View Full Version : Cathay?

12th Oct 2004, 23:09
Any info on the time it takes to be invited for an interview (or politely turned down if applicable) after sending them a resume (3340TT 830jet)? Havent flown for two years b/c of further schooling (post under-graduate), will it hurt?...I speak perfect Englsih!! How much $ for F/O salary, allowance, etc? Thanks for any help. Want a job flying again!

13th Oct 2004, 00:39
hey asher88

sorry i aint able to help but what i can recommend is to do a search under this forum. i'm pretty sure u will find the exact salary and allowances cathay pays to their F/O's......

I'm sorry.. .... i know there's ppl who can help.. where are they??


13th Oct 2004, 09:42
Busy working.

They wont tell you yah or nay just from your applic, Time to wait for an interview however can be from 5 days for the very lucky to years, there does not seem to be rhyme nor reason. Just keep updating and try to get back into a flying position no matter what it is, It is a whole lot harder to get an interview when your not currently flying, Just think if you were CX who would you wather hire, someone current and flying daily or someone whom hasnt touched a plane for years, They will also wonder about commitment etc..

In short go out get any flying job then start pushing from there.