View Full Version : Killing Time in Japan??

connection fee
4th Nov 2004, 00:31
I have not been to Narita before and arive on a wednesday at 3pm and out again at 9:30pm that night, I have been told that Narita is in the middle of no where and the best thing to do is hang out at the airport. Does anyone have any suggestion of a good time there for a few hours? PS I will be a pax and on a budget.


The Riddler
4th Nov 2004, 05:06
Well NRT can be light on in keeping one amused however here are some suggetions,

Transport: It will take you 20mins by bus from the Airport.

Daylight hours: If you want to stretch your legs and get some fresh air Naritasan Temple. The gardens are amazing.

Food: Lots of great places to eat and most pretty cheap. Look for the Sprial stairs leading up to Cafe Bon. (Standing at the bottom of the first set of stairs, facing the temple walk to your right about 100m).

Great food all you can eat plus a 750ml beer, at a set price of 1800yen.

Beer: The Barge Inn or Flyers bar has a certain feel to it

Enjoy! :ok:

connection fee
4th Nov 2004, 14:32
Thanks Riddler, sounds like a good plan, is there anywhere inparticular where to find the bus? Is it the 'normal' bus into town?

I heard its a hour train ride @ approx$40USD each way into town, can anybody confirm this?

CF :ok:

5th Nov 2004, 00:24
There are trains that run from both terminals into Narita town which is only 1 or 2 stops from the airport, if you want to go into Tokyo city then its about 1 to 1 1/2 hours by train and costs anything from 1000 yen up depending on which line you are on. I think the "KESEI" line is the cheapest.
I think the best option is to head down to the "Barge" in Narita town for a curry and a few beers. Enjoy.

6th Nov 2004, 16:23
If you've never been to Japan, then definately go to Tokyo and hang out in Shinjiku or Shibuya. Then you can get the "BladeRunner" experience of being in Japan. The KESEI line takes 1.5 hours and it's 1000 yen, but there's a super express that's 3000 yen and it takes 45 minutes...if you have the cash take the super express. 6.5 hrs layover gives you about 2-3 hrs hang out time in Tokyo. Well worth the effort.

If it were me, I would head to my favorite sushi place in Ikekuburo and then hang out with family friends in Ginza.
Also, you might want to check out the Sapporo beer museum. Sapporo beer is only 200-300 yen and it comes in a good size glass. Also, Tokyo City Hall observation lounge has the best view of Tokyo and it's free! Roponngi Hills at night has an increadible view of Tokyo as well.

Load up on the Sake, Sushi and Sex....that's what makes Tokyo such a cool city. Buy the Lonely Planet Tokyo book...it's a good start for tourist.

6th Nov 2004, 16:51
I'm with SKJ.

If you have never been to Tokyo, 6 hours is probably too short given the distance from Narita Airport and the language barrier. The train to Narita village is only 20 minutes max and you can still sample Japanese food and of course the beer and whatever else takes your fancy.

If you are still determined to get to Tokyo, the KESEI line is OK, but the NARITA EXPRESS is quickest at around 50 minutes to Shinagawa, Ikebukuro, Shinjuku. But it's around JPY 3100 each way. Get the tickets after clearing customs in the arrivals hall - JR Rail.


fire wall
7th Nov 2004, 02:52
Granted the barge is a good place to get rid of a thirst but if a curry in japan is not your cup of tea then try the sushimi bar next door to the barge (on the rhs as you face the barge inn).....some of the best sashimi I have tasted and by Japanese standards it is reasonably priced.

connection fee
8th Nov 2004, 16:01
Thanks every body for your tips.
