View Full Version : The Application Mins vs. Interview Mins

4th Nov 2004, 23:18
I talked to Carol de la Harpe last week (nice lady) and she explained that the internet requirements ( SO 1000TT etc. and FO 3000TT-1000turbine) are mins to recieve an APPLICATION, however the mins to be selected for an interview are just a bit more srtict. SO (consideration for interview) is that of the FO APPLICATION min, 3000TT and 1000 turbine. Im not sure what the interview mins are for FO. My question is (long winded), Does the CAD or insurance require by law the SO to have 3000TT and 1000 turbine and so forth or is this just their way to screen for more experienced pilots? Are these subjective mins are lawful mins? Curious. Thanks for your time.

6th Nov 2004, 01:01
they are subjective as you put it, not leagal mins, It is purley a case of supply and demand, im afraid that although demand is high the supply is massive at the moment.

Best of luck