View Full Version : Documentary

6th Nov 2004, 09:02
I saw a BBC documentary on the accident that occurred in Linate, Milan on the 08 Oct 2001 whilst on a safety management course. Does anybody know where I can get a copy of that documentary? Unfortunately the BBC does not have it on their selling list.

Many thanks

Proceed As Cleared
6th Nov 2004, 11:53
Are you sure it is a documentary produced by the Beeb?

Had a look through their website and on "BBC documentary". Didn't find anything.

What's the title of the doc?

6th Nov 2004, 12:09
UKTV showed a documentary a few weeks ago called "Crowded Skies". I think it was shown on the BBC a few years ago, but I don't think it was a BBC production.

Proceed As Cleared
6th Nov 2004, 12:33

It must be "Crowded Skies" episode 2 "Danger on the Ground".

Can be purchased here http://www.bbcstudies.com/asp/catalogue/productdetail.asp?productcode=21085 for flippin' £495 (for all three episodes).

The African Dude
6th Nov 2004, 12:35
It had better come with a DVD player (or VCR :} ) and a new TV for that price!!! :ugh:

6th Nov 2004, 19:02
National Geographic Channel is showing Air Crash Investigation on several nights during the week and I think one of those is about the Linate accident.