rumour of RYR basing 4 A/C at BRS next year but what with EZY got more of the market, and CWL being a better choice i cant seeing it happening. Unless they start routes EZY dont do like Olso, Frannfurt Hann, Girona (GRO) maybe of sumthing along those lines.

5th Aug 2005, 21:41
Can't see it happening rampboy not unless they are nightstopping out of BRS and returning for around 7,8 or 9 in the morning to operate back out. If they did it would more than likely be Scandinavia and eastern europe and possibly north france but like I say I doubt it!

5th Aug 2005, 21:44
well the rumours are true xla are to have a permenant brs base not sure if a 400 or 800 is to be based there for the winter we all know which we'd prefer!!!!!!.heard around 10 flights a week.and cardiff is opening 2006 having a 800 based there contracted from sunwing.excellent news for brs as ncl and glasgow are to close again for the winter!!!:ok:

5th Aug 2005, 22:00
CAA provisional stats for June have been revised for some reason, and the BRS-EWR route has 'found' an extra 115 pax, giving a monthly total of 7266 (average load 121*, just over 70% load factor).

As a comparison, the other new United Kingdom CO route to EWR from BFS has had its provisional figures published today, and these show 7717 pax were carried (average load 129*, load factor 75%).

* rounded to the nearest whole number.

I have been told by a number of sources that the loads in both directions on the BRS route have been much improved recently, although I suppose if they hadn't at the height of the holiday season eyebrows might be raised.


We were told a few weeks ago that an Air Malta 320 would be based at BRS this winter. Bearing in mind such a unit has been carrying out much of Freedom Flight's programme this summer, would this be the a/c operating the winter XL programme?

5th Aug 2005, 22:23
Evening MV - Co loads in deed looking good although we had no figure for todays outbound. Like I have said many times you only have to fill it one way (most of them will come back at some point!).

I always assumed that the XL flights along with KM's were carrying on in the winter. Do you think we could shunt the 'Flug' over to CWL next year and operate a nice 738 instead?

5th Aug 2005, 23:18
Excel are basing at A/C this winter and KM too. Like the summer season. So Prob the based A320 will stay and the 737-400 too.

6th Aug 2005, 07:20
rampboy, I believe the Flug 734s are supposed to be going over to America (someone confirm that I'm correct/wrong), and that BRS will get a shiny new 738 for the winter, then back to the Flug 734 next summer.

6th Aug 2005, 08:38
Do Britannia, First Choice and Thomas Cook have bases at BRS during the winter?

6th Aug 2005, 11:43
Thomsonfly and First Choice Airways base aircraft during the winter. Thomsonfly is a 757 and then just one 321 from FCA.

Thomas Cook will be basing a 320 for park of the week, it’ll come in Thursday morning, operate an ACE, then a TFS on Friday and an LPA on Saturday.

I heard the Flug 734’s were going to fly in the states for Casino Express, Avion Groups latest acquisition.

6th Aug 2005, 14:00
yes it was announced a whilst back km would be staying on for the winter so we all thought there was no chance xla would keep their base open aswell but it was offically announced tuesday!!so there must be alot of work to keep 2 a/c in winter!! km will do egypt for xla not sure what other routes??. xla are using 3 of flug's 400's for summer 2 in ncl and 1 in brs ncl is shutting so we think we may get tf-elj?? at least this one is nicely spayed up xla and has leather seats!! would prefer the 800 but most of these are also rumoured to be going overseas for winter so who knows!!!!

6th Aug 2005, 22:49
Knowing BRS's luck it will prob be another S**t islandslug as i call it and not a nice Excel 738. Excel are here in the winter as i am flying wth them from BRS in the winter months. But it will be good for the MYT A320 to go and the TCX A320 rtn.

6th Aug 2005, 22:56
Just a quick one for merchant...

No offence old pal (cos you know ur stuff!), but you rely a hell of a lot on figures.
I can assure you that figures are 'tweaked' all the time!

My good mate Watabench will vouch for that, he is as bent as hell! And thats not just with the blokes........!!

6th Aug 2005, 23:04
Sounds like TCX are doing the same as last year then, correct me if Im wrong of course <G>.

MYT buggering off for the Winter then? But are they operating the B752 for the Saturday LOWS flight again?


6th Aug 2005, 23:47
MYT buggering off for the Winter then? But are they operating the B752 for the Saturday LOWS flight again?
No chance....MYT 757s disappearing at the end of this summer

7th Aug 2005, 00:50
Oh windy ur even more funny than the ezy at cwl rumour mate! nice one tho mate, owe u one back now ha ha, apparently theres a rumour over the bridge bout a 2nd FCA unit? u know anything bout that? sounds like bulls..t to me. anyone herd when ezy bringing the buses yet?

7th Aug 2005, 08:17
No chance....MYT 757s disappearing at the end of this summer

Ah what, thats no fun! They getting rid of the 767's too? IE becoming a fleet of flying buses?

Who's going to operate the Saturday LOWS flight then? Was previously operated by JMC/TCX and then last year MYT snapped it up. What about this year?

7th Aug 2005, 11:01
I heard last about a month ago that EZY want to make BRS an all airbus base by the end of this year.

7th Aug 2005, 11:25
Looks like Air Malta are doing the Saturday Salzburg run on behalf of MyTravel Holidays and Thomas Cook.

BRS SZG 0600 0855 KM4600
SZG BRS 0955 1040 KM4601

7th Aug 2005, 12:55
Just a quick one for merchant...Just a quick one for merchant...

No offence old pal (cos you know ur stuff!), but you rely a hell of a lot on figures.
I can assure you that figures are 'tweaked' all the time!


I accept what you say about figures being 'tweaked' because you are in the business and I'm not so clearly I am therefore in a position not to be able to argue.

Presumably this tweaking is done to the advantage of the airport/airline doing the tweaking. If so, one must assume that all airlines/airports are at it, in which case the relative positions of the various airlines/airports versus rivals would still be roughly the same unless some are better tweakers than others.

Or are you saying the tweaking is so violent that officially published figures, even by someone like the CAA, have no basis or value?

It would be instructive to have a hypothetical example of how the tweaking works, or is it simply a crude tool of adding (or even substracting) a certain percentage of passengers from a route or airport during a given time?

7th Aug 2005, 16:06
i see the flug is delayed AGAIN!!!:mad: :mad: :mad: it was due out to zth at 07.30 still not gone!!!:{ :{ :{

7th Aug 2005, 21:51
I was a work dis afternoon and saw it on the ground 12/3hrs still delayed, pax told to wait for new chartered aircraft and put in hotels over night. But both XLA flights today will be late by 24-48hrs prob by the time they go out lol unlucky Islandsflug have gotta get the act together ever year they get a mega delay. Wot a Poor airline.:mad:

7th Aug 2005, 22:07
rampboy767 " wot a poor airline " your being polite!!!! wish they'd peel off the tacky stickers with xla logo on tail and go back to islandsflug as it's xla reputation left in tatters ........AGAIN!!! :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad::mad:

8th Aug 2005, 00:49
Blimey! hostiegirl aint a happy bunny 2day is she! cant blame her tho, totally agree with her, surely word will get round the area bout how crap xla are even tho its flug, theres nowt more powerful than word of mouth, good or bad!

8th Aug 2005, 06:35
Since Avion bought into Excel, their reputation has been suffering a lot. Tis a shame because Excel were a good, honest, reliable airline.

8th Aug 2005, 13:15

I emphathise with you completely. This is not helping Excel's reputation at BRS nor the airport itself.

I was out on the edge of the Chew Valley on my bike this lovely summer's day when I saw the Flug scurrying into BRS with tail between wheels. The active runway had been 09 but the Flug appeared on finals for 27 so I thought he was trying to sneak in by the back door without anyone noticing, but no go, because he was followed by several other a/c so the active runway must have been changed.:D

He must have landed from Kefalinnia around 1130 (over eight hours late), so I was surprised to see his next duty, the 0700 to Dalaman, has been delayed until 1500. Does it take over three hours to turn the a/c round, or perhaps there are other reasons such as slot availability?

It really is a great shame. In 2002 and 2004 my wife and I flew returns to Salzburg from Bristol on Excel 738s. We were most impressed with the aircraft, the service, the crew and the punctuality (early each time).

The last time we flew with this airline my wife was returning home having broken her leg whilst on holiday. The Bristol-based cabin crew members were kindness itself and could not have been friendlier. We remember one cabin crew member with a lovely Bristol accent who addressed everyone as 'my luvver' or 'my darlin'. Her attitude was such that no-one could be offended.

Perhaps CO ought to have some cabin staff with west country accents to put American passengers in the mood for visiting the land of Long John Silver and Jim Hawkins.

8th Aug 2005, 15:06

The flug’s next duty was to operate the XLA6080 ZTH that should have gone at 0730 on Sunday. It left about 1230, 29 hours late.

The Dalaman was sub-charted out to LAT Charter an airline from Latvia and left just after 1500.

8th Aug 2005, 21:55
merchantventurer kefalinnia did indeed land at around 11.30 it then went out to zante just before 1pm 29hours late!!!!!!!!! early dalaman was as vasto1m said subchartered and the late dalaman went on time on an a/c brought in from ncl.everything all running back on time!!!!!!!! :ok:

10th Aug 2005, 11:33
New route to Durham Tees Valley with Eastern Airways!


11th Aug 2005, 01:47
Heard from a very good source that TCX will be back in BRS Summer 2007 with 1 based unit, prob A320.
Also got wind of an EK recruitment day in Cardiff somewhere next week, lucky buggers if they 'land' an EK deal in CWL, I have a feeling BRS is now going to start feeling the effects of not haveing a longer runway, ok we have CO, but CWL has a TUI long haul programme, YYZ and YVR(starting nxt yr i think) 2-3 Florida flights and now may end up finally with EK that has been threatening for a while.
This threads gone a bit dead lately, someone must have some sort of rumour, i think i'm gona make one up ummmmmmmmm actually cant be bothered!

11th Aug 2005, 08:36
someone must have some sort of rumour

I was at Cardiff the other day and Aer Lingus staff were having a look around. Maybe the daily "fungus" is about to go over the bridge.....

11th Aug 2005, 10:49
This threads gone a bit dead lately, someone must have some sort of rumour, i think i'm gona make one up ummmmmmmmm actually cant be bothered!
Don't have any rumours but there is another thread about BACx that talks about reductions at MAN and BHX (announcement supposedly imminent) but BRS hasn't been mentioned. Whether this is because it is too small a BACx base to merit even a rumour in the grand scheme of things, or whether it will be left unscathed will probably soon be revealed.

When I first came on this MB there were numerous confident 'reports' that the BRS base would be closed. In fact, since then it has grown with more based a/c and more routes, and it is reputedly profitable.

I was at Cardiff the other day and Aer Lingus staff were having a look around. Maybe the daily "fungus" is about to go over the bridge.....
Last year BRS-DUB (EI and FR) carried 254,000 scheduled pax and CWL-DUB (FR and 6G) carried 100,000 sched pax. (I have been told on this MB that figures can be 'tweaked' so I give these CAA official stats with that warning).

Taking the figures at face value, it either means BRS has a much bigger market or CWL is underserved. Perhaps an EI from CWL would be in addition to BRS not instead of. However, as the FR flights to both airports will shortly be the larger 738s permanently that might provide enough extra seats for any expansion.

Also got wind of an EK recruitment day in Cardiff somewhere next week, lucky buggers if they 'land' an EK deal in CWL.......
There was a programme on telly a few weeks ago that said that by 2015 Dubai will be the largest holiday destination in the world.

If that is the case we could probably expect flights from most UK regional airports by then. At present Egypt seems to be getting more and more regional flights, so it would not be unreasonable to expect Dubai to be the same if it does become that big, runway lengths not withstanding.

Confirmed Must Ride
11th Aug 2005, 12:57
Wouldnt mind seeing EK at BRS - remember they already have a codesharing agreement with CO.

The airport just needs to build a viable transfer unit so that cusotmers do no have to land themselves before proceeding on to another flight.

11th Aug 2005, 23:23
Heard a rumour today that FCA will be starting longhaul at BRS in summer 2076!

Watabench you will definately have no hair by then mate! Although I think you may lose it by the beginning of Oct - believe me!!:)

15th Aug 2005, 05:11
Shortly before CWL gettin any decent schedule routes like NYC then matey!
And at least what little hair i got left isn't the same shade as a Heinz Baked Bean :E
Back to business - FCA BRS-SOF this winter for ski

17th Aug 2005, 15:56
EZY are not using there air stairs anymore and will be removed from all aircraft in a couple of months. Hopefully by the end of this year EZY wants to make BRS an all airbus base which should be kool, newer aircraft 4 BRS and those A319s look smart in the EZY colour scheme. Any new winter routes bar FCA and XLA/KM? Will Flybe or Air Southwest expand next year? gd news to here for BRS regaruding Eastern Airways, does anyone think Lufthansa will ever start a route to FRA or MUC from BRS or would EZY just expand yet again into Germany?

Uncle Monty
17th Aug 2005, 16:11
The flybe website is showing only one BHD flight a day from BRS this winter.

Given the airline's rapid expansion at EXE, could this signal the end of its interest in BRS? Any info/thoughts?

17th Aug 2005, 16:41
Last year BRS-DUB (EI and FR) carried 254,000 scheduled pax and CWL-DUB (FR and 6G) carried 100,000 sched pax. (I have been told on this MB that figures can be 'tweaked' so I give these CAA official stats with that warning).

I think that the CWL market is under served. Although there are two operators that fly to DUB from CWL & BRS, the services from BRS both use aircraft that are at least 100 seats. The CWL service on the other hand has one airline that uses a 100 seater aircraft and another that uses a smaller aircraft that only carries around 40 seats. I believe that a CWL service from DUB, 2x daily would be a good idea.

As for an EK service, I don't see why not. CWL-DXB 6x weekly. Probably using an A330. Could work I guess!

Isn't CWL getting a new dual carriageway from the M4 to provide an easy connection for passengers.


17th Aug 2005, 18:12
Uncle Monty

We did discuss Flybe's scaling down of its BRS-BHD schedule in this thread about three weeks ago. For what's it's worth I believe that Flybe may have recognised the futility of trying to compete with easyJet on the Belfast route, especially in winter, albeit easy goes to BFS and Flybe to BHD.

That said, I would not be surprised to see a return of this summer's Flybe BRS-BHD schedule in summer 2006.

From BRS's point of view it's not all doom and gloom with Flybe because on the plus side the Bergerac is running thoughout the winter (3 rotations per week - last winter it did not start until February), and there is a M, W, F plus (I think Sun) Jersey rotation when Flybe had none last winter. In addition the Bordeaux (4 weekly rotations) and the Toulouse (6) will continue through the winter as last year.

Whether Flybe's undoubted success at EXT has blunted the airline's enthusiasm for BRS is cetainly debatable. When Flybe announced expansion at BRS about three years ago it was reported in the local press that the airline expected to have around fifteen routes within a year or two. Well, they haven't - yet.

I think similar expectations/hopes about Flybe expansion were in the air at other airports such as NCL and LBA. Thus far new routes have been relatively limited at those places as well.

We might have to wait until the sale of EXT to the owners of BRS is either allowed or blocked (OFT currently investigating the possible anti competitiveness question of such a sale) to see the full scale of Flybe's plans for BRS vis-a-vis EXT.

20th Aug 2005, 22:02
One for MV.......

Aer Arran were in and out today RE 431/432 Cork and look to be flying the normal Sunday flights as well.

Nothing showing in the online timetables for a Saturday, though it's in the BRS "mayfly" for next Saturday as well.


22nd Aug 2005, 20:32

Can't answer this one, I'm afraid. As you say the Aer Arann web timetable is still showing rotations only on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sundays. Perhaps one of our posters based at BRS might know the answer.

And they might also be able to answer this one.

I see BY have had a few delays at BRS over the past two days with a Titan B 733 standing in for the usual B 757 on today's IBZ (it arrived BRS at 2044 instead of the scheduled 1350). I don't know if the Titan also worked the outbound to IBZ.

My question is, assuming there were more pax booked to travel than can be accommodated on a 733, does anyone know how the excess pax were conveyed?

23rd Aug 2005, 11:43
The BY 006B MAH flight that got delayed saturday afternoon went to luton to be repaired then, flew back to BRS to collect the pax at 10.30ish and a another BY 757 from MAN came it to operate the later BY 083A LPA flight that eveining too round about 10.45pm. The BRS BY 757 G-BYAT i think had a APU problem and for the past couple of days has required a Air Start on start up.

23rd Aug 2005, 16:38
Re will operate a Saturday rotation for the remainder of the summer and into the winter until next March.

Believe they had spare capacity on a Saturday and the BRS-ORK demand was good

24th Aug 2005, 16:51
merchant your excess pax were bused to lgw and placed on a 767 300

24th Aug 2005, 17:16
Been told today by a friend who went to an EK recruitment day in Cardiff city centre that they are definatly going into CWL nxt year some time, no further details yet, now i figure that as the boyos over the bridge gave BRS a caining on here regarding our CO New York route, do we really think CWL will be able to fill a daily DXB A330? Sorry but me thinks not!
Let the debate begin!:}

24th Aug 2005, 18:08
It will be interesting to see if that route wth EK will be true, i mean it would work if there was a stop over like BRS or DSA to fill the seats. I think EK r jst doing their research first, it may not come to nothing. As 6months ago EK were looking round BRS for the route, i dont think BRS for even get EK unless they could provide space for a A330. Gd luck to CWL if they get it, so another airport in the south west is doing well. I think DSA would get a daily EK route soon.

24th Aug 2005, 18:19
This CWL vs BRS rivalry is nearly as bad as GLA vs EDI :rolleyes:

24th Aug 2005, 18:56
Rampboy - My friend said it definatly came out there mouths that CWL was to get EK, shame it cant be BRS though, but probably boils down to runway at the end of the day.
Graham - Rivalry, you love it really, in a way it is good to see CWL finally picking up, but as i'm English, live in Somerset and work at BRS I say go shove it up your arse CWL (Only joking MOD and Windsheer) :} :}

24th Aug 2005, 20:28

Many thanks for that.


You express doubt about EK filling a daily 330 from CWL to DXB. Is it not more likely the route would operate perhaps three times a week and/or in conjunction with another UK airport? Perhaps somewhere like DSA as has been suggested.

Speaking of DSA, there is a current thread suggesting it will be Ryanair's next base. However, two posters to that thread assert FR's next base won't be DSA but BRS.

All good fun to keep the rumour mill turning.


NCL v MME can be a bit of a partisan argument at times as well.

Incidentally, there has been a traditional rivalry between the cities of Bristol and Cardiff for many years and not just in aviation.

24th Aug 2005, 21:05
MV, on the most part, I think the NCL vs MME "rivalry" tends to be gentle banter.
Nothing like the all out war in GLA vs that one along the M8 :E

24th Aug 2005, 21:45
GrahamK, admittedly on pprunne NCL vs MME tends to be more banter than outright hostility, maybe due to the posters on here tending to be well educated and well informed people, or is that just the impression I get;)
On other aviation forums though, that I have come across and I might add that I don't take part in, the NCL people tend to belittle MME and are down right rude and act as if they haven't grown out of short trousers. They seem think MME is some sort of toy town airport. This has occasionaly been said on here, these people who say these things probably do not work in aviation or are not well informed on the activities at MME. These people tend to only read passenger numbers and little else, they forget about all other traffic and activities that take place at airports.
NCL people also tend to forget that MME is sandwiched betwwen NCL and LBA where as NCL only has EDI which is quite a distance from NCL.
My attitude is NCL and MME are benifits to the North East region as a whole, it's just ashame MME doesn't get it fair share of passengers. It just ashame that other people can't see this.

25th Aug 2005, 14:42
I have to say, and I will sound completely biast!

There seems to be a big thing on the CWL/BRS rivalry at the moment!! Having worked at and travelled out of both - it would have to be CWL every time for me, the friendliness and attitude in Cardiff knocks BRS to the bottom of the league (and Watabench will probably even swallow himself and admit that!).
Go on mate, you can do it :E

As far as the EK thing is concerned, would they neccesarily choose BRS over CWL if the runway was adequate - there is probably more in it than that. Cardiff has been operating a Toronto now for quite a few years (do-able from Brs), with Travel City filling a 747 to Orlando every week. Again would they choose BRS if the runway was long enough - me thinks not.
Some airlines are starting to realise that if flights are available from CWL, they will sell, regardless of what is at BRS. The good old welsh Chav's will choose their native soil every time!!! !!! !!!

I am certainly not digging the good old Bristolians, and I hope that runway gets extended in years to come so that Long haul can start, and bring plenty of jobs for us Welsh to come over and nab!!

Cheers all, Bring it on then........:ok:

25th Aug 2005, 15:29
I can remember reading that the next UK airport EK wanted to operate to was Edinburgh. I believe they originally wanted to operate to EDI but because of poor facilities they turned to Glasgow instead? But they may of dropped the idea and decided on CWL/BRS?

25th Aug 2005, 17:16
EK's Dubai flights from the UK serve two passenger groups:

1) Asians returning 'home' to India or Pak via DXB
2) Increasingly large numbers of tourists visiting the massive building site that is Dubai. They are building hotels, villas & apartments as though they are going out of fashion. It's the new Benidorm

So the questions are - are there sufficient Asians in South Wales/South West wanting to return 'home'?
- do the people of the South West/South Wales have sufficient disposable income to buy holidays in Dubai?

25th Aug 2005, 17:21
NCLRULES, I believe EK chose GLA over EDI, because the vast majority of the Scottish population is in the West of Scotland.

25th Aug 2005, 17:29
Some good points well made by Windsheer, but I dont think that genrally CWL staff are friendlier than BRS staff, I've worked in CWL a few times and yes most people I met are nice, but then most people I work with in BRS with are friendly too, now if you were to say the Totty content in CWL rates higher per 10 pax service agents then i'm intent on agreeing with you! but I'm still not buying that if BRS had a longer runway airlines would choose CWL over BRS, C'mon does anyone but Windsheer really believe that? You cant tell me that if BRS's runway was the same length as CWL that no operators would want to do long haul because it's sat on top of a hill in Somerset, and gets a bit foggy now and again!

In response to LGS6753 I would say yes to both questions.

1. There are large asian communities in many Wales/West country cities, Cardiff, Gloucester, Swindon, Yeovil, and Bristol all have very large communities.

2. As most people that post on here are aware the South west of England is the most prosperous area of the UK outside of London, so disposable income is not a problem either

Theres definatley a market here whether it goes out of BRS or CWL!

25th Aug 2005, 17:46
Whats this another rumour about RYR basing aircraft as BRS and not DSA i thought that was decided. But i did here the rumour 3/4weeks ago that RYR were thinkin of basing at BRS cant see it myself EZY got all the parking spaces lol BRS is a bigger and busiest airport than CWL, weather they got more long haul routes than us or not. But our terminal is more modern and airly, the airport is friendly and fairly quick when collectin your luggage on the arrival belts and both online performance with most airlines. And another of the welsh do go over the brigde and work at BRS coz there more jobs if any, than at CWL.:mad:

25th Aug 2005, 18:50

You make a very good point about the Toronto route. In some ways BRS has been unlucky though. I vaguely remember Nation Air operating to YYZ in the 80s from BRS and I certainly remember Odyssey International doing so around 89/90 with 757s. At first they went via NCL to pick up pax en route but it was quickly realised they could fill the aircraft from BRS so stopped at (I think) PIK to take on fuel, but not pax. Can't remember which tour operator (s) Odyssey carried for but the airline went bust after, I believe, the first season.

Can't recall another operator until 2000 when Royal Air did the route with A 310s via GLA. The next year Canada 3000 took over Royal Air and the equipment became 757s also via GLA. Canada 3000 then ceased to operate at the end of that summer season and the Canada cupboard has been bare since.

Apart from CWL, the airport down the road at EXT has had a weekly summer YYZ for many years, usually via another airport, I believe BHX this year. Now there must be a reason why no-one is jumping in to fill the void at BRS. I remember speaking to someone fairly senior at BRS just before the new terminal was built asking why there was a dearth of transatlantic routes (in fact there weren't any then). The answer was that airlines would be "falling over themselves" to launch such routes when the new terminal was finished. Apart from CO we are still waiting!

I don't believe that a lack of potential pax is the problem. The BRS area is far more populous than EXT and more so than CWL and it is a well-off area too - just read Barbara Cassani's book on 'Go' to see it was BRS's exceptional access to a populous, well-heeled clientele, many with oodles of disposable income, that made the airline such a success there from day one.

The airport seems to attract pax for most of its routes like the proverbial bees and honeypots so why is the Atlantic ignored? Both the present MD and his predecessor have assured me in letters that the runway is not the problem so what is the problem?

25th Aug 2005, 19:28
Thats a true point, CWL had more long haul route for years. yet BRS has always had the pax numbers I.E. more pax a year than CWL. BRS last year handled 4.5million and this year prob be 5.5million yet doesnt since to attract long haul route, but on the charter and european market it seems to be going from strenght to strenght. How far is CWL behieve BRS is Pax numbers? If AA are using smaller equipement like 757s to NCL nxt year to JFK and MAN to BOS, BRS could attract other american carriers. EK weather its BRS or prob CWL it will not be long til they come to the south west. Would TCX ever operate at 757 to YYZ from BRS like GLA and BHX, LGW like they have been this summer. I mean alot of carriers using the 757 with ESTOPs, have found it a ideal aircraft for the long haul sector.

25th Aug 2005, 20:25

I think you are asking about CWL pax numbers.

The latest CAA stats for July this year show CWL having a total of just under 1.8 million pax for the rolling 12 months ending 31 July 2005, down 6.8% on the total twelve months previously.

As a comparison BRS is showing just under 4.9 million pax, up 13.2% and EXT 745,000, up a massive 49.7%.

I believe LGS 6753 may be correct in saying that Dubai will become the new Benidorm, albeit a more up market version. I saw a TV programme earlier this year that prophesied that Dubai would become the biggest single holiday destination in the world within a decade.

If it happens I expect there will be charter or scheduled flights there from most UK regional airports by that time.

27th Aug 2005, 15:49
I know it will dissapoint a lot of people but BRS is NOT going to extend teh runway. Not now not for 2015 and not for 2030. There is no need to a quick look on Boeings website at their new 787 will show you why there is just no need to do it. It would cause so many problems with the locals and the terraine at each end doesnt support this.

BRS will see increase in the Long Haul market in the next few years but somestic a european is going to see the most expansion services which will complement not compete with existing routes. If CWL do get their EK flight I think you might probably see it 3 a week who is to say that they wont throw in BRS 3 a week as well I know they are working on something maybe even Gulf air Dubai.

How are CO's CAA stats looking MV they seem to be around the 80-85% mark this month.

I think we will see several new French routes coming up for the summer season coming not to mention an increase in German routes for the World cup.

Id also be suprised if we dont see a couple Scandanavian routes soon.


28th Aug 2005, 20:54
Gulf Air is based in Bahrain not UAE so thats where they would fly to.

28th Aug 2005, 21:38

You have confused me here (I am easily confused though).

Is there a suggestion that Gulf Air (GF) is interested in BRS or CWL?

Thus far the only rumour is I am aware of is Emirates (EK) from CWL.


I note your remarks about the runway extension and I agree with you that at present it is in the too-hard-to-do-basket and is unlikely even to be contemplated for at least a decade and then, as you suggest, it might not be necessary anyway.

However, I hadn't realised there was a problem with the terrain to the east from a physical point of view - the land seems flat although the A 38 would have to be covered. NIMBY-wise certainly there would be a problem because it would mean encroaching on the common land.

28th Aug 2005, 22:43
As a spectator, I wouldn't expect Emirates from either BRS or CWL.
Next UK detination will probably be, and I doubt you're surprised, NCL. Just my opinion though.

29th Aug 2005, 11:43
If AA are using smaller equipement like 757s to NCL nxt year to JFK and MAN to BOS, BRS could attract other american carriers

I think BRS's got to prove it can make a NY flight work before looking at other carriers and destinations. God, if NY can't work, what can? ;)

Although, I personally think Bristol is not an airport for long-haul. That is more likely Cardiff's job.

29th Aug 2005, 12:24
Although, I personally think Bristol is not an airport for long-haul. That is more likely Cardiff's job.
Welcome to the forum, bishbash.

It would be instructive if you were to give your reasons for this opinion.

I sometimes think of BRS and CWL in football terms. BRS gets the bigger crowds but CWL has the better ground (terminal building excepted).

As for New York, I thought it would have been a more instant success but there are signs that things might be beginning to improve. We have debated possible reasons for the slowish start to the route in this thread previously so I won't go over old ground.

2nd Sep 2005, 04:36
Nice FCA delay the last couple of days G-OOAH with major tech problems, FUE was ment to go 0705 weds morn but eventually pushed 1015 thurs morning.
A/C went tech and needed engine runs, once work was complete and after storms weds afternoon it couldnt get out in time for FUE closing so pax hoteled.
Most pax seemed good as gold about the whole thing, total delay of 27 hrs, biggest FCA have ever copped at BRS.

2nd Sep 2005, 10:17

Has someone at FCA got a great sense of humour basing G-OOAH at BRS? I believe this a/c has been around the Lulsgate prairies for quite some time.

There seems to have been a number of delays with both FCA 321s out of BRS for several days according to Ceefax and the BRS webarrivals/departure board.

2nd Sep 2005, 12:07
Well either AH or they'd send AF down which is just as bad!
Lets start a campaign - Bring back AV, Bring back AV!
Your right though MV, the FCA 321s seem to be struggling this year

2nd Sep 2005, 14:15
Would have struggled a lot less if servisair had supplied some ramp staff to handle it last night......but hey thats a different story.

Thanks to the fire staff who stepped in any how:ok:
Apparently an a/c operating out of schedule is not allowed at BRS, all the staff go home. Cheers ;)

2nd Sep 2005, 18:02
Windsheer: I think you'll find that it's SOP at any/every airport that an off-schedule flight doesn't get priority ahead of an on-schedule one. It's not a question of the handling agent being "unable to provide ramp staff"; they can't be forced to stay back at work. Anyway, the whole delay thing started when 'AH went tech and the a/c were switched round so that the first departure operated with the first available chariot 'AE and then 'AH went tech down-route in Funchal and came back even later which knocked onto the BOJ (or BJV - can't remember) and subsequently the FUE on top of which BY's CDUO went tech as well and they brought a spare a/c in and BRS ended up with 4 757's in the area at the same time and I've lost the plot....roll on the winter season!

2nd Sep 2005, 21:06
People are not going to stay on for overtime for one delayed flight late at night and i had another busy, hard day on the ramp. The manings levels is due to night stift and another late crew being the only staff at nite, and with the easyjet night stoppers and other charters and the mail so people are working on aircraft anyway. Wow the fire section came out of their station, i bet they were slow offloading that FCA i bet they didnt have a clue and they prob charged the airline a fair bit of money. lol :O

Ranger 1
3rd Sep 2005, 00:39
I heard a rumour that Swissport were on site a few weeks ago sniffing around, anyone heard that one yet?:)

3rd Sep 2005, 03:41
Last I heard, Menzies were having a butchers.

3rd Sep 2005, 08:36
My opinions differ to yours redfield.
None of us want a/c to go tech, and certainly dont want delays of 27 hours plus. In these cases airlines need the backing of their handling agents (that incidentally get business from FCA 12 months of the year at BRS), to help prevent delays creeping further. If an a/c is out of schedule the last thing you want is a 90 minute turnaround due to lack of ground staff.

Its very apparent that servisair take their monopoly of Bristol airport for granted, if there was an alternative handling agent in attendance would they have such a relaxed attitude. I think not. 12 months of neglect in delay situations would force airlines to 'switch'.
Besides, passenger handling staff and dispatchers have no issues with staying on to handle delayed flights so why is there an issue outside the terminal building. Thanks again to the fire staff!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:ok:

3rd Sep 2005, 12:12
Windsheer: You misunderstand. I didn't state my opinion, merely a fact. It's not a "lack of ground staff." It's not a question of "neglect in a delay situation." It's not a question of "need the backing of their handling agents." You can't force people to stay back for delayed flights and work sixteen hour shifts as a result. Flight decks don't work sixteen hour shifts, they have legal limits on what they can work and once those limits are exceeded they can't fly. Flights are frequently delayed because crews are out of hours. Standard Operating Procedure at any airport is that the handling agent will safeguard an on-time departure ahead of handling a delayed flight. All handling agents do this.

Unfortunately I can't really comment on "passenger agents and dispatchers not having any issues with staying back and why should there be an issue on the ramp." You may be right, but then again there probably are issues that neither of us are aware of. Most of the ramp staff are represented by a different union, maybe it's something to do with that.

A few questions out of interest. Which flight or flights would you have had delayed to release a crew for your flight? How do you think their flight decks would feel about this? More to the point, how would YOU feel if Servisair delayed your flight because they handled an a/c that was delayed ahead of loading yours?

On the subject of a second handling agent, It would be interesting to see what would happen if someone like Menzies/Swissport etc did move into Bristol, however I doubt that it'll happen in the near future. There's too many issues to address that the airport would have problems with in the short term. Where to house their check-in and ramp crews offices to start with, and where do they park their equipment? Space is at a premium. You can't have one agent doing all the marshalling, bus driving, ambulifts etc if there's two agents, so who does this and who carries out the training? It's all very well speculating about a second agent arriving, but so many people forget about all the associated issues that would need to be addressed as a result.


3rd Sep 2005, 12:53

You can have 2 handling agents working in tandem with each other. Take Windsheer's base at Cardiff. There are two handling agents there. Servisair run front of house and all ramp operations (as Airway Handling) whilst Aviance only provide front of house and grooming services. Same works with BA at Bristol. Servisair provide ramp services whilst they provide their own front of house staff.

a bristolian
3rd Sep 2005, 18:53
Extra ski flight this Winter - Austrian Dash 8 -400 ops Saturday from Dec to Bolzano.

This in addition to the increase on EZY's GVA to twice daily and 16 other weekly ski charters.

Just hope theres some snow now!

3rd Sep 2005, 21:36
Fernando: I know - I work there. I was referring to Swissport/Menzies etc - the possibility of an outside agent coming in.

I'm not looking forward to Austrian Dash 8's this winter. Doubt all the bags will fit in especially not the skis! :ugh:

Ranger 1
4th Sep 2005, 01:05
It will be interesting to see if the Ski's & bags & boots fit, I guess the Austrian's have thought of this before they Got the Q400's in the first place:hmm:

4th Sep 2005, 14:33
They never all used to fit in a Tyrolean Fokker 70 when I handled them some years ago, most of them went on the KLM the next morning!

Ranger 1
4th Sep 2005, 18:40
Certainly can remeber them not fitting well on their CRJ's as for the FK70 I believe they fitted OK in the front hold without too many probs:ok:

4th Sep 2005, 20:12
The Flybe Dash-8s holds 6 and 7 are S**T for bags and bikes like on the EGC and BOD. The 146s are no better coz the holds are small anyway and the height of the hold doors are low and u can hit your head on the lip of the door. Ill say we will have fun trying to load a Dash 8 with skis n boots on top of bags. I bet there try and get the boots in hold 5 at the front of the aircraft. F70 is better who u kidding, u since the KLM's lately its shocking in those small and narrow holds with huge heavy bags. Going back to the S'air its just lack of staff or maning levels that causing us the most bother. Its really busy at BRS at the mom and the weekends like sunday are terrible to work, everyone at S'air is feed up and unhappy we all work very hard but our work load is so huge. That after a 9 hour day u dont want to stay on 2/3hours to sort out a delayed flights when ur knackered and want to go home.

5th Sep 2005, 15:57
flybe are using the dash-8 on their ext-gva route - apparently it can hold 10 sets of skis.... but with 70+ pax i think there will be a lot of dissapointed people in GVA who have skiing holiday with no skis cos they are still in EXT on standby, until the next flight - the week after..

5th Sep 2005, 16:27
That'll be on the FCA then

Ranger 1
5th Sep 2005, 21:09
Rampboy 767 the holds of a FK-70 might be on the tight side, similar to the FK 100'S we used to load, if you have ever loaded a 1-11srs 375 or even loaded a SE 210 Caravelle the worst aircraft ever designed in my opinion with loading in mind.
After loading one of these, in the heat, you would think a DH-8 & FK70 were sheer bliss:cool:
You young'uns got it easy now :E
On a serious note you all do very good job on the apron under the circumstances :ok:

6th Sep 2005, 10:55
That may be true, but the holds in some of todays aircarft are no better. These Dash 8s with skis and boots we will see, it just depends on the number of bags and skis to weather how many will be rush bags on the next flights lol :D roll on another busy winter!

7th Sep 2005, 17:41
The FCA and EZY GVA flights will be full of rush skis I think! There's no 9th EZY a/c on the winter sched...anyone from EZY with anything definite re. no. 9 maybe for next summer??

8th Sep 2005, 17:05
Be nice to have enough ramp lads to load them all instead of the dismal effort last winter resulting in muchos loading delays on both flights EZY and FCA

10th Sep 2005, 11:15
We used the new easyJet service to Inverness this week. We went up on Sunday and came back yesterday. I was interested to see how many people would use it and was pleased to see the aircraft were comfortably filled. I overheard a cabin staff member say 114 plus 1 on the outbound, and on the inbound yesterday there were only about twenty empty seats.

In fact on the inbound we had an A 319. The Airbus captain told us that the scheduled Boeing 737-700 went tech and that the A 319 and crew were brought in from STN to fly BRS-INV-BRS. Well done easyJet because we arrived back at BRS only seventy minutes late. However, I noted that the morning Pisa was showing a delay of over twelve hours. I believe the INV a/c normally does the PSA rotation before flying to Scotland, so it appears we were very lucky.

One moan about Bristol Airport though. Our delayed flight coincided with the arrival of several other flights and the airport taxi service was overwhelmed. There was clearly an insufficient number of taxis available for such a peak period. The airport taxi service is a monopoly and should be able to cope better than this if it wishes to continue to enjoy such a status. When we eventually got a taxi the driver told us the situation had been thus for most of the afternoon. The remarks of some visitors to the area were less than complimentary towards the airport.

This was compounded by an enormous queue for the ‘Flyer’ coach. Bristol traffic alone will make the ‘every twenty minutes’ schedule difficult, so why at peak times is it left to the driver first to load all the bags then get back on the coach and start taking fares? This can take fifteen minutes at busy periods. It is a regular occurrence. I speak from personal observation. There should be an additional bus company employee at the bus stop to assist at such times.

BRS is poorly served by public transport. What it does have must be worked far more efficiently.

10th Sep 2005, 18:58
MV: You were lucky - the 'bus operated the INV and then the FAO while the PSA a/c was very poorly in PSA....when I left work the PSA crew had been hotac'ed until about 1900z.

12th Sep 2005, 12:52
have to agree with what goes on the otherside as a pax i returned from holiday on a very busy monday morning the road outside is a shambles bad set up someone stood in road directing traffic what a waste of man power. staff bus could not pull in as road blocked with taxi's needs a better system in place.

18th Sep 2005, 19:38
Does anyone know the charter flight details for Egypt this coming winter?

The airport website currently has a news item advertising Taba flights from 8 October. An archived news item from July was still talking about a service to Hurghada commencing in the winter, and at one time earlier in the year there was talk of three flights a week to Sharm el Sheikh.

18th Sep 2005, 20:40

Details of the Egyptian flights this winter are, as far as I’m aware…


Saturdays. Depart BRS 1330. Arrive BRS 0135. Flight AEU???/?. Operates 08OCT05 – 19NOV05.


Friday. Depart BRS 1000. Arrive BRS 2220. Flight XLA3710/1. Operates 04NOV05 – 09DEC05, 07JAN06 – 28APR06.

Friday. Depart BRS 1200. Arrive BRS 0020. Flight XLA3710/1. Operates 16DEC05 – 30DEC05.

Sharm El Sheikh/SSH:

Saturday. Depart BRS 1200. Arrive BRS 0015. Flight XLA3706/7. Operates 11FEB06 – 29APR06.

Sunday. Depart BRS 1245. Arrive BRS 0100. Flight XLA3714/5. Operates 06NOV05 – 30APR06.

As the XLA flights are in the 3000’s it would suggest that they are to be operated by the Air Malta A320.

18th Sep 2005, 21:11
Many thanks, Vasto.

I believe the Air Malta A 320 is operating the current summer weekly XLA flight to Sharm el Sheikh. I presume the other XLA based aircraft, the former Islandsflug B 734, would struggle to get there without a fuel stop.

The Taba flight is a short season.

19th Sep 2005, 03:33
yes air malta are doing all xla's egypt flights even our lovley 800 can't make it from brs!! bad luck km crew heard there is a ssh flight on xmas day!!!!!!!!!

Curious Pax
20th Sep 2005, 09:59
Is anyone in the know about the timetable for the move of EZY at Bristol from 737s to 319s? I am led to believe that after EMA is up to its complement of 3 next month that Bristol is next on the list. My in laws are flying to AMS from BRS at Christmas, and are clamouring to know whether they will get a brand new machine! Sad question I know, but I promised them I'd ask!

20th Sep 2005, 16:49
I think EZY will be changing the fleet over has of October, but i know they want to be an all airbus base by the end of the year. Anyone else shed any light on this?

21st Sep 2005, 14:31
Talking of easyJet, I noticed that the afternoon flight to BRS from BFS seems to have 'disappeared' from the arrivals board yesterday and today, and the SXF has 'gone' today.

They still seem to exist on the easyJet web timetable but when I did a test booking no afternoon flights are shown on Tuesdays and Wednesdays for BFS-BRS. I did the same for SXF and there is no Wednesday flight for the next month, however it seems to re-appear on 19 October.

The afternoon Tue and Wed BFS flights are also seemingly available again later in October.

There is nothing on the easyJet website that I can see.

This is one of the things that infuriates me about airlines and airports. They always announce new routes or additions to a schedule with noise and publicity, but when they withdraw routes or reduce frequencies (even temporarily) they rarely say anything about it. It is up to Joe Public to find out by trial and error.

I don't know if any other BRS routes are affected. A brief look at NCL shows they too seem to have been reduced to 6 SXF rotations per week and no third BFS flight for part of the week also.

Any idea why this is?

23rd Sep 2005, 06:29
BFS and SXF seem to be running at 3 sun-fri and 1 sat for BFS and daily for SXF as far as Im aware there are reductions on BUD VLC and PMI to make way for increased GVA.

SSH also has Thurs service between 03/11/05 - 27/04/06 op by BY so 3 SSH 1 TCP and 1 HRG.

Still unsure about EZY's transformation to 319's

23rd Sep 2005, 10:45
Hello terrier, good to see you back on here.

Re easyJet timetable, there are certainly reduced numbers of rotations for some routes in the winter timetable (compared to the summer) such as PSA, VLC and BUD, also PMI and NCE (these last two as previous winter), some of which you mention. Despite this the eight based aircraft still seem to be fully utilised with, again as you say, such things as a second daily GVA throughout the main part of the winter.

What I was speaking of is the current situation. This week the SXF did not run on Wednesday and the afternoon BFS did not run on Tue or Wed.

I checked the easyJet web timetable but there is no indication of a reduced number of rotations on these routes in Sept or Oct.

But if you try to book BRS-SXF a 'no flights' notice appears for Wednesday 28 Sept, 5 Oct and 12 Oct, but it is bookable again from Wed 19 Oct.

A similar thing applies to the afternoon BFS on Tues and Weds until Tuesday 25 Oct and Wed 26 Oct from which dates the afternoon BFS is again bookable. This is the last week of easy's summer timetable (the winter one begins on 30 October according to their website) so it is not as if they are waiting for the winter timetable to begin before restoring the afternoon BFS on Tuesdays and Wednesdays.

I can find nothing on either the BRS or easyJet websites saying why these flights have been taken out, albeit apparently temporarily.

A broadly similar situation seems to exist at NCL on their SXF and BFS rotations.

27th Sep 2005, 20:01
BRS is hopeful of securing more routes at the World Route Development Forum in Copenhagen next week. An airport spokesman stated that Gibraltar, Warsaw, Copenhagen, Hamburg and Dusseldorf are on their priority list.

BRS is again amongst the awards.

Its impressive marketing team has, for the third consecutive year, taken the airport into the small group of finalists for the OAG marketing awards for airports up to 5 million annual pax. Last year BRS won the award, this year it was Highly Commended.

I suppose the airport will not be eligible for this category next year as it is almost up to 5 million pax for the rolling 12 months.

BRS is also on the short list for Best UK Airport to be decided next month at the Travel Trade Gazette's annual airport awards.

Finally, the EWR route carried nearly 9,000 pax in August, averaging nearly 142 per flight (load factor of around 82%), an encouraging move in the right direction.

So, plenty going on behind the scenes it would appear even though outwardly matters are fairly quiet, including this thread.

5th Oct 2005, 17:57
Anyone know what the winter charters and routes will be this winter? Any new routes or airlines? Whats happening with the airbus's from EZY are they going to change the fleet over this year or not? I also heard that by the end of the year BRS will be nearer the 6m mark instead of the 5 million figure.

6th Oct 2005, 10:37
easy has announced two new routes from BRS, to Grenoble & Hamburg from Dec 1.

6th Oct 2005, 14:59
Just found out 2day that EZY are going to start changing to an all airbus fleet end of the month. As of the 31st of October the first A319 will be based and a 737 will leave. The other 737s will to swapped to A319s one a month after october. Two new routes for EZY booming Bristol...hehe