View Full Version : AG meetings

28th Jun 2001, 01:30
Didn't get to any of the AG presentations doing the rounds as I was stuck in work and am now on leave for two weeks so won't get to hear what went on. Can anyone enlighten me? Cheers.

28th Jun 2001, 16:53
Ah. But they would say that wouldn't they!

gul dukat
28th Jun 2001, 17:35
Bono ..I suppose that your reply was partly tongue in cheek but why should we trust them (tag)any more than the present mob?

Father Dougal
29th Jun 2001, 04:28
Hi BV,

Have you changed your mobile number - I can't get through!!!!!!!

Bono Vox
29th Jun 2001, 05:34
Basil??????????????? That's a strange name for someone called Cybiiiiiiiiillllllllll!!!!!

29th Jun 2001, 23:46
Cheers Chaps. Pretty much sounds like they said what they wanted us to hear. N O T H I N G .

Bono Vox
1st Jul 2001, 17:16

Big Nose1
2nd Jul 2001, 04:24
The same HR guy responsible for the BA Cabin Crew dispute/stike not that long ago !?!