View Full Version : P9 Rip

12th Nov 2004, 19:57
Trying yet AGAIN
then click on the Pennine photo. [Feel free to look at the others too]
Sorry Mods but after umpteen tries wit "free" urls this was my final effort

12th Nov 2004, 20:01
i can see that desk for sale on ebay soon

EGCC Rwy 24
12th Nov 2004, 20:07

Any objections to me pinching a copy of that for my site?


bagpuss lives
12th Nov 2004, 23:30
It won't just be the desk that'll be on e-bay.

The radar tube should be on there soon enough too now we have Node-L(M).

Followed in 4 years time, by the rest of the ops room's contents including the stained carpet tiles, that rather snazzy blue bouncy chair, the annoying back mesh chairs that make your backside look like it's been beaten with a collander and do a mighty fine impression of the James Bond ejector seat (or is that wishful thinking?), and a couple of Watch Managers :)

14th Nov 2004, 16:10
At least THIS link works...
Thanks Mods:ok: :ok:

bagpuss lives
14th Nov 2004, 16:19
Indeed, and what a grand and mighty sight it is too :)

PPRuNe Radar
14th Nov 2004, 16:22
I presume that was taken during one of it's busy days ?? :)

bagpuss lives
14th Nov 2004, 16:24
Everyday was a busy day on P9 - as I'm sure the military are finding out now....maybe *cough*

14th Nov 2004, 17:04
I can't remember just when I took it, but NF's post had been on Pprune for a couple of weeks. It seemed that after the photo was taken, the sign went PDQ :confused: [not guilty yer honour] It's taken me this long to post it on Pprune [even though I'v been a Webshots member for 5 years...muppet:mad: ]

Whipping Boy's SATCO
15th Nov 2004, 12:31
and there was me thinking the military were only taking the task on a temporary basis ..................... :suspect: