View Full Version : Medical Questionnaire

3rd Nov 2004, 21:20
I need to refill out my Britannia application anyway - I originally ticked no on all the medical questions but thinking about it I should probably have ticked yes for one of them..

..yes so back to the point Rach - I'm just a tad concerned

I should of ticked yes (to menstrul problems - I won't go into detail here) - I have thyroid dysfunction and they think it may be linked to that - and also I'm on anti depressants

will this be a disadvantage to me? should I just not bother and stick to the ground crew opion?

4th Nov 2004, 08:25
just tick no otherwise you'll probably be creating a hole for yourself, i dont know whether that will cause you a problem to fly or not, im guessing not but if you say your on anti depressants for whatever reason they may think your a liabilty, they will only contact your doctor if they think they have a reason to i wouldnt bother

4th Nov 2004, 11:42
FlyBlue I thought the medical bit was pretty much specific to pilots and things.

sorry :O

4th Nov 2004, 12:59
Rachie, I am not medically qualified but I do know about the life of a Flight Attendant. (pretty much the same goes for pilots of course)
It's often lonely and it can be very stressful & exhausting. Both physically and mentally. Because of the unusual hours it's hard to maintain friendships with normal people and it can be deadly to a romatic relationship with any but the most understanding and forgiving of partners.

If you are already on antidepressants, I believe you should seriously consider if being an FA is what would suit your current circumstances. Apart from posting on PPRuNe, which migth sollicit some very useful reactions, have you thought of discussing this with your GP or a mental health professional?

Also, not filling out an application form truthfully could come back to haunt you later on.

Good luck anyway! :ok:

4th Nov 2004, 19:45
Thanks for moving this..

I'm on anti depressents mainly for stress, college is quite pissy to say the least and it's all related to that - everything else I have going on is fine

Also they help with the tiredness from the thyroid dysfunction

My other half isn't too keen on the idea of me being cc anyway, but we're 400 miles away from each other for 7 weeks out of 8 :(

5th Nov 2004, 06:51
I had a problem with my Thyorid a while ago. I got the suggestion from the AME to get rid of the dead thing and take substitude instead. I was not on medication before and did not feel anything that the Thyorid was the cause. Go and ask for another opinion with another Doctor, I would choose one Aviation related and one not, so You can make up your mind and then decide what you want to do. The Anti-Depressivum sounds too odd to use in the long term.
I would like to give you more information but I guess the issue is too sensible here in the public. At the end of the day you have to know what you want and how mental stable you are yourself. I check my PM from time to time if you need more insight.


5th Nov 2004, 22:06
Thyroxine? Yeah I take that.. I'm not sure if the Anti Depressants actually have that much effect on my mood, it makes me not want to stab myself with my pen as much as I usually would :} :p

They're a 'wakey up' type, that you're supposed to take on a morning so I guess thats why they help with the tiredness - thats not why they've been prescribed, it's just my take on it

am I making any sense? - no.. didn't think so