View Full Version : A very chirpy MAN

20th Oct 2004, 08:47
Whats happening at MAN?

Everyone yesturday in the afternoon was full of the joys.

Not saying that normally they are a bunch of grumpy sods. But yesturday everyone seemed very happy with life.


bagpuss lives
20th Oct 2004, 08:56
That's B watch for you :D

Or perhaps the move up north has been cancelled, or ringfenced or sheep-penned or whatever they're calling it thesedays....

8th Nov 2004, 04:15
Not as chirpy since I left B watch!

Or am I blowing my own short trumpet hahaha.... I'm still out here watchin...

NsR ;)

Missin you Guys n Gals, but not enough to want to come back heehee

8th Nov 2004, 04:21
Hey NsR, how's it goin'? Keeping you busy are they?

bagpuss lives
8th Nov 2004, 05:06
NsR you lucky, but short, ba*****!!! :D

How are you doing over there?

And tis true, things aren't quite the same.....