View Full Version : Microphone quality

1st Jul 2001, 13:37
Gents and Ladies in ATC land, a question from a pilot.

When assessing RT transmissions, the quality is reported as strength 5-1 as you know. I am curious to know (and can't remember) whether this assessment includes the clarity of speech, or is it just the strength of the radio transmitter.

I ask because the other day the Jersey ground controller (summer) had a very muffled microphone, as if he was talking through a sock compared to all the other users of that frequency. When I told the controller this, he asked another aircraft how he read him, and the A/C reported "5's".

Now the ground transmissions were very strong with no static, hiss, or interference, (therefore strength 5 ?), but the controllers voice was very muffled.

Do your Headset and microphones get checked for this ?.

Please advise.


[This message has been edited by Uplinker (edited 01 July 2001).]

Lap? Kok? - Chek!
1st Jul 2001, 14:12
Only by you guys....

Perhaps the correct response should be 5 x 5 (strong transmission, readability 5) or in your case, 5 x 3.
Of course the ever usable "you sound like you have your head in a bucket.." or "you sound like you are speaking thru a sock.." get the message across equally well :)

3rd Jul 2001, 13:29

5th Jul 2001, 22:32
... or as I sometimes say - tongue in cheek - in Europe, "Strength five, readability five, accent ONE!" :)

Motion coming on!