View Full Version : Lancair 400

18th Nov 2004, 09:16
While on hols in the US back in Sept, I flew with a mate into Bend Oregon to visit Lancair as same chap had just put a deposit on a Lancair 400.

Wow what a machine. Speed, Style and a real tourer. We had a most delightful flip in some of thre most beautiful scenery imaginable.

To get to the point,- I was about to write the cheque there and then but the company explained they were in the final stages of negotiation with a UK company about dealership and that there would be an announcement 'soon'.

I rang back to Bend yesterday but they said the "announcement" was imminent but would be announced by the UK dealers.

Does anybody have the inside line here ?

18th Nov 2004, 09:29
Is you decision to purchase a Lancair purely because you had a nice sales flight in Oregon? Choosing a kit plane should be a more considered decision, what is your 'mission'? Sorry if you have made more deliberations than your post suggests.

18th Nov 2004, 10:07

Thanks for the prompt reply.

Well I have done the deliberations bit, and yes, mostly coming from my friend who has done same. Sorry about the enthusiasm hard not to be impressed.

As my post asks do you have any info on the UK end of things?

18th Nov 2004, 10:20
Ah the question, well I don't have a clue. I find it strange that they will not take your money. Tell them you have cash burning a hole in your pocket, it was a close choice between a Lancair and an xx, and that company will take your money today. Not criticising your choice, Lancair is a lovely machine.

18th Nov 2004, 16:20

I have just rung Lancair and no joy im afraid. I spoke earlier this year but wasnt in a position to place the deposit. I explained I was ringing from the ROI but apparently the dealership will cover the two zones. Fellow did say that difefrences training will be in London. I tried to push this one but got the 'brick wall'. It looks like we shall have to wait a little longer.

19th Nov 2004, 11:50
For those of us not in the market it appears there will be an article on the Lancair 400 in the next edition of Pilot mag. BTW Slim Slag it's not a kit-plane but a certified factory built aircraft. A Cirrus lookalike in my view but time will tell. I believe there is an agent in Holland but I could be wrong.

19th Nov 2004, 12:53
A Cirrus lookalike
Other way round, I think. Lancair 235 design was very early 1980's -ish. Then came further models, and more recently the Columbia etc

19th Nov 2004, 14:18
I take your point dubtrub, but the Lancair 235 and 320 were 2-seater kit-builts. I was thinking more of a 4-seat "plastic fantastic" certified bit of kit. Either way they both look the business.

22nd Nov 2004, 08:45
I wouldn't let anyone put you off these plastic aircraft, they fly really well and are building their own safety record. I would personally go with the Cirrus, they are getting established in the UK. They are in Turweston but the sales men there are a bit amateur.

Silent Running
23rd Nov 2004, 13:31

I can confirm that an announcement regarding marketing and support of the Lancair production aircraft range in the UK can be expected shortly. Articles will also be appearing in the UK aviation press over the next couple of months. This is an outstanding product which we believe will be well received by the European market.

As soon as everything is in place, I will endeavour to post a message on this thread with more details.

25th Nov 2004, 20:05

the Columbia and SRxx share about 95% of their parts.

Auto wise they are compared Porsche (Columbia / narrow and fast) to BMW (SRxx / roomy but a few knots slower)

As I understand it, Lancair and Cirrus have a different kind of sales filosophy.

- Lancair is going to do / doing the classic dealership thing.

- Cirrus is sold factory direct, but the service center's / local representative's are helping you making the decision by offering demo flights. But you have to pay your dollars to Cirrus in Duluth direct.

The difference is that SRxx has a fixed price ( see www.cirrusdesign.com ) and fixed price options, and the Columbia
does not as I understood.

On the www.cirruspilots.org board there are also some Colubia 350 owners , and option holders for the C400 so it might something to check opionions about both companies or the C400.


27th Nov 2004, 15:46
Basically the Lancair 400 is hot as :mad:
but the Cirrus literally looks a little "friendlier" and they do market it more as a family plane while the Lancair 400 is clearly a
testosteron rocket ship :ok:
Meaning if the wifey had any say in it ....Cirrus it is.
Btw, the Lancair 400 WILL fly circles around the Cirrus,
the Lancair 350 and the Cirrus 22 are very similar in perf.,I've flown both.

30th Nov 2004, 15:27
Will Lancair go for EASA certification as Cirrus now have done?

15th May 2005, 21:01
Btw, the Lancair 400 WILL fly circles around the Cirrus

OK, but only at the flight leves, and O2 is a must.

If your not going there, it only burns more fuel.

Someting not for the wifey I think. The misses takes only max 2hrs flights with me and only if the kids are present.

Of course Lancair should be the company to build a pressurised certified hotrod. P500 ??
