View Full Version : Air Asia interview help

2nd Nov 2004, 16:44
I'm expecting a call frm Air Asia for an interview and i suppose,a sim ride. I'm FOF (fresh of flite school!!!!), and would appreciate it if some1 could PM regarding PPPPP (PRIOR PREPARATION PREVENTS PISS POOR PERFORMANCE!!!)

MAS, well, no reply from them!

thanks all

3rd Nov 2004, 02:22

Good for you.... Expect a small written test on general ATPL stuff and your aptitude. After that, you might be required to play with their PS2 flight sim. You heard right, "PS2"....do one circuit and land. Then comes the interview, the guys are OK but do give them utmost respect. hint hint...

The rest will be briefed to you when you get there and, when in doubt ASK. Thats the reason they are there. But do your research on the company and the middle management (FOM, CP Safety etc..)

Have fun

Jolly flying

3rd Nov 2004, 03:57
Thank you very much, ps2 as sim check eh?

fingers crossed now, standing by the phone.

Left Wing
3rd Nov 2004, 04:40
Had no idea PS2 had a flt sim, may be more like Microsoft flt sim.:confused: :confused: :confused:

3rd Nov 2004, 14:05
Latest i heard was that u attend an interview, some questions to answer, use the ps2, and if u r shortlisted, u will have to attend another simulator session in MFA malacca, basic IR flying, tracking, sector entries etc.........

Well, good luck to u and hope that all goes well....
Fly safe, guys and gals.......:cool:

3rd Nov 2004, 19:26
ok, this is all good stuff...... wonder why MFA malacca tho uh?