View Full Version : Metro23 F/O time - useful?

3rd Nov 2004, 00:44
Hi all,

I have just got my CPL and have 75 hours command. I have the opportunity to do a cadetship here in Australia which (after all the training) guarantees me 12 months (approx 600-800 hrs) employment as an F/O on Metro 3/23 aircraft. I have a great desire to fly in the US of A and my question is this...

Would these hours put me in a good position to get a job in the US? bearing in mind that I will prob only get another 50 hours PIC time during the initial training and the rest will be as F/O?

Thanks in advance,


4th Nov 2004, 18:56
Twin turbine time is the best kind of time.

Even better if it's command.

Even better if it's a transport turbine.

But it's all valuable.

Good luck!

12th Nov 2004, 23:34
You'll need a green card to work in the US.
Lots of low paying regional jobsthat need to be filled. Some make you work for free during training. Anotherwords no paycheck until you hit the line.