View Full Version : NATS 94 course reunion

12th Nov 2004, 17:24
It's been discussed amongst a few of us about a reunion to celebrate the 10 year anniversary of getting together at Highfield for the start of no.94 course.

If any members of the course (whether you were there at the start/finish/middle or, successfully made it through all three), then you can PM me for details or those still in NATS, check your internal e-mail, there should be something there for you as well - if your details could be found!

Look forward to a good catch-up, no doubt with a generous helping of liquid refreshment to trigger those memories :}

12th Nov 2004, 18:11
What if you are a god fearing teetotaller who doesn't believe in going out on the pi$$, drinking a skinfull, and getting accused of smelling worse the morning after than the CATC staff first XI beer drinking uber champion!!!! (Mentioning no names!!!)

What if you have put those days of drink induced John Travolta in the Zoo night club behind you?? If you have only foggy reccollections of forcing a packet of resolve into a can of coke in the smoking room whilst trying to get through 20 marlboros convinced it will make you feel better in the 10 minutes remaining before a radar run??

And surely there will be no repeat of the graduation at the Dormy's fight a night theme!!!!

I hope the weekend will be an opportunity for quiet prayer and reflection with perhaps some meditation and chanting thrown in??

If so count me in!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

12th Nov 2004, 21:33
If that's your thing Boro, I'm sure we can sort something out.

Somehow, I think it's not....... :)