View Full Version : NATS Management Snooping

Snooze Vortex
27th Jun 2001, 01:15
I realise it will come as no suprise to most, however; NATS managers regularly surf this forum, presumably on the lookout for trouble makers.

Matspart3 is a suspect!

Dish the dirt with great care!

Captain Windsock
27th Jun 2001, 01:29
I bet Cheese and Ham doesn't because it's obvious he hasn't got a clue whats going on.

27th Jun 2001, 02:12
Surely in the interests of "open management" this forum should be a god send to the powers that be.

What better way could "they" have of tapping into what we, the workforce, really and truly think?

I know for a surefire FACT that the management at my unit all visit these hallowed pages regularly and that is a fact that pleases me to be honest.

Far from snooping I find it intriguing and strangely comforting that they should be so interested to discover our thoughts and feelings and that they should do it on their own free time. I find nothing here,m generally, that would constitute a "true" disciplinary offence so why should they not visit?

Sure some of us might say that a certain Chief Operations type person is slightly on another planet but I dare say, should he post here he would say the same, if not more forcefully about us lot.

All fair and square as far as I'm concerned :)

If, on the other hand, "they" threatened some sort of witch-hunt for those of us that post here (as has been threatened in more then one place I have to admit) then I would be greatly dismayed. I know that Danny and Co would never ever "betray" us in that way, as long as no laws get broken, we are all as "safe" as we want to be.

Let's not forget too. "They" have a voice and "they" can post here as well.

"Go around..I say again...go around"

27th Jun 2001, 11:16
Blimey, they're snooping on us electronically now are they? Far cry from the days when one sup used to creep around behind the radars or under the tower floor at Heathrow!!

Whipping Boy's SATCO
27th Jun 2001, 23:08
I suppose it's rather like being on a Channel 4 TV show................


Cheesy smile for the camera!

[This message has been edited by Whipping Boy's SATCO (edited 27 June 2001).]

PPRuNe Dispatcher
27th Jun 2001, 23:31
<font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" size="2">I know that Danny and Co would never ever "betray" us in that way, as long as no laws get broken, we are all as "safe" as we want to be.</font>

Absolutely true. We reply to any requests for more info. about a user with a polite "sorry, we can't help you."

But do bear in mind that some users give their true identity away by (for example) posting information that up until that point only a very few people knew. Another way of giving yourself away is to have a distinctive style with words.

---PPRuNe Dispatcher

[This message has been edited by PPRuNe Dispatcher (edited 27 June 2001).]

Bono Vox
28th Jun 2001, 00:01
Pprune Dispatcher, some people (including myself) use identifiable e-mails. For the rest who may think they are completely anonymous, I would be interested in roughly how often you get requests to reveal someone's ID? And do those requests come from people who identify themselves and, if so, is it possible for you to e-mail the person being discussed to warn them to be careful about what they say?

28th Jun 2001, 17:30
Isn't it a rather sad reflection on how out of touch regional and national management are when they have to resort to a rumour network to guage the feeling of the employees...?

And I'm sure the suggestion that they are snooping and trying to catch us out is a terrible slur on the integrity of those whom we place in such high esteem.

&lt;PHNAR PHNAR&gt; :)

28th Jun 2001, 17:55
If you are using a works PC it takes about 10mins to find out who you are and what you are looking at less than that if your doing alot of people.

We store at work 5 years of log files from the proxy server / router. There is an ethics thing in IT that you don't look but i have been in the situation when a users account kept on bring up a porn warning message. When i went to see what was going on it turned out she was think about having an abortion, thankfully i hadn't said anything before i looked at the log files. But if the managment have the knowledge and the passwords they can get what they like.


28th Jun 2001, 18:10
;) 160 speaks many a true word.
A manager who doesnt know what's going on in his own back yard and has to find out from this sort of forum out with the fairies.
It's a well known aviation fact that rank is inversely proportionate to ability, isn't it Jim? JIM? http://www.pprune.org/ubb/NonCGI/tongue.gif http://www.pprune.org/ubb/NonCGI/tongue.gif http://www.pprune.org/ubb/NonCGI/tongue.gif

It wasn't me.

29th Jun 2001, 00:12
If anyone is crazy enough to post from a NATS computer terminal then NATS management can determine a time and place for the post. up to them to play detective then.

It is all to do with a law whose name escapes me now. Privicy of data etc...Data protection act allows unlimited snooping by the bosses?

Anyway if the only way for management to guage staff morale is via a web post..........Pretty sad dont you think?

29th Jun 2001, 03:38
who is cheese and ham?

Father Dougal
29th Jun 2001, 03:48
Colin Chisholm - Our beloved Chief Executive - for now! (Those of us in NATS that is!)

29th Jun 2001, 05:04
well the whole lot goes through GCHQ so your pretty stuffed anyway if they really want to spend the money. The only problem with the data protection act is that you can only catch them if them use the data as evidence. If you miss a promotion there is no way you can prove that it is because of xyz.


1st Jul 2001, 23:30
Therefore do not post whilst at work!!!!

5th Jul 2001, 21:41
The Act that you refer to is RIPA - Regulation of Inestigatory Powers Act