View Full Version : Moderation of this forum; what's it all about?

yellow rocket
31st Oct 2004, 01:13
Just made my monthly visit to the Qantas London Base thread (once a month is enough) and was disappointed to see it had been closed by a Moderator.

Reading back over the thread in an effort to see what had been going on, there were some interesting and very passionate views, some rhetoric and contrast of opinions, whether informed or otherwise. Whether we agree with their views or not, there are perspectives from people in their respective frontlines wherever they may be.

In the interest of transparency, fairness, and objectivity, can Pprune please publish the code of moderation that one assumes exists and that Moderators administer threads according too.

There seems to be too much inconsistency between forums, for example, D & G Reporting Points where you can say whatever you like, as indeed it should be, vs Cabin Crew, where sometimes it seems you should only say what the Moderator thinks you should say.

Short of obscenity or threats, this forum should be free of political censorship.

31st Oct 2004, 01:37
While I must stress that this only my opinion, I doubt that there is always a clear "black and white" set of rules regarding what is moderated, edited, or deleated on virtually any public forum, here or elsewhere. While one may feel that all forums should go untouched, that will probably never happen -- and I for one am happy that they ARE moderated. There are a few other forums (not on PPRuNe) which I belong to where flaming has not just been a way of life, but has actually gone far beyond flaming and any concept of decency. If someone is looking for more information on a "touchy subject" it is often more effective to "back channel" that info -- and if not more efficient, it seems safer from Corporate eyes. Lastly, while we may deplore censorship we have no right expect that these forums go unedited -- unless you are a fully supporting member (financially) which allows this server to operate.


CC Forum Moderators
31st Oct 2004, 10:23
For yellow rocket and all other PPRuNers interested in the why and how of forum moderating, here are
The Ten Thingies of PPRuNe:

When you signed up for PPRuNe you clicked the accept button and agreed to the following;

Considering the real-time nature of this bulletin board, it is impossible for us to review
messages or confirm the validity of information posted. Please remember that we at do not actively monitor the contents of and are not responsible for any messages posted. We do not vouch for or warrant the accuracy, completeness or usefulness of any message, and are not responsible for the contents of any message. The messages express the views of the author of the message, not necessarily the views of this BB or any entity associated with this BB. Any user who feels that a posted message is objectionable is encouraged to contact us immediately by email. We have the ability to remove objectionable messages and we will make every effort to do so, within a reasonable time frame, if we determine that removal is necessary. This is a manual process, however, so please realize that we may not be able to remove or edit particular messages immediately.
You agree, through your use of this service, that you will not use this BB to post any material which is knowingly false and/or defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, vulgar, hateful, harassing, obscene, profane, sexually oriented, threatening, invasive of a person's privacy, or otherwise violative of any law. You agree not to post any copyrighted material unless the copyright is owned by you or by this BB.
Although this BB does not and cannot review the messages posted and is not responsible for the content of any of these messages, we at this BB reserve the right to delete any message for any or no reason whatsoever. You remain solely responsible for the content of your messages, and you agree to indemnify and hold harmless this BB, Madrona Park, Inc. (the makers of the bulletin board software), and their agents with respect to any claim based upon transmission of your message(s).
We at this BB also reserve the right to reveal your identity (or whatever information we know about you) in the event of a complaint or legal action arising from any message posted by you.
Please note that advertisements, chain letters, pyramid schemes, and solicitations are inappropriate on this BB.

The moderators will decide what, when and where is appropriate as far as posts are concerned. This BB is run as fairly as is possible, but, given the ethical and legal responsibilities demanded it is NOT a democracy and does not respond well to demands for this or that ‘right’ especially when it violates another’s ‘right’.

We assume that PPRuNers are grown-ups capable of reading the newspapers for information publicly available and do not need to be fed an hourly diet of "news" items.
If they are PPRuNing then they are capable of accessing the Internet news services for this purpose, if they are too lazy to do so then it is their loss but not our responsibility. Apart from all of the foregoing it consumes bandwidth and makes it all run slower than it needs be.
If it is felt necessary to point to a worthy news item then a LINK to it will suffice AND will not therefore violate the principle of copyright belonging to the originator or consume PPRuNe bandwidth.
Any “news” items posted forthwith without attribution to the originator will be deleted.

Hijacking of threads is a pain. Moderators must police this as vigorously as is possible.
Individual PPRuNers have the right to pursue a thread subject without it being hijacked to some other agenda.
Spamming of the forum by an individual with ‘interesting’ news and views, albeit well intentioned, actually has the opposite effect and inhibits full and free participation

Some feel compelled to have “absolutely the last word” or “be vindicated” on a thread topic regardless of other posters views. This causes threads to become long and tediously repetitious and WILL cause its premature closure to the detriment of others.
We provide a forum for the exchange of rumour, news and views of matters aviation NOT a venue for the imposition of personal agenda. We will not tolerate this violation of individual rights.
We are the friend of EVERY PPRuNer equally on this forum without fear or favour, as we should be with each other, unless they breach the bounds of decency and civility. A difference of opinion in civilized company should not necessarily invoke or provoke instant hostility.
We are, like many, a little tired of the “if you cant see the rightness of my argument then I feel sorry for you, because I am trying to help you ” routine, and the “If you don’t agree with me you mst be an idiot/management/scab” has grown old as well. PPRuNe has no intention of allowing a brain-cell-challenged minority to derail important debates. Argue your point on the various issues in a civilized manner, accept that there may be different views from yours, and get on with it. Attack the argument and not the person. We will all then, at the very least learn something beyond mere polemics.

Thread subjects outside matters which do not fit the CC forum will be sent elsewhere to an appropriate forum or deleted. This is an aviation forum for and frequented by, we hope, responsible adult professional flight attendants and the threads here will reflect that.

Whilst the motivation may be well intentioned, it is the moderators’ NOT individual PPRuNers task to chide or otherwise bring into line, errant posters if it is necessary to do so.
Threads originated to plead with fellow PPRuNers to lay off are self-fulfilling prophesies in attracting further examples of that for which they plead. They are not relevant, raise the moderator workload and will be deleted.

We moderate this forum as a service to fellow PPRuNers and to help P1 aka the esteemed Danny Fyne keep this whole wonderful thing the right way up. It takes valuable time and effort, given ungrudgingly, but time and effort nonetheless.
We are just people, with aviation jobs and families; a busy life that extends well beyond the boundaries of this forum. We have volunteered (been press ganged) into continuing to moderate this forum. It would be very easy to just pull the plug, but Danny has agreed that whilst we keep it under control it can continue. We will continue to do so only whilst it is worthwhile.

FYI, and we don’t think we’ll have to kill you by telling you this but, we are 4 people dedicated to moderating this forum and bringing a broader perspective to the Flight Attendant community world wide and all for YOUR benefit.

There is no one individual bigger than us PPRuNers collectively, expect perhaps P1. ;)
These are the Ten Thingy’s of PPRuNe for the moment.

1st Nov 2004, 16:23
...and if anyone has a problem with the way the moderators apply their editorial control over the forums that they put so much time and effort to look after on my behalf, then I will just apply my own personal rules and methods - which give a lot less feedback.

PPRuNe is not a free speech site. Never has been and never will be. It is MY site and I allow discussion of many aviation and even a few non aviation related topics. If I don't like something then I reserve the right to move it, delete it or edit it. PPRuNe membership now numbers over 80,000 people and is a testament the fact that neither I nor my moderators actually edit anyones post except to remove anything that is likely to cause PPRuNe harm, and rarely so at that.

Each forum is given autonomy by me for the moderators to control as they see fit. They work to a loose set of guidelines and in the case of this and a few other forums they are published as you can see above. Personally, I am not as kind and forgiving as the moderators of this and some other forums. I prefer to just wade in and if I find something is out of place or just a total waste of my and in my opinion the rest of the readerships time I will even just delete it. Anyone who has taken the time to type a long post whose content was maybe a rant or an attack or whatever, but was either a divergence from the topic or just a repeat of what had been mentioned earlier my have noticed that their handiwork had just disappeared. If so, it was probably because I decided that it wasn't worthy of a place on PPRuNe. Normally, I try to wait a bit and see if there is any merit on something before I delete a post, especially if it is obviously someone who is new to the forums. In the case of old time regulars, there is much less leeway. Funny thing though, most of the old regulars soon realise that their diatribes, if not suitable for PPRuNe, are removed and the lesson is learnt.

Anyway, enough of my 'hot air'. Each forum is moderated by one or more moderators who have been chose for their intellect, expertise and common sense. They provide their time and effort as volunteers as and when they can find the time to do so. There are always a few posters who either are not aware of this or choose to ignore the reality of the facts that this is a private website where editorial control is applied to a certain although limited extent. All I ask is that the posters and readers remain aware that the reason this website is still so popular amongst those of us who work in the industry is because of the dedicated moderation that prevents it all becoming one big flame war. If you are not happy with any aspects of the moderation, I suggest you use the 'Contact Us' link at the bottom of every page on PPRuNe or the 'Report this post' link on every post to make your views known and we will endeavour to see what can be done.