View Full Version : STAR phraseology

Father Jack
19th Jul 2001, 19:33
Can anyone tell me what phraseology various units use when they are taking aircraft off a STAR to give them vectors for an approach procedure?



2 six 4
20th Jul 2001, 02:48
errr .. turn right heading xxx

Scott Voigt
20th Jul 2001, 09:09
What two 6 four said... We just give a vector or procede direct XXX...


Father Jack
20th Jul 2001, 10:17
I should have been more specific:

Technically aircraft will have been given a clearance to proceed on the STAR. Does this clearance have to be cancelled or amended?

Do units tell aircraft that they are now getting vectors for an ILS approach, considering there is a requirement to do that if there was no STAR published?




20th Jul 2001, 21:48
Same at Heathrow - we just tell them a heading to fly and no mention is made of the STAR. We've no idea if the a/c has been on a STAR as they often arrive at the clearance limit from radar headings rather than the STAR routes.... although one imagines they would have been cleared on a STAR at some stage. Yonks ago every a/c was told "radar to the ILS, etc", but now we don't mention anything about the landing procedure except to the extremely rare SVFR inbound or if something changes after the latest ATIS broadcast..

20th Jul 2001, 22:05
Fr. Jack...

In the LTMA all the STARS end at a holding fix, e.g. TIMBA2B ends in the hold at TIMBA. Unless instructed otherwise that's the clearance limit.

When it's time to leave the hold, we say for example "cancel the hold at TIMBA, fly heading XXX, speed XXX etc etc"

Again using the TIMBA2B example, LYDD (Sector 17!!) will give the SID usually on first contact after PARIS/RIEMS often followed by Radar vectors, for separation from other traffic, towards BEXIL


hope this helps

Rgds BEX

It's a Joke
21st Jul 2001, 00:05
I could have sworn that STAR phraseology must use "twinkle twinkle" in it somewhere ?????

:D :D :D :D :D :D

21st Jul 2001, 03:57
How you doing bud?
As above from my experience the STAR takes you to the arrival holding fix. If the STAR includes the routeing to self establish the ILS/Approach procedure in the Land of Sand, I would guess that you have to cancel the STAR and state how you are going to get them there instead,ie Vectoring for an ILS approach or whatever.

Father Jack
21st Jul 2001, 10:08
I did think that the LTMA STARs ended at the hold, but thanks for the info.
Buzz has got it spot on, so does anyone else out there have STARs ending at the start of the approach procedure?

Thanks for the help.


21st Jul 2001, 18:58
We just say " Turn right or left heading ??? radar vectoring........

Warped Factor
21st Jul 2001, 20:03

Someone had better remind Alitalia and Air France that the STARS end at the hold.

If anyone forgets to say "hold at wherever", they just leave the beacon doing their own thing...... :eek:


21st Jul 2001, 21:29
Alitalia Words Twice Airlines you mean! Ever wondered why you often have to EVERYTHING twice to Alitalia crews? Yeah I did too, until I met an MD80 driver in Rome.

Apparently they have difficulty with the "English" accent, not the words, just the accent! Curious because many of my colleagues have Irish and Scots accents and have the same trouble. "Whaata mistakaa to maka!"

Seriously though, if somebody babbled away to me in Italian I doubt very much wether I'd have any idea what they were on about.

Rgds BEX