View Full Version : overweight CC

8th Nov 2004, 04:01
Just curious,
I'm a size 12 and within the healthyweight range and wanting to apply to some of the middle eastern airlines-Qatar, Emirates, Gulf etc. I just wanted to know how strict they are on weight, are we supposed to look like supermodels, because that is what some people are telling me?! Also heard the same about Virgin Blue, Ive never seen anyone over a size 10!

8th Nov 2004, 04:33
The airlines you mentioned are ruthless regarding
weight and age.

Virgin blue (AU) have been known to have taken some older crew in the 35 - 45 range in the last year.
However the weight issue seems to remain.

8th Nov 2004, 07:28
Dr Phil is right - there is one DJ girl I've seen around Perth who is definitely more than a 12 - but always smiling! So if you are what they are looking for & healthy I don't see why it should be a problem....

Good luck!


8th Nov 2004, 17:55
BA certainly dont discriminate but isnt size 12 normal anyway over here?

8th Nov 2004, 18:42
The "new" size 12 is about equivalent to the "old " size 14 - clothing manufacturers have been gradually increasing the size of women's sizes for years....:(

9th Nov 2004, 06:14
I operated the LGW with Emirates yesterday and one of the girls who we will call thunder thighs was so big she would have been more suited to working on the docks !!!!

Emirates is not that bad they just want your height in proportion to your weight.

That girl yesterday took the piss.....

Wondered why the Capt took so long getting the nose up....

9th Nov 2004, 08:49
well scott, i hope that the poor girl on lgw yesterday is not reading this as i am sure that she will probably feel very hurt.
emirates have a grooming team who will take you aside and tell you if they feel that you have gained too much weight, i am sure that this must feel bad enough without writing about her on an international website! (It would be easy to identify the girl mentioned from your comments)

emirates like you to weigh in the normal BMI range. One of my batchmates at EK was ordered to gain weight because her BMI was in the underweight range. So it does work both ways!
At the end of the day I think that all airlines want people who are healthy and flatter the uniform, so amongthestars I'm sure that a size 12 will be just fine! Well it must be cos that's my size too and I work for EK and sit right in the middle of the ideal weight for my height range. Good luck and be healthy!

10th Nov 2004, 05:13
hi all.

this is an issue close to my (and Im sure lots of others) heart.

I am about a size 14 australian, and I didnt think I had a chance of getting at flight attendant job, but i recently went for an assessment day for Qantas and got to the second round, but couldnt make it to the interview.

In Australia we have strict anti discrimination laws, but as already mentioned here, the Middle Eastern airlines do not. In the open days for Emirates I have heard that they weigh and measure you and if you are too 'fat' or too thin even, you will be sent home before you even have a chance of a group interview.

amongthestars, have you checked your BMI reading? click on this link and put in your stats, and it will tell you how you rate on the BMI chart. www.cdc.gov/nccdphp/dnpa/bmi/

I am working hard at getting my fitness up at the moment, (and trying to lose weight) not only because I want to be a flight attendant, but also because I want to feel happy with myself.

Really, it shouldnt be about what you weigh, but what you are like as a person.

11th Nov 2004, 19:52
Obviously a sense of humour failure somewhere... as is common in Emirates!

My point was the ideal hostie image doesn't exist. And it works for male as well of females.... one of the lads from my batch is 6'3" and is nearly sixteen stone.

Didnt mean to provoke offence was just making a point....

Thats me with a grooming report when we fly together then?

11th Nov 2004, 21:53
I have an interview with Virgin on the 25th and have the same deliema as yourself, I'm about a 10 - 12 and am fearing turning up on the day to find myself amoungst the most beautiful looking women 18, blonde, big boobs and small waists!
Will go anyway and let you know how far I get. If airlines go entirely on looks that they bring a whole new meaning to the 'trolly dolly' label.

12th Nov 2004, 20:42
Of course it is a well known fact that thin people can do the job better than FAT ones..... NOT!!!!!#

and as for the remark " I wondered why the Capt took so long to get the nose up"
it was probably due to the fact that the fat knacker captain was sat next to his fat knacker first officer who do nothing more than eat eat eat eat eat all flight long!!

Get a reality check.. the world is full of many types of people... ie fat , slim ,tall, short ,kind, nasty so why then should this not be refelcted in the flight attendant community?

Answers on a post card to........

Now that I have calmed down..

I have worked for a number of airlines where size, shape etc do not matter what we want is PERSONALITY, HUMOUR,KINDNESS, and a sense of PRIDE representing the company you work for....

And whilst these qualities may not be prevalent in "certain" majors because their"staff" have nice hair bodies etc etc etc they cant normally deal with the real issues onboard and ultimately the pasasenger whilst"ogling" the goods still end up pi$$£d off.

So then Fly fat and friendly with airlines that can deliver!!!!

Lord Daddy Flash
13th Nov 2004, 20:36
Unfortunately 'image' is a factor in this industry however, having gone through Virgin Atlantic selection and training recently (well, about a year ago), they are far more interested in personality and someone who can maintain the safety of the aircraft, crew and pax.

Paris Flyer - just be yourself. They weren't all '18, blonde, big boobs and small waists' at the selection interview, if they were and had no personality, they didn't stand a chance.

Dr Phil - totally correct, but the bigger crew are usually seniors that have been there years and have let themselves go, eating several pax meals per flight... Sorry, but true.


14th Nov 2004, 09:03
and even better news, i was offered virgin atlantic at size 12 too! woo hoo.:ok:

...and scott warnwick i\'m onto you!

just kidding, i am not going to go and tell anybody at ek who you are, as i really don\'t care! there\'s no need to accuse me of not having a sense of humour just because i want to reassure somebody and make them feel better!

chill out ;)

19th Nov 2004, 05:19

20th Nov 2004, 04:46
Either way I have decided to start a new diet. I am 167cm and I weigh 68kg. My goal weight is 55kg, but maybe a bit more, now that Etihad is coming in January. Heres hoping that my Qantas interview goes well and I get a job with them. Even then, I think those shiny Morrissey dresses are really unflattering unless you have a body like Paris Hilton!

20th Nov 2004, 07:21
At the risk of getting shouted down for intruding in a forum area that I am not qualified to be in (not being cabin crew I mean), may I offer my experience to you:

I have lost 30kg this year and over 28cm (almost 12 inches) off my waist through nothing more than eating the right food and doing a little more exercise than I used to, but nothing extraordinary.

I won't bore you with details right now unless you're interested. Either PM me or reply to this thread and I'll get back to you.

I have not paid a cent to ANY diet company or multi-level-marketing company *cough*Herbalife*cough*, and I am not looking at making any money out of sharing with you here, I only raise it out of pride in my accomplishment and a desire to share with anyone else interested in getting their body back.

