View Full Version : iPaq wireless

15th Nov 2004, 11:19
Can anybody tell me in simple terms how I set my iPaq (4150) to access wireless access points. We have a couple at work but I can't access them. Also is the procedure the same for public hotspots?

18th Nov 2004, 16:13
Cannot help with the 4150, but my compact Flash sized wifi card that I use with my IPAQ 3870 came with a prog which can 'search' for wifi sites.

Your company site may be encrypted which will require your getting the correct settings from your IT dept.

Have you joined the IPAQ forums yet? Try THIS ONE (http://www.pdastreet.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?s=&forumid=12) for starters?

18th Nov 2004, 20:07
Most of the time, my Ipaq 4150 "finds" any networks it is range with. Whether I can access or not is a different matter, as some (most) WiFi networks have an element of encryption.

So, as long as your Wifi is turned on...start/wifi connections..you should be able to pick up any available wifi signals.