View Full Version : Manchester ATC contact

wings level
11th Dec 1999, 00:26
Are there any Manchester supervisors or Managers watching?

I need a contact with whom I can discuss a company idea with. Please reply here, or via e-mail if that is easier for you.


11th Dec 1999, 03:50
Hello wingslevel - what's the idea

wings level
11th Dec 1999, 14:13
Thanks for replying.

I fly for a regional t/prop operator who frequents Manchester. We often get revised clearances such as current “at 500’agl, turn right heading 320, climb and maintain 5000’ and then as directed” as we taxi onto the runway. The company would like to see if a standard early turn clearance could be agreed upon, such as “standard early right turn” or similar agreed phraseology. We have negotiated this at one of our other UK destinations and it seems to work well. You can probably guess the operator, but don’t want to name drop here.

Maybe you can e-mail me so I can get in contact with you to start the process.

Wings Level

13th Dec 1999, 02:19
Been advocating this for a while now ,please contact me for any help / info.How,s about raising this at the Ship next Sunday?

wings level
13th Dec 1999, 02:22
Probably away next Sun, If you e-mail me a contact number I can give you a call.
