View Full Version : Eyesight correction

You Gimboid
31st Oct 2004, 22:42
Why does the CAA not accept laser treatment as a valid corection for short-sightedness?

Surely if it corrects your vision, it corrects your vision? Why discriminate between contact lenses and specs against laser treatment?

Would anyone know the answer to this?

31st Oct 2004, 23:51
Actually they do not discriminate against surgery.

They allow it with some caveats. What they do though is that they will not accept people if they needed surgery to bring them within acceptable correction limits.


1st Nov 2004, 12:31
Thats correct FD - if you were already outside the limit anyway, then your stuck I am afraid. Having LASIK can also limit your night vision, causing blurred vision after dark - it is a big risk too, one which you should think about a lot.



2nd Nov 2004, 01:19
Hey dude

Yeah poxy rule eh? I am in the same boat but am trying eye excercises to bring down my prescription down. If you are between -5.00 and -7.00 you may get a class 1 with deviation. they do it for short sightedness but not long sightedness. Not good for me but may be good for you.....


PS do asearch under devaition and you'll get all the info

You Gimboid
5th Nov 2004, 16:04
Thanks everyone.

I am only -1.25 R / -1.5L which whilst not drastic still necessitates glasses/contact lenses but I think it would require minimal surgery. From searching this site it appears that the CAA will still insist on a minimum of 3 months loss of medical.

Or have things moved on from 2000 when I did my initial class 1?

5th Nov 2004, 16:47
3 months, i was told at my classI renewal that you are grounded for a year, until your eyes are rechecked at the next medical a year after the surgery.i too am short sighted, although laser surgery seems very tempting, i was told by a nurse that, as with any procedure, complications can arrise.i for one definately dont want to jeopardise my classI.

6th Nov 2004, 13:59
I am only -1.25 R / -1.5L
You are well within class 1 limits, I really wouldnt have surgery as you are taking a major risk when you can get the proffessional medical anyway. Give the CAA a call and I am sure they will say the same.

Best regards


You Gimboid
6th Nov 2004, 23:26
Thanks for the replies everyone.

I think on balance it's one of those things I'd like to do, but only if I stop flying.

In the meantime I'll keep polishing up those contact lenses!

If any new information or developments occur, I hope people will use this thread to post them.

Thanks again guys!