View Full Version : ATCA Interview - What will they ask?

28th Oct 2004, 14:17

Ive got an interview for the role of ATCA. I was just wondering if anyone would know what sort of questions they are likely to ask?
I don't think for one minute it will be anything like the ATCO type interview questions but I would like to go prepared just incase. If anyone has had an interview to be an ATCA or you know what to expect I would really appreciate your advice. Thanks.

bagpuss lives
28th Oct 2004, 22:36
An awful lot will depend on whether it's an aerodrome or an Area ATSA post you're applying for? :)

ATSA interviews are something I've had a little to do with in a previous "life" :)

Generally be prepared for questions pertaining to :

Team work and group dynamics
What do you think are important considerations when working in a team? What if a member of the team seemed to be struggling? Are you capable of working alone as well as part of a team? What if you came to work and one of the ATCOs smelt of booze? What are you thoughts and ideas on leadership? Do you leadership qualities?

Dealing with shifts
How will you deal with unsocial hours, family commitments etc etc?

Personal ideas and influences
What are your interests, and what is motivating you to apply for this post? What are your ambitions? Where do you see yourself in 5/10/20 years? What are your strengths and weaknesses? What are you doing to improve your weaknesses? What do people say about you when you leave the room?

Knowledge of general ATC and aviation procedures and roles
Do you know what the assistants and controllers are responsible for at the unit? Do you know how UK airspace works and is organised? Who is in charge of UK aviation policy overall? How far/high/fast do aircraft fly and how many engines/people do they have onboard? What can affect an aircraft's performance? Why might an aircraft not be able to land somewhere? What equipment do aircraft have on board that enables them to navigate / land successfully? How can an aircraft land in thick fog?

Knowledge specific to the unit in question,
Do you know what the ATCAs do here specifically? Are you aware of how the unit's airspace works / what sort of airspace it is? Are you aware of close by units and airfields? Which runways do we have? Which navaids do we have? What dictates the runway in use here? How many movements do we handle each year? How many flights do we, on average, handle per day? Where and how does the unit fit in with the bigger picture so to speak (For example, if the interview were at EGNH you could be asked how do ATC interface with other units like Manchester, Warton etc etc.) ? Who owns the airport / unit and where does it's funding come from?

Other favourites include your willingness to take responsibility (for example, if you see an aircraft fire yet cannot attract a controllers attention, will you activate the crash alarm yourself, and what do you think the future holds for aviation and air traffic control (Think traffic levels. Think automation?) The answer is yes of course) and probably lots of others things that I've forgotten, thankfully :)

Don't just think about technical issues. Think about yourself too. Be enthusiastic, be knowledgeable and be presentable and you won't go far wrong :)

29th Oct 2004, 09:39
Thankyou for that information. That will be very useful when preparing. Thanks for going to the trouble to reply.

bagpuss lives
29th Oct 2004, 20:59
My pleasure. Good luck :ok: