View Full Version : Medical Requirements

10th Nov 2004, 21:22
My son is expressing an interest in becoming a civilian ATCO (mustn't like my nice blue uniform!) and I would like to know whether the medical requirements for new entrants have restrictions for those with diabetes. Is there a catch-all standard or is each case taken on its merits?

Any help, either as a reply here or by private message would be appreciated.

Chilli Monster
10th Nov 2004, 21:35
He'll have to pass a Class 1 medical at Gatwick - the Diabetes may cause problems.

The best thing to do is ring the medical dept - numbers available under medical at http://www.srg.caa.co.uk . You'll find them extremely helpful.

11th Nov 2004, 12:02

He is obviously unaware of the cushy life you have and of all the time you get off whilst wearing that blue suit of yours (or was that benefits of being IC Rosters?)!!

Tee Hee ;)

All the best matey


11th Nov 2004, 20:44

Thanks for that, we'll definitely give them a ring and put any useful gen here in case anyone else is affected.


Time off is spelt 'T-I-M-F-E-O-F-F' . What do you mean, there's no eff in time off? Oh yes, that's right after all! Mind you, roll on February! :cool:
