View Full Version : Accommodation to rent in Bournemouth

1st Jul 2001, 22:16
I am due to start at the college in July and would like to rent a 2 (ish) bed house (pref unfurnished) from August. I have received the accommodation list, but was wondering if anyone out there knows of a place to rent that may be coming up, or even if you could recommend an area to look.

It needs to be a seagull free zone as I can't stand the blighters!!


Co ordination unaffected
1st Jul 2001, 22:34

We rented a place in christchurch through homecare residental letting, but I don't know if they'll have anything suitable available.
Otherwise it's Westby Road with the rest of them!

Good luck

Der SimMeister
2nd Jul 2001, 02:08
When you get to CATC, you will find a notice board full of ads for accommodation to let. you should find something suitable there.

2nd Jul 2001, 15:22
Hi Bizzy - see you on Monday at the induction I guess! Drop me an email if you like so I know who to look for when we get there :)


3rd Jul 2001, 14:28
I am starting next week aswell so if you want to get in touch before hand you can use this email

[email protected]

4th Jul 2001, 15:18

Tried to e-mail you with some details, but your address is not recognised. Can you let us have a new one?


PPRuNe Radar
5th Jul 2001, 03:12
Several posts have appeared providing clues to an individuals identity, allied to possibly derogatory 'remarks' about them.

Whether it be on this Forum, or any other on PPRuNe, then this is NOT acceptable UNLESS the posters making the accusations also provide their real identities. That way we find that any legal documents can be sent straight to source and don't hassle Danny.

For those who made the posts, take this as a shot across the bows. The same principles also apply to any comments on other threads, for example allegations about NATS managers or non NATS personnel. If you can substantiate the 'rumour' about a named (or implied) individual and are willing to be held accountable for it, then we have no problem. Just make sure your details are available on your post. If you can't, then do yourselves a favour and refrain from posting gossip which could come back to haunt you.

Although we will not divulge anyones identity on PPRuNe to third parties, legal action can be taken to insist that we provide details of their service provider. From there on in, who knows what steps could potentially be taken through due legal process.

PPRuNe Radar
ATC Forum Moderator
[email protected]

wat tyler
5th Jul 2001, 19:42
PPRuNe Radar.

Thanks for the info. I can now see why 'on bended knee' is on borrowed time, but it was fun while it lasted.

The rest of you, in particular those starting at the college, I'd keep quiet about posting on PPRuNe if I were you. You never know who might overhear you.....


7th Jul 2001, 21:27
well said sirs

i as an instructor that obviously dosn't want his name spread all over the web
i agree with the above comments
and to the new students
(ha ha har fresh blood)