View Full Version : Pay for CRAirways or Heli HongKong

10th Nov 2004, 04:44
Anyone know what the starting pay(Capt. or F/O) would be at CR Airways or the new airline Heli HongKong will be starting next year? What plane will Heli HongKong be starting with?

10th Nov 2004, 07:27
Check this out


think you can get the info from these two sites


10th Nov 2004, 15:28
The website for HeliHongKong only says they will fly a 70 seat aircraft. I assume that it will be the CRJ700 but maybe it will be the new Embraer170? Also both companies say when you send in your resume state your desired salary? Anyone know what CRAirways is paying F/O's. It's hard to figure what the salary will be since there are no companies in HK like this to compare it to.

Left Wing
13th Nov 2004, 05:55
Heli HK seem quite eager to get low time pilots, so I presume the pay is not too good.