View Full Version : IFATCA 2005 - Melbourne Australia

Open Mike
1st Nov 2004, 04:14
http://www.ifatca2005.com/images/IFATCA2005_sm.jpg (http://www.ifatca2005.com)

An Invitation to all IFATCA colleagues.

IFATCA 2005 (http://www.ifatca2005.com) is to be held in Melbourne Australia, hosted by CivilAir Australia (http://www.civilair.asn.au), the Australian Air Traffic Control Association. Our special IFATCA2005.com (http://www.ifatca2005.com) website is up and running, where you will find all the information you require, including online registration, online booking for accomodation, conference information and tour and travel information.

Log on, have a look and register early. If you require further information after looking at the website drop an email to the IFATCA2005 coordinator ([email protected]) or follow the contact links on the site. There is even an online forum for the conference located here. (http://www.civilair.asn.au/cgi-bin/yabb/YaBB.pl?board=ifatca)

See you in Melbourne 17-22 April 2005!

Paul Willett ([email protected])
Website Administrator for CivilAir (http://www.civilair.asn.au) & IFATCA 2005 Melbourne (http://www.ifatca2005.com)
http://www.civilair.asn.au/images/yabblogoca.gif (http://www.civilair.asn.au)

Scott Voigt
1st Nov 2004, 04:34
Most excelent... I'm hoping that I can make it this year. Time will tell...



1st Nov 2004, 09:39
Most excelent.

Scott, your other name isn't Bill or Ted is it? You'd have an excelent adventure in Oz, I can guarantee.

So party on dudes, and get yourself to Melbourne. We Aussies will show you a good time. (And we'll teach ya how to speak propa english, mate.)


Scott Voigt
2nd Nov 2004, 00:52

According to some of my friends in the UK, after having spoken "American" for so many years, there is NO HOPE for me to speak propper English <G>... Not even Henry Higgens could help... I hope that I get the green light to come and be part of the procedings...

