View Full Version : The CATC 3

27th Nov 1999, 18:46
Any more news about what happened to the three "senior instructors" who were had up before the headmaster to explain themselves about THAT letter??? Loads of comment on this forum at the time of the hearings and now the trail has gone cold. (Is that a kangaroo in the court or are you just pleased to discipline me?)

[This message has been edited by barcode (edited 28 November 1999).]

Honey Monster
30th Nov 1999, 03:21
The CATC 3 are still waiting for the management decision. Many instructors submitted letters to the management stating that every signatory of the letter should be treated equally.

Management went ahead with the initial investigation to determine whether diciplinary action was warranted. Rumours are that "Uncle Bill" was claiming that he had not been properly briefed & seemed to be entering back pedalling mode.

The three were told that they would be informed of the outcome last week - they're still waiting.

surface wind
3rd Dec 1999, 00:30
Apparently we've got to get our oil cans out!!

granny smith
3rd Dec 1999, 01:00

15th Dec 1999, 04:08
...and the answer is ???

intentionally blank
16th Dec 1999, 03:52
maybe he (or she) means oil DRUMS... for the fires to be lit in on the picket lines?

Honey Monster
17th Dec 1999, 03:36
The 3 are still waiting. Management seem to be operating in Ostrich mode - heads buried in the sand until it goes away or everybody forgets about it.

Honey Monster
18th Dec 1999, 00:07
Management have told the three that there is no case to answer

ATC Watcher
19th Dec 1999, 00:59
The main problem when going in Ostrich mode is that it leave your backside unprotected.